Теодозія Яцишин / Teodoziya Yatsyshyn
Теодозія Яцишин / Teodoziya Yatsyshyn
Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, кафедра технології захисту н/с
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nung.edu.ua
Risk assessment for the population of Kyiv, Ukraine as a result of atmospheric air pollution
O Popov, A Iatsyshyn, V Kovach, V Artemchuk, I Kameneva, D Taraduda, ...
Journal of Health and Pollution 10 (25), 200303, 2020
Conceptual approaches for development of informational and analytical expert system for assessing the NPP impact on the environment
O Popov, A Iatsyshyn, V Kovach, V Artemchuk, D Taraduda, V Sobyna, ...
Ядерна та радіаційна безпека 3 (79), 56-65, 2018
Physical features of pollutants spread in the air during the emergency at NPPs
O Popov, A Iatsyshyn, V Kovach, V Artemchuk, D Taraduda, V Sobyna, ...
Ядерна та радіаційна безпека, 88-98, 2019
Analysis of Possible Causes of NPP Emergencies to Minimize Risk of Their Occurrence.
I Popov, O., ІatsyshynA., Kovach, V., Artemchuk, V., Taraduda, D., Sobyna, V ...
Nuclear and Radiation Safety, 75-80, 2019
Development of mathematical models of gas leakage and its propagation in atmospheric air at an emergency gas well gushing
T Yatsyshyn, L Shkitsa, O Popov, M Liakh
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 49-59, 2019
Analysis of possible causes of NPP emergencies to minimize risk of their occurrence. Nucl. Radiat. Saf. 1 (81), 75–80 (2019)
O Popov, A Iatsyshyn, V Kovach, V Artemchuk, D Taraduda, V Sobyna, ...
Establishing the dependence of pollutant concentration on operational conditions at facilities of an oil-and-gas complex
T Yatsyshyn, Y Mykhailiuk, М Liakh, I Mykhailiuk, V Savyk, I Dobrovolsky
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 56-63, 2018
The development of mathematical tools for ecological safe of atmosfere on the drilling well area
LE Shkitsa, TM Yatsyshyn, AA Popov, VA Artemchuk
Neftyanoe khozyaystvo—Oil Industry 11, 136-140, 2013
Investigation of biotechnogenic system formed by long-term impact of oil extraction objects
T Yatsyshyn, N Glibovytska, L Skitsa, M Liakh, S Kachala
Systems, Decision and Control in Energy I, 165-177, 2020
Ways to improve safety of a pumping-circulatory system of a drilling rig
L Skitsa, T Yatsyshyn, М Liakh, О Sydorenko
Mining of mineral deposits, 71-79, 2018
Means of atmospheric air pollution reduction during drilling wells
L Shkitsa, T Yatsyshyn, M Lyakh
Innovative ideas in science. Baia Mare, http://conf.cunbm.utcluj.ro/index …, 2015
Innovative approaches to the formation of environmental safety at the objects of oil and gas production
L Shkitsa, T Yatsyshyn, M Lyakh, O Sydorenko
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 749 (1), 012009, 2020
Research into the process of preparation of Ukrainian coal by the oil aggregation method
B Volodymyr, M Petro, S Mykola, G Gennady, S Vasyl, O Vitaliy, L Mihailo, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий 3 (5 (87)), 45-53, 2017
Physical features of pollutants spread in the air during the emergency at NPPs. Nuclear and Radiation Safety, 4 (84)(2019) 11
O Popov, A Iatsyshyn, V Kovach, V Artemchuk, D Taraduda, V Sobyna, ...
Environmentally-efficient approaches to oil and gas producing sites
M Liakh, T Yatsyshyn, S Gavryliv, Y Gavryliv, L Shkitsa, K Monkova, ...
E3S Web of Conferences 280, 09002, 2021
Аналіз можливих причин виникнення надзвичайних ситуацій на аес з метою мінімізації ризику їх виникнення [Analysis of possible causes of NPP emergencies to minimize risk of …
O Popov, A Iatsyshyn, V Kovach, V Artemchuk, D Taraduda, V Sobyna, ...
Nucl Radiat Saf [Internet] 1 (81), 75-80, 2019
Theoretical and applied bases of economic, ecological and technological functioning of energy objects
VO Artemchuk, TR Bilan, IV Blinov, OL Dekusha, AO Zaporozhets, ...
Mathematical software for estimation of the air pollution level during emergency flowing of gas well for education and advanced training of specialists in the oil and gas industry
O Popov, T Yatsyshyn, A Iatsyshyn, Y Mykhailiuk, Y Romanenko, ...
Systems, Decision and Control in Energy III, 335-352, 2021
Перспективи розробки математичних та програмних засобів перевірки екологічної ефективності прийняття управлінських рішень
ВО Артемчук, ОО Попов, АВ Яцишин, ЮО Кириленко, ТМ Яцишин
Моделювання та інформаційні технології, 75-80, 2018
Аналіз можливих причин виникнення надзвичайних ситуацій на АЕС з метою мінімізації ризику їх виникнення
ОО Попов, АВ Яцишин, ВО Ковач, ВО Артемчук, ДВ Тарадуда, ...
Ядерна та радіаційна безпека, 75-80, 2019
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