Глушкова Діана Борисівна, Hlushkova Diana
Глушкова Діана Борисівна, Hlushkova Diana
Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене khadi.kharkov.ua
Increasing the corrosion resistance of heat-resistant alloys for parts of power equipment
VS Vahrusheva, DB Hlushkova, VM Volchuk, TV Nosova, SI Mamhur, ...
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2022
Influence of structure and phase composition on wear resistance of sparingly alloyed alloys
DB Hlushkova, VA Bagrov, VM Volchuk, UA Murzakhmetova
Functional Materials 30 (1), 74-78, 2023
Structure and properties of powder gas-plasma coatings based on nickel
DB Hlushkova, VA Bagrov, SV Demchenko, VM Volchuk, OV Kalinin, ...
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2022
Study of wear of the building-up zone of martensite-austenitic and secondary hardening steels of the Cr-Mn-Ti system
DB Hlushkova, VA Bagrov, VA Saenko, VM Volchuk, AV Kalinin, ...
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2023
Hardening of leading edges of turbine blades by electrospark alloying
NE Kalinina, DB Hlushkova, OD Hrinchenko, VT Kalinin, AI Voronkov, ...
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2019
The choice of material for strengthening of leading edges of working blades of steam turbines
DB Hlushkova, OD Hrinchenko, LL Kostina, AP Cholodov
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2018
Fractal modeling the mechanical properties of the metal surface after ion-plasma chrome plating
DB Hlushkova, VM Volchuk, P Polyansky, VA Saenko, AA Efimenko
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, 2023
Increase of wear resistance of the critical parts of hydraulic hammer by means of ion-plasma treatment
DB Hlushkova, YV Ryzhkov, LL Kostina, SV Demchenko
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2018
Fractal study of the effect of ion plasma coatings on wear resistance
DB Hlushkova, VM Volchuk
Functional Materials 30 (3), 453-457, 2023
Study of nanomodification of nickel alloy GS3 with titanium carbide
DB Hlushkova, AV Kalinin, NE Kalinina, VM Volchuk, VA Saenko, ...
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2023
Influence of nanomodification on structure formation of multicomponent nickel alloys
NE Kalinina, DB Glushkova, AI Voronkov, VT Kalinin
Functional materials 26 (3), 514-518, 2019
Residual stresses and structure of titanium and chromium nitride coatings obtained by a method of an ion-plasma deposition.
LI Gladkikh, SV Malykhin, AT Pugachev, OM Reshetnyak, DB Glushkova, ...
Metallofizika I Novejshie Tekhnologii 25 (6), 763-776, 2003
Serotherapy-free regimen improves non-relapse mortality and immune recovery among the recipients of αβ Tcell–depleted haploidentical grafts: retrospective study in childhood …
L Shelikhova, S Glushkova, R Nikolaev, M Dunaikina, Z Zhekhovtsova, ...
Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 27 (4), 330. e1-330. e9, 2021
Остаточные напряжения и структура покрытий нитридов титана и хрома, полученных методом ионно-плазменного осаждения
ЛИ Гладких, СВ Малыхин, АТ Пугачев, ЕН Решетняк, ДБ Глушкова, ...
Металлофизика и новейшие технологии 25 (6), 763-776, 2003
Mathematical Modelling of Operating Processes in the Pneumatic Engine of the Car
DN Leontiev, O Voronkov, V Korohodskyi, D Hlushkova, I Nikitchenko, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2020
Use of detonation sputtering to increase the durability of hydraulic hammer critical parts
DB Hlushkova, IH Kyrychenko, VA Bahrov, NY Kalinina, TV Nosova
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021
Спосіб оцінки твердості матеріалу. Пат. України UA 74654 C2, G01N3/40. Заявл. 30.12. 2003. Опубл. 16.01. 2006
ВІ Мощенок, ВП Тарабанова, ДБ Глушкова
Бюл, 3, 0
Повышение износо-и коррозионной стойкости деталей объемного гидропривода нанесением ионно-плазменных покрытий
ТА Роик, ДБ Глушкова, ЮВ Рыжков
Харьков, 2012.–112 с, 2012
Corrosion resistance of reinforced layers of 15Х11MF steel steam turbine blades
DB Hlushkova, VA Bahrov, OD Hrinchenko, AA Hnatiuk, NE Kalinina, ...
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021
The influence of chemical composition on the hardness and wear resistance of parts
TA Roik, DB Glushkova, VP Tarabanova
Bulletin of NTU «KPI».–Kharkiv: NTU «KPI 63, 92-98, 2012
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