Victor Belan
Victor Belan
Senior Researcher, B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of
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Net-Statistical Model of Dislocational Amplitude-Dependent Internal Friction
VI Belan, AI Landau
Fiz. Met. Metalloved. 65 (2), 259-267, 1988
Selective detection of complex gas mixtures using point contacts: concept, method and tools
AP Pospelov, VI Belan, DO Harbuz, VL Vakula, LV Kamarchuk, ...
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 11 (1), 1631-1643, 2020
Noninvasive real-time breath test for controlling hormonal background of the human body: Detection of serotonin and melatonin with quantum point-contact sensors
L Kamarchuk, A Pospelov, D Harbuz, V Belan, Y Volkova, A Tkachenko, ...
Journal of Breath Research 16 (1), 016002, 2021
Bezaktyvatsiyne pronyknennya dyslokatsiy u khaotychniy svidomosti tochechnykh prepyat stviy
VI Belan, AI Landau
Metalofizyka 8, 103-108, 1986
New express method for melatonin determination in the human body
DO Harbuz, AP Pospelov, VI Belan, VA Gudimenko, VL Vakula, ...
Low Temperature Physics 47 (3), 233-241, 2021
The effect of the magnetic field on the stability and excitation spectrum of spin nanoclusters in anisotropic ferromagnetic chains
MM Bogdan, VI Belan, OV Charkina
Low Temperature Physics 44 (12), 1331-1340, 2018
Computer modeling and analytical description of structural defects in two-dimensional crystals of bounded sizes: Free boundary, dislocations, and crowdions
VD Natsik, SN Smirnov, VI Belan
Low Temperature Physics 44 (7), 688-695, 2018
The effect of dissipation on the structure of quasi-solitonic states of nonlinear magnetically ordered media under high-frequency point influence
VI Belan, AS Kovalev, AA Peretyat'ko
Low Temperature Physics 39 (2), 140-146, 2013
A Study of the Threshold Load of Dislocation Movement Through a Random Network of Point Obstacles
VI Belan, AI Landau
Fiz. Met. Metalloved. 61 (3), 459-466, 1986
Interaction of two substitutional impurity atoms in an hcp crystal
VI Belan, AI Landau
Low Temperature Physics 36 (4), 360-362, 2010
Quantum mechanisms for selective detection in complex gas mixtures using conductive sensors
G Kamarchuk, A Pospelov, L Kamarchuk, V Belan, A Herus, A Savytskyi, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 21432, 2023
Breather Modes Induced by Localized RF Radiation: Analytical and Numerical Approaches
VI Belan, AS Kovalev, AA Peretyatko
5th International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics ND-KhPI2016, 2016
Quasi-soliton states induced in nonlinear media by high-frequency local radiation: An analytical approach in compare to numerical calculations
VI Belan, AS Kovalev, AA Peretyat'ko
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 42 (12), 1443-1454, 2016
Structural transformation of spin nanoclusters in low-dimensional anisotropic ferromagnets under applied magnetic field
OV Charkina, VI Belan, MM Bogdan
Low Temperature Physics 47 (12), 1001-1010, 2021
Computer simulation and analytic description of the structural defects in two-dimensional limited in size crystals: free boundary, dislocations, crowdions
VD Natsik, SN Smirnov, VI Belan
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 44 (7), 2018
Properties of quasi-soliton states in nonlinear media under local high-frequency irradiation. Analytic description and comparison with numerical simulations
VI Belan, AS Kovalev, AA Peretyatko
Low Temperature Physics 42 (12), 1130-1138, 2016
Grid Infrastructure of B. Verkin ILTPE NASU and its practical use in scientific research
VI Belan, LF Belous, SA Egupov, VG Zobnina, AY Ivanov, ...
PDCS 2014, 2014
Calculation of dislocation velocity at thermally activated motion through a random array of point defects; Vychislenie skorosti dislokatsii, termoaktivirovanno dvizhushchejsya …
VI Belan, AI Landau, AM Ulanovskij
Calculation of dislocation velocity at thermally activated motion through a random array of point defects
VI Belan, AI Landau, AM Ulanovskij
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, 1989
Modèle statistique réticulaire du frottement interne de dislocation dépendant de l'amplitude
Fizika metallov i metallovedenie 65 (2), 259-267, 1988
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