Maksym Kononenko
Maksym Kononenko
Інші іменаКононенко М.М., Kononenko M.M., Кононенко Максим
Professor at Dnipro University of Technology (НГУ)
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nmu.org.ua - Домашня сторінка
Blasting works technology to decrease an emission of harmful matters into the mine atmosphere
O Khomenko, M Kononenko, I Myronova
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 231-235, 2013
Ecological and technological aspects of iron-ore underground mining
O Khomenko, M Kononenko, I Myronova
Mining of Mineral Deposits 11 (2), 59-67, 2017
Increasing ecological safety during underground mining of iron-ore deposits
OY Khomenko, MM Kononenko, IG Myronova, АК Sudakov
Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu 2 (164), 29-38, 2018
Imitating modeling stability of mine workings
O Vladyko, M Kononenko, O Khomenko
Geomechanical Processes During Underground Mining, 147-150, 2012
Technology of support of workings near to extraction chambers
M Kononenko, O Khomenko
New Techniques and Technologies in Mining, 193-197, 2010
Classification of theories about rock pressure
O Khomenko, M Kononenko, J Bilegsaikhan
Solid State Phenomena 277, 157-167, 2018
Method for calculation of drilling-and-blasting operations parameters for emulsion explosives
M Kononenko, O Khomenko, M Savchenko, I Kovalenko
Mining Of Mineral Deposits 13 (3), 22-30, 2019
Automation of drill and blast design
O Khomenko, D Rudakov, M Kononenko
Technical and Geoinformational Systems in Mining: School of Underground …, 2011
Industrial research into massif zonal fragmentation around mine workings
O Khomenko, M Kononenko, M Netecha
Mining of mineral deposits 10 (1), 50-56, 2016
Nuclear-and-fuel power industry of Ukraine: production, science, education
О Khomenko, L Tsendjav, M Kononenko, B Janchiv
Mining of Mineral Deposits 11 (4), 86-95, 2017
Safety Improving of Mine Preparation Works at the Ore Mines
O Khomenko, M Kononenko, V Lyashenko
Occupational Safety in Industry 5, 53-59, 2018
Numerical modelling of massif zonal structuring around underground working
M Kononenko, O Khomenko, A Sudakov, S Drobot, T Lkhagva
Mining of Mineral Deposits 10 (3), 101-106, 2016
Application of the emulsion explosives in the tunnels construction
O Khomenko, M Kononenko, I Myronova, M Savchenko
E3S Web of Conferences - Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering - 2019 123 …, 2019
Analytical modeling of the backfill massif deformations around the chamber with mining depth increase
O Khomenko, M Kononenko, M Petlyovanyi
New Developments In Mining Engineering 2015, 265-269, 2015
Investigation of stress-strain state of rock massif around the secondary chambers
O Khomenko, M Kononenko, M Petlyovanyy
Progressive Technologies of Coal Coalbed Methane and Ores Mining, 241-245, 2014
New theory for the rock mass destruction by blasting
M Kononenko, O Khomenko
Mining of Mineral Deposits 15 (2), 111-123, 2021
Технологія підземної розробки рудних родовищ
ОЄ Хоменко, ММ Кононенко, МВ Савченко
Видавництво НТУ" ДП", 2018
Горное оборудование для подземной разработки рудных месторождений
ОЄ Хоменко, МН Кононенко, ДВ Мальцев
Днепропетровск: Национальный горный университет, 2011
Modeling of bearing massif condition during chamber mining of ore deposits
O Khomenko, M Kononenko, М Danylchenko
Mining of Mineral Deposits 10 (2), 40-47, 2016
Пути снижения техногенной нагрузки на горнодобывающие регионы Украины
ОЕ Хоменко, МН Кононенко, ИГ Миронова, КО Юрченко
Збірник наукових праць НГУ 51, 77-83, 2017
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