²ãîð Øîñòêî | Èãîðü Øîñòêî | Øîñòêî È.Ñ. | Øîñòêî ².Ñ. | Shostko Igor | Shostko I. |Igor
²ãîð Øîñòêî | Èãîðü Øîñòêî | Øîñòêî È.Ñ. | Øîñòêî ².Ñ. | Shostko Igor | Shostko I. |Igor
Professor of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering V.V. Popovsky, Khark³v National
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Cited by
Cited by
Information and measurement system based on wireless sensory infocommunication network for polygon testing of guided and unguided rockets and missiles
I Shostko, A Tevyashev, M Neofitnyi, D Ageyev, S Gulak
2018 International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of …, 2018
Optical-electronic system of automatic detection and higt-precise tracking of aerial objects in real-time.
I Shostko, A Teviashev, Y Kulia, A Koliadin
CMIS, 784-803, 2020
Laser Opto-Electronic Airspace Monitoring System in the Visible and Infrared Ranges
A Tevyashev, I Shostko, M Neofitnyi, A Koliadin
2019 IEEE 5th International Conference Actual Problems of Unmanned Aerial …, 2019
Information-Measuring System of Polygon Based on Wireless Sensor Infocommunication Network
I Shostko, A Tevyashev, M Neofitnyi, Y Kulia
Data-Centric Business and Applications, 649-674, 2021
Bactericide Action of High-Power Pulsed Ultra-Violet Radiation
VI Chumakov, OS Shostko, IS Shostko, YF Lonin, SN Shostko, ...
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 52 (4), 1998
Ìåòîäû ïîçèöèîíèðîâàíèÿ óçëîâ áåñïðîâîäíîé ñåíñîðíîé ñåòè
I Shostko, A Tevyashev, M Neofitnyy, Y Kulia, A Koliadin
Ïðîáëåìè òåëåêîìóí³êàö³é, 68-89, 2019
Mathematical model and method of optimal placement of optical-electronic systems for trajectory measurements of air objects at test
AD Tevjashev, IS Shostko, MV Neofitnyi, SV Kolomiyets, IY Kyrychenko, ...
Odessa Astronomical Publications 32, 171-175, 2019
Calculation method for power consumption and lifetime of nodes in WSN
J Sosedka, I Shostko
2014 First International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of …, 2014
Introduction of Private LTE Networks to Provide Specific Communication Tasks in Various Spheres of Society and the State
I Shostko, A Tevyashev, O Zemlyaniy, Y Kulia
2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications …, 2021
Applications of Multipath Routing for Energy Balancing in Sensor Networks
IS Shostko, J Kulia
Ðàäèîýëåêòðîíèêà è èíôîðìàòèêà, 12-16, 2015
Experimental researches on determination of angles of side illumination by laser radiation of optical devices and optoelectronic devices
E Avchinnikov, I Shostko, A Tevyashev, M Neofitnyi, Y Kulia
2019 IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of …, 2019
Laboratory model communication systems with a frequency hopping
I Shostko, B Butov
2017 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of …, 2017
Pulse high-power antibacterial irradiator
SN Shostko, IS Shostko, UF Lonin, VI Chumakov, UL Novoselov, ...
Proceedings of International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques …, 1999
²íòåëåêòóàëüíà â³äîåàíàë³òèêà ïîâ³òðÿíèõ îá’ºêò³â ó ðåàëüíîìó ÷àñ³
A Tevyashev, I Shostko, O Zemlyanyy
Transfer of Innovative Technologies 4 (1), 111-114, 2021
Ñåòåâàÿ îïòèêî-ýëåêòðîííàÿ ñèñòåìà ìîíèòîðèíãà âîçäóøíîãî ïðîñòðàíñòâà
A Tevyashev, I Shostko, O Zemlyany
Transfer of Innovative Technologies 4 (1), 106-107, 2021
A Stand for Diagnosing the Durability of Infocommunication Equipment to the Effects of Powerful Ultra-Wideband Electromagnetic Pulses and Laser Radiation
I Shostko, E Avchinnikov, Y Kulia
Data-Centric Business and Applications, 307-331, 2021
Video Analytics îf Aerial Objects
AD Tevyashev, IS Shostko, O Zemlyaniy
Äðóêàðíÿ Ìàäðèä, 2020
Range Instrumentation Complex for the Precision-Guided Weapons Testing
AD Tevyashev, IS Shostko, O Zemlyaniy, A Dokhov, A Zhalilo
Äðóêàðíÿ Ìàäðèä, 2020
Mathematical Model and Method for Covert Estimation of Aerial Object Coordinates Using Two Optical-electronic Stations
O Zemlyaniy, AD Tevyashev, IS Shostko, A Koliadin
Äðóêàðíÿ Ìàäðèä, 2020
The Task of Weapon Guidance onto the Aerial Target Using Optoelectronic Station of Trajectory Measurements
IS Shostko, AD Tevyashev, O Zemlyaniy
Äðóêàðíÿ Ìàäðèä, 2020
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Articles 1–20