Vladimir V. Sergeichuk
Vladimir V. Sergeichuk
Instute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine
Підтверджена електронна адреса в imath.kiev.ua - Домашня сторінка
Canonical matrices for linear matrix problems
VV Sergeichuk
Linear algebra and its applications 317 (1-3), 53-102, 2000
Canonical forms for complex matrix congruence and *congruence
RA Horn, VV Sergeichuk
Linear algebra and its applications 416 (2-3), 1010-1032, 2006
Classification problems for systems of forms and linear mappings
VV Sergeĭchuk
Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya 31 (3), 481, 1988
Complexity of matrix problems
GR Belitskii, VV Sergeichuk
Linear Algebra and its applications 361, 203-222, 2003
Congruences of a square matrix and its transpose
RA Horn, VV Sergeichuk
Linear Algebra and its Applications 389, 347-353, 2004
Tame and wild subspace problems
P Gabriel, LA Nazarova, AV Roiter, VV Sergeichuk, D Vossieck
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 45, 335-372, 1993
Canonical matrices of bilinear and sesquilinear forms
RA Horn, VV Sergeichuk
arXiv preprint arXiv:0709.2408, 2007
Simplest miniversal deformations of matrices, matrix pencils, and contragredient matrix pencils
MI Garcı́a-Planas, VV Sergeichuk
Linear Algebra and its Applications 302, 45-61, 1999
A regularization algorithm for matrices of bilinear and sesquilinear forms
RA Horn, VV Sergeichuk
Linear algebra and its applications 412 (2-3), 380-395, 2006
Application of modules over a dyad for the classification of finite p-groups possessing an abelian subgroup of index p and of pairs of mutually annihilating operators
LA Nazarova, AV Roiter, VV Sergeichuk, VM Bondarenko
Journal of Soviet Mathematics 3 (5), 636-653, 1975
Roth's solvability criteria for the matrix equations AX− XˆB= C and X− AXˆB= C over the skew field of quaternions with an involutive automorphism q↦ qˆ
V Futorny, T Klymchuk, VV Sergeichuk
Linear Algebra and its Applications 510, 246-258, 2016
Miniversal deformations of matrices of bilinear forms
AR Dmytryshyn, V Futorny, VV Sergeichuk
Linear algebra and its applications 436 (7), 2670-2700, 2012
Systems of subspaces of a unitary space
VM Bondarenko, V Futorny, T Klimchuk, VV Sergeichuk, K Yusenko
Linear Algebra and its Applications 438 (5), 2561-2573, 2013
Computation of canonical matrices for chains and cycles of linear mappings
VV Sergeichuk
Linear algebra and its applications 376, 235-263, 2004
Unitary and Euclidean representations of a quiver
VV Sergeichuk
Linear algebra and its applications 278 (1-3), 37-62, 1998
Problems of classifying associative or Lie algebras and triples of symmetric or skew-symmetric matrices are wild
G Belitskii, R Lipyanski, VV Sergeichuk
Linear algebra and its applications 407, 249-262, 2005
Wildness for tensors
V Futorny, JA Grochow, VV Sergeichuk
Linear Algebra and its Applications 566, 212-244, 2019
Canonical forms for unitary congruence and *congruence
RA Horn, VV Sergeichuk
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 57 (8), 777-815, 2009
Change of the congruence canonical form of 2-by-2 and 3-by-3 matrices under perturbations and bundles of matrices under congruence
A Dmytryshyn, V Futorny, B Kågström, L Klimenko, VV Sergeichuk
Linear Algebra and its Applications 469, 305-334, 2015
Canonical matrices of isometric operators on indefinite inner product spaces
VV Sergeichuk
Linear algebra and its applications 428 (1), 154-192, 2008
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