Маринін Андрій Маринин Андрей Andrii Marynin AI Marinin Andriy Marinin
Маринін Андрій Маринин Андрей Andrii Marynin AI Marinin Andriy Marinin
завідувач Проблемної науково-дослідної лабораторії, НУХТ
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nuft.edu.ua
Trends and expected benefits of the breaking edge food technologies in 2021–2030
VM Ivanov, O Shevchenko, A Marynin, V Stabnikov, E Stabnikova, ...
Scientific foundations of solving engineering tasks and problems
B Demchyna, L Vozniuk, M Surmai, D Hladyshev, V Babyak, V Kovalchuk, ...
International Science Group, 2021
Colloidal properties and behaviors of 3 nm primary particles of detonation nanodiamonds in aqueous media
NO Mchedlov-Petrossyan, NN Kamneva, AI Marynin, AP Kryshtal, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (24), 16186-16203, 2015
Microbial life on the surface of microplastics in natural waters
O Stabnikova, V Stabnikov, A Marinin, M Klavins, L Klavins, A Vaseashta
Applied Sciences 11 (24), 11692, 2021
Chiral spin crossover nanoparticles and gels with switchable circular dichroism
IA Gural'Skiy, VA Reshetnikov, SI Shylin, IO Fritsky, A Szebesczyk, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (18), 4737-4741, 2015
The role of microplastics biofilm in accumulation of trace metals in aquatic environments
O Stabnikova, V Stabnikov, A Marinin, M Klavins, A Vaseashta
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 38 (7), 117, 2022
Main trends in application of novel natural additives for food production.
O Stabnikova, A Marinin, V Stabnikov
Ukrainian Food Journal 10 (3), 2021
Образование наноразмерной фракции металлов при электроискровой обработке гранул
КГ Лопатько, ВВ Олишевский, АИ Маринин, ЕГ Афтандилянц
Электронная обработка материалов, 2013
Influence of functional food composition on the properties of meat mince systems
I Strashynskyi, O Fursik, V Pasichnyi, A Marynin, G Goncharov
Star-like dextran-graft-PNiPAM copolymers. Effect of internal molecular structure on the phase transition
V Chumachenko, N Kutsevol, Y Harahuts, M Rawiso, A Marinin, L Bulavin
Journal of Molecular Liquids 235, 77-82, 2017
Development of combined protein-fat emulsions for sausage and semifinished products with poultry meat
VM Pasichnyi, AI Marynin, OO Moroz, AM Heredchuk
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 (6), 73, 2015
The peculiar behavior of fullerene C60 in mixtures of ‘good’and polar solvents: Colloidal particles in the toluene–methanol mixtures and some other systems
NO Mchedlov-Petrossyan, NN Kamneva, YTM Al-Shuuchi, AI Marynin, ...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 509, 631-637, 2016
Influence of hydrophobization of fumed oxides on interactions with polar and nonpolar adsorbates
VM Gun’ko, EM Pakhlov, OV Goncharuk, LS Andriyko, AI Marynin, ...
Applied Surface Science 423, 855-868, 2017
Analysis of the influence of rosemary and grape seed extracts on oxidation the lipids of peking duck meat
N Bozhko, V Tischenko, V Pasichnyi, A Marynin, M Polumbryk
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 4-9, 2017
The complete genome sequence of the emerging pathogen Mycobacterium haemophilum explains its unique culture requirements
JAM Tufariello, CA Kerantzas, C Vilchèze, RB Calder, EK Nordberg, ...
MBio 6 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 01313-15, 2015
SAXS Combined with UV-vis Spectroscopy and QELS: Accurate Characterization of Silver Sols Synthesized in Polymer Matrices
MA Bulavin L, Kutsevol N, Chumachenko V, Soloviov D, Kuklin A
Nanoscale Research Letters 11 (35), 2016
Polufabrikatyi iz myasa indeyki s ispolzovaniem teksturoformiruyuschih napolniteley
S Ivanov, V Pasichniy, I Strashinskiy, A Marinin, O Fursik, V Krepak
Himiya i tehnologiya pischi 2 (48), 25-33, 2014
Influence of carbon nanotubes and its derivatives on tumor cells in vitro and biochemical parameters, cellular blood composition in vivo
OM Perepelytsina, AP Ugnivenko, AV Dobrydnev, ON Bakalinska, ...
Nanoscale Research Letters 13, 1-16, 2018
Cerium dioxide nanoparticles increase immunogenicity of the influenza vaccine
NM Zholobak, AP Mironenko, AB Shcherbakov, OA Shydlovska, ...
Antiviral research 127, 1-9, 2016
Anomalous Inverse Hysteresis of Phase Transition in Thermosensitive Dextran-graft-PNIPAM Copolymer/Au Nanoparticles Hybrid Nanosystem
OA Yeshchenko, AP Naumenko, NV Kutsevol, DO Maskova, II Harahuts, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (14), 8003-8010, 2018
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