Pavlo Maruschak (Павло Марущак)
Pavlo Maruschak (Павло Марущак)
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University Тернопільський національний технічний університет
Підтверджена електронна адреса в tntu.edu.ua - Домашня сторінка
Steel Surface Defect Classification Using Deep Residual Neural Network
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, J Brezinová, J Viňáš, J Brezina
Metals 10 (6), 846, 2020
Enhancing performance characteristics of equipment of sea and river transport by using epoxy composites
A Buketov, P Maruschak, O Sapronov, D Zinchenko, V Yatsyuk, S Panin
Transport 31 (3), 333-342, 2016
Fatigue damage and sensor development for aircraft structural health monitoring
SR Ignatovich, A Menou, MV Karuskevich, PO Maruschak
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 65, 23-27, 2013
Investigation of thermophysical properties of epoxy nanocomposites
A Buketov, P Maruschak, O Sapronov, M Brailo, O Leshchenko, ...
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 628 (1), 167-179, 2016
Degradation and cyclic crack resistance of continuous casting machine roll material under operating temperatures
P Maruschak, D Baran
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transactions of Mechanical …, 2011
Algorithm for the assessment of heavyweight and oversize cargo transportation routes
A Petraška, K Čižiūnienė, A Jarašūnienė, P Maruschak, O Prentkovskis
Journal of Business Economics and Management 18 (6), 1098-1114, 2017
Structural fracture scales in shock-loaded epoxy composites
PD Stukhlyak, AV Buketov, SV Panin, PO Maruschak, KM Moroz, ...
Physical Mesomechanics 18, 58-74, 2015
Steel surface defect detection using an ensemble of deep residual neural networks
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, V Brevus
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 22 (1), 014501, 2022
Research of U-Net-Based CNN Architectures for Metal Surface Defect Detection
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, J Brezinová, O Prentkovskis, J Brezina
Machines 10 (5), 327, 2022
Scale levels of damage to the raceway of a spherical roller bearing
PO Maruschak, SV Panin, IM Zakiev, MA Poltaranin, AL Sotnikov
Engineering Failure Analysis 59, 69-78, 2016
Morphological Characteristics of Dimples of Ductile Fracture of VT23M Titanium Alloy and Identification of Dimples on Fractograms of Different Scale
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, J Brezinová, J Brezina
Materials 12 (13), 2051, 2019
Algorithm for the assessment of heavyweight and oversize cargo transportation routes
A Petraška, K Čižiūnienė, A Jarašūnienė, P Maruschak, O Prentkovskis
Journal of Business Economics and Management 18 (6), 1098-1114, 2017
Effect of complex combined loading mode on the fracture toughness of titanium alloys
MG Chausov, PO Maruschak, V Hutsaylyuk, L Śnieżek, AP Pylypenko
Vacuum 147, 51-57, 2018
Evaluation of Failure Pressure for Gas Pipelines with Combined Defects
T Vilkys, V Rudzinskas, O Prentkovskis, P Maruschak, J Tretjakovas, ...
Metals 8 (5), 346, 2018
Modeling computational fluid dynamics of multiphase flows in elbow and T-junction of the main gas pipeline
Y Doroshenko, J Doroshenko, V Zapukhliak, L Poberezhny, P Maruschak
Transport 34 (1), 19-29, 2019
Recognition of Scratches and Abrasions on Metal Surfaces Using a Classifier Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, V Brevus, O Prentkovskis
Metals 11 (4), 549, 2021
The properties of oxide-ceramic layers with Cu and Ni inclusions synthesizing by PEO method on top of the gas-spraying coatings on aluminium alloys
V Hutsaylyuk, M Student, V Posuvailo, O Student, Y Sirak, V Hvozdets' kyi, ...
Vacuum 179, 109514, 2020
Safe operation of engineering structures in the oil and gas industry
AV Yavorskyi, MO Karpash, LY Zhovtulia, LY Poberezhny, PO Maruschak
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 46, 289-295, 2017
Low temperature impact toughness of the main gas pipeline steel after long-term degradation
PO Maruschak, IM Danyliuk, RT Bishchak, T Vuherer
Central European Journal of Engineering 4, 408-415, 2014
Dynamics of destruction of epoxy composites filled with ultra-dispersed diamond under impact conditions
AV Buketov, ОО Sapronov, MV Brailo, PО Maruschak, SV Yakushchenko, ...
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 27 (9), 725-733, 2020
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