Олег Барабаш, Oleg Barabash
Олег Барабаш, Oleg Barabash
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
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Построение функционально устойчивых распределенных информационных систем
ОВ Барабаш
К.: НАОУ 226, 4, 2004
Функціональна стійкість–властивість складних технічних систем
ЮВ Кравченко, ОВ Барабаш
Збірник наукових праць НАОУ.–К.: НАОУ, 2002.–Бюл. № 40, 225-229, 2002
Algorithm of control of functionally stable manufacturing processes of enterprises
V Sobchuk, V Pichkur, O Barabash, O Laptiev, K Igor, A Zidan
2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information …, 2020
Image compression using fractal functions
O Svynchuk, O Barabash, J Nikodem, R Kochan, O Laptiev
Fractal and Fractional 5 (2), 31, 2021
Models for Analysis and Prognostication of the Indicators of the Distributed Computer Systems’ Characteristics
V Mukhin, H Loutskii, O Barabash, Y Kornaga, V Steshyn
"International Review on Computers and Software" (IRECOS) 10 (12), 1216-1224, 2015
Synergy of building cybersecurity systems
S Yevseiev, V Ponomarenko, O Laptiev, O Milov, O Korol, S Milevskyi, ...
Application of petri networks for support of functional stability of information systems
O Barabash, N Lukova-Chuiko, V Sobchuk, A Musienko
2018 IEEE First International Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent …, 2018
The Indirect method of obtaining Estimates of the Parameters of Radio Signals of covert means of obtaining Information
O Barabash, O Laptiev, V Tkachev, O Maystrov, O Krasikov, I Polovinkin
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 8 (8), 4133 …, 2020
Information technology of targeting: optimization of decision making process in a competitive environment
O Barabash, G Shevchenko, N Dakhno, O Neshcheret, A Musienko
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 9 (12), 1, 2017
Comprehensive Methods of Evaluation of Efficiency of Distance Learning System Functioning.
O Barabash, A Musienko, S Hohoniants, O Laptiev, O Salash, Y Rudenko, ...
International Journal of Computer Network & Information Security 13 (1), 16-28, 2021
The method of hidden transmitters detection based on the differential transformation model
O Laptiev, G Shuklin, H Haidur, V Savchenko, O Barabash, A Musienko
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering …, 2019
Improvement of variational-gradient method in dynamical systems of automated control for integro-differential models
OA Mashkov, VV Sobchuk, OV Barabash, NB Dakhno, HV Shevchenko, ...
Mathematical Modeling and Computing 6 (2), 344-357, 2019
The method of improving the signal detection quality by accounting for interference
O Laptiev, I Polovinkin, S Vitalii, O Stefurak, O Barabash, O Zelikovska
2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information …, 2020
Unmanned aerial vehicles flight trajectory optimisation on the basis of variational enequality algorithm and projection method
O Barabash, N Dakhno, H Shevchenko, V Sobchuk
2019 IEEE 5th International Conference Actual Problems of Unmanned Aerial …, 2019
Analytical Assessment of Security Level of Distributed and Scalable Computer Systems.
Z Hu, V Mukhin, Y Kornaga, Y Lavrenko, O Barabash, O Herasymenko
International Journal of Intelligent Systems & Applications 8 (12), 57-64, 2016
Optimization of parameters at SDN technologie networks
O Barabash, Y Kravchenko, V Mukhin, Y Kornaga, O Leshchenko
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 9 (9), 1, 2017
Effectiveness of targeting informational technology application
O Barabash, H Shevchenko, N Dakhno, Y Kravchenko, L Olga
2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent …, 2020
Methodology for assessing synchronization conditions in telecommunication devices
J Boiko, I Pyatin, O Eromenko, O Barabash
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal 5 (2), 320-327, 2020
Топологічні критерії та показники функціональної стійкості складних ієрархічних систем
ОА Машков, ОВ Барабаш
Збірник наукових праць.–К.: АН України, 29-35, 2003
Method of restoring parameters of information objects in a unified information space based on computer networks
V Mukhin, V Zavgorodnii, O Barabash, R Mykolaichuk, Y Kornaga, ...
International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security 15 (2), 11, 2020
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Статьи 1–20