Anastasiia Bystriantseva
Anastasiia Bystriantseva
Другие именаАнастасія Бистрянцева, Anastasiia Shakhman, Анастасія Шахман
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Spectroscopy of cooperative laser electron-γ-nuclear processes in polyatomic molecules
AV Glushkov, PA Kondratenko, VV Buyadgi, AS Kvasikova, TN Sakun, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 548 (1), 012025, 2014
Anthropogenic transformation of hydrological regime of the Dnieper river
VI Pichura, DS Malchykova, PA Ukrainskij, IA Shakhman, ...
Indian Journal of Ecology 45 (3), 445-453, 2018
Assessment of Ecological State and Ecological Reliability of the Lower Section of the Ingulets River
IA Shakhman, AN Bystriantseva
Hydrobiological Journal 53 (5), 2017
Relativistic theory of spectra of heavy pionic atomic systems with account of strong pion-nuclear interaction effects: 93Nb, 173Yb, 181Ta, 197Au
АМ Бистрянцева, ОЮ Хецеліус, ЮВ Дубровська, ЛА Вітавецька, ...
Photoelectronics, 56-61, 2016
Spectroscopy of hadronic atoms: Energy shifts
IN Serga, YV Dubrovskaya, AS Kvasikova, AN Shakhman, DE Sukharev
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 397 (012013), 1-4, 2012
Просторово-часова закономірність формування якості води в річці Дніпро
ВІ Пічура, І Шахман, АМ Бистрянцева
Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, 2018
Water Quality Assessment of the Surface Water of the Southern Bug River Basin by Complex Indices
I Shakhman, A Bystriantseva
Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2021
Relativistic theory of spectra of the pionic atomic system 208pb with account of strong pion-nuclear interaction effects
IN Serga, OY Khetselius, LA Vitavetskaya, AN Bystryantseva
Фотоэлектроника, 68-77, 2017
Relativistic theory of the auger (autoionization) decay of excited states in spectrum of multicharged ion
LV Nikola, AV Ignatenko, AN Shakhman
Астропринт, 2010
Dubrovskaya Yu., Vitavetskaya LA, Berestenko AG Relativistic theory of spectra of heavy pionic atomic systems with account of strong pion-nuclear interaction effects: 93Nb …
A Bystryantseva, OY Khetselius
Photoelectronics 25, 56-61, 2016
Calculating the radiative vacuum polarization contribution to the energy shift of 2p-2s transition in mu-hydrogen
AA Kuznetsova, AS Kvasikova, AN Shakhman, LA Vitavetskaya
Фотоэлектроника, 116-120, 2012
Assessment of ecological state and ecological reliability of the Lower section of the Dnieper River
IA Shakhman, AN Bystriantseva
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 18 (5.2), 113-119, 2018
Frontiers in quantum methods and applications in chemistry and physics
AV Glushkov, AA Svinarenko, OY Khetselius, VV Buyadzhi, TA Florko, ...
Springer, Cham 29, 197, 2015
Spatio-Temporal Representation of the Ecological State of the Surface Waters of the Lower Section of the Dnieper River using GIS Technologies
A Bystriantseva, I Shakhman, M Bystriantsev
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on ICT in Education …, 2019
Prostorovochasova zakonomirnist formuvannia yakosti vody v richtsi Dnipro [Spatialtemporal regularity of water quality formation in the Dnieper river]
VI Pichura, IO Shakhman, B AM
Bioresursy i pryrodokorystuvanni–Bioresources and nature management 10 (1-2 …, 2018
GIS Based Model of Quotas Regulation and its Impact on the Extraction of Ecosystems’ Natural Resources and Social Welfare
V Kobets, A Bystriantseva, I Shakhman
Computational studying energy and spectral parameters of hadronic (pionic) atoms with account of the strong pion-nuclear interaction
YV Dubrovskaya, LA Vitavetskaya, IN Serga, AN Bystryantseva, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1136 (1), 012004, 2018
Розподіл” хи-квадрат” та його застосування для визначення екологічної надійності річок. Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире
АМ Бистрянцева, ІО Шахман
Сб. научных трудов–Переяслав-Хмельницкий, 29, 2017
Strong pi-nucleat interaction effects in spectroscopy of hadronic atoms
AN Shakhman
Фотоэлектроника, 93-97, 2013
Эффекты сильного взаимодействия в теории каонных систем
ДЕ Сухарев, ИН Серга, АН Шахман
Вісник Одеського державного екологічного університету 12, 229-233, 2011
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