D. Vavriv
D. Vavriv
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Cited by
Cited by
A 35-GHz polarimetric Doppler radar for long-term observations of cloud parameters—Description of system and data processing
U Görsdorf, V Lehmann, M Bauer-Pfundstein, G Peters, D Vavriv, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 32 (4), 675-690, 2015
The modern radio astronomy network in Ukraine: UTR-2, URAN and GURT
A Konovalenko, L Sodin, V Zakharenko, P Zarka, O Ulyanov, M Sidorchuk, ...
Experimental Astronomy 42, 11-48, 2016
A low-noise, high-dynamic-range, digital receiver for radio astronomy applications: an efficient solution for observing radio-bursts from Jupiter, the Sun, pulsars, and other …
VB Ryabov, DM Vavriv, P Zarka, BP Ryabov, R Kozhin, VV Vinogradov, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 510, A16, 2010
Microwave plasma combustion of coal
PM Kanilo, VI Kazantsev, NI Rasyuk, K Schünemann, DM Vavriv
Fuel 82 (2), 187-193, 2003
A wideband slotted waveguide antenna for SAR systems
SS Sekretarov, DM Vavriv
2009 European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 232-235, 2009
Digital receivers for low-frequency radio telescopes UTR-2, URAN, GURT
V Zakharenko, A Konovalenko, P Zarka, O Ulyanov, M Sidorchuk, ...
Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 5 (04), 1641010, 2016
Theory of the clinotron: A grating backward-wave oscillator with inclined electron beam
K Schunemann, DM Vavriv
IEEE Transactions on electron devices 46 (11), 2245-2252, 1999
Self-consistent simulation of the spatial-harmonic magnetron with cold secondary-emission cathode
K Schunemann, SV Sosnytskiy, DM Vavriv
IEEE Transactions on electron devices 48 (5), 993-998, 2001
Theory of the spatial-harmonic magnetron: An equivalent network approach
SV Sosnytskiy, DM Vavriv
IEEE transactions on plasma science 30 (3), 984-991, 2002
Interaction of low-and high-frequency oscillations in a nonlinear RLC circuit
P Oksasoglu, D Vavriv
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 1994
Estimation of phase errors in SAR data by local-quadratic map-drift autofocus
OO Bezvesilniy, IM Gorovyi, DM Vavriv
2012 13th International Radar Symposium, 376-381, 2012
Toward terahertz magnetrons: 210-GHz spatial-harmonic magnetron with cold cathode
NI Avtomonov, VD Naumenko, DM Vavriv, K Schunemann, AN Suvorov, ...
IEEE transactions on electron devices 59 (12), 3608-3611, 2012
Low-noise, high dynamic range digital receiver/spectrometer for radio astronomy applications
RV Kozhyn, VV Vynogradov, DM Vavriv
2007 International Kharkov Symposium Physics and Engrg. of Millimeter and …, 2007
Miniature 1 kW, 95 GHz magnetrons
VD Naumenko, K Schunemann, DM Vavriv
Electronics Letters 35 (22), 1960-1961, 1999
Ground-based and spacecraft observations of lightning activity on Saturn
V Zakharenko, C Mylostna, A Konovalenko, P Zarka, G Fischer, ...
Planetary and Space Science 61 (1), 53-59, 2012
Optimizing the spatial-harmonic millimeter-wave magnetron
K Schuenemann, AE Serebryannikov, SV Sosnytskiy, DM Vavriv
Physics of Plasmas 10 (6), 2559-2565, 2003
Chaotic states of weakly and strongly nonlinear oscillators with quasiperiodic excitation
DM Vavriv, VB Ryabov, SA Sharapov, HM Ito
Physical Review E 53 (1), 103, 1996
Microwaves in Ukraine
AI Nosich, YM Poplavko, DM Vavriv, FJ Yanovsky
IEEE Microwave Magazine 3 (4), 82-90, 2002
Retrieving 3-D topography by using a single-antenna squint-mode airborne SAR
OO Bezvesilniy, IV Dukhopelnykova, VV Vynogradov, DM Vavriv
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 45 (11), 3574-3582, 2007
Conditions of quasiperiodic oscillation destruction in the weakly nonlinear Duffing oscillator
VB Ryabov, DM Vavriv
Physics Letters A 153 (8-9), 431-436, 1991
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Articles 1–20