Kharchenko O.I.
Kharchenko O.I.
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
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Cited by
Results of visual investigations of the magnetoplasma compressor emission in air
YY Volkolupov, MA Krasnogolovets, MA Ostrizhnoi, VG Nesterenko, ...
Technical Physics 46, 1040-1044, 2001
Kalman filtering of a frequency instability based on Motorola Oncore UT GPS timing signals
OE Rudnev, YS Shmaliy, EG Sokolinskiy, AY Shmaliy, OI Kharchenko
Proceedings of the 1999 Joint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time …, 1999
Simulation of the Stochastic Resonance Effect in a Nonlinear Device
O Kharchenko
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: F Electrical and Electronics …, 2015
Обнаружение беспилотных летательных аппаратов с использованием рассеяния радиоволн на акустических возмущениях среды, создаваемых летательным аппаратом
ВМ Карташов, ВА Посошенко, ОИ Харченко, ВИ Колесник, АИ Капуста, ...
ХНУРЕ, 2021
Modeling nonlinear stochastic filter by volterra transfer functions
OI Kharchenko
Engineering Letters 28 (2), 262-267, 2020
Frequency analysis of the stochastic filtering using transfer functions. Part i: sinusoidal input
OI Kharchenko, YF Lonin, AG Ponomarev
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2018
Non-linear filtering of pulse signals in case of high intensity noise
OI Kharchenko, AM Gorban
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2017
Volterra transfer functions in analysis of the stochastic filter driven by harmonic plus gaussian noise input
OI Kharchenko, VM Kartashov
Радиотехника, 89-97, 2019
Analysis on the Basis of Volterra Series Signal–To–Noise Ratio of Nonlinear Device in the Conditions of the Stochastic Resonance Effect
O Kharchenko, V Tyutyunnik
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 3 (3), 25, 2015
Methods for determining electroencephalograms parameters
O Kharchenko, Z Kovacheva
2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications …, 2023
The Calculation of the Stochastic Resonator Output Driven by Signal plus Noise
O Kharchenko, Z Kovacheva, V Chumakov
TEM Journal 12 (2), 585, 2023
Separation of electroencephalogram low-frequency components on the basis of the stochastic resonance effect
OI Kharchenko, YF Lonin, LP Zabrodina, VM Kartashov
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021
Application of the spectral method to stochastic filter analysis
OI Kharchenko
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2019
Enhancement of signals on the background of high-intensity noise via nonlinear transformations
OI Kharchenko, VI Chumakov
2011 21st International Crimean Conference" Microwave & Telecommunication …, 2011
Fractal signals sorting against different disturbing signals
VN Bolotov, YV Tkach, Y Tkach, OI Kharchenko
12th International Conference Microwave and Telecommunication Technology …, 2002
Noise as a Factor of Useful Signal Amplification Based on the Effect of Stochastic Resonance
O Kharchenko, Z Kovacheva, V Chumakov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2910 (1), 012031, 2024
Application of the Beating Method to Define the Electroencephalogram α-Rhythm Frequency Content.
O Kharchenko, Z Kovacheva, V Chumakov, L Zabrodina
TEM Journal 13 (4), 2024
Modeling of Electroencephalogram Parameters
O Kharchenko, Z Kovacheva
Intelligent Systems Conference, 361-369, 2024
Analysis of Electroencephalograms Based on the Phase Plane Method
O Kharchenko, Z Kovacheva, V Andonov
Applied Sciences 14 (5), 2204, 2024
Frequency modulated signal standing out by stochastic resonance effect
O Kharchenko, Z Kovacheva
Annual of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Faculty of Mathematics and …, 2023
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Articles 1–20