³ä Ìàëîðîñ³¿ äî Óêðà¿íè Ì Ðÿá÷óê Ïàðàäîêñè çàï³çí³ëîãî íàö³îòâîðåííÿ. Êè¿â: Êðèòèêà, 2000 | 313* | 2000 |
Äâi Óêðàiíè: ðåàëüíi ìåæi, âiðòóàëüíi âiéíè ÌÞ Ðÿá÷óê Êðèòèêà, 2003 | 157* | 2003 |
“Two Ukraines” Reconsidered: The End of Ukrainian Ambivalence? M Riabchuk Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 15 (no. 1), 138–156, 2015 | 142 | 2015 |
Ïîñòêîëîí³àëüíèé ñèíäðîì: ñïîñòåðåæåííÿ Ì Ðÿá÷óê Yuri Marchenko, 2011 | 137* | 2011 |
Äèëåìè óêðà¿íñüêîãî Ôàóñòà: ãðîìàäÿíñüêå ñóñï³ëüñòâî ³" ðîçáóäîâà äåðæàâè" Ì Ðÿá÷óê Krytyka, 2000 | 121* | 2000 |
Dwie ukrainy M Râbčuk, M Dyhas Kolegium Europy Wschodniej, 2004 | 89* | 2004 |
Äîëàííÿ àìá³âàëåíòíîñò³. Äèõîòîì³ÿ óêðà¿íñüêî¿ íàö³îíàëüíî¿ ³äåíòè÷íîñò³. – ²ñòîðè÷í³ ïðè÷èíè òà ïîë³òè÷í³ íàñë³äêè. Ìîíîãðàô³ÿ Ì Ðÿá÷óê Ðåæèì äîñòóïó: http://ipiend.gov.ua/publication/riabchuk-m-dolannia …, 2019 | 76* | 2019 |
Ukrainians as Russia’s negative ‘other’: History comes full circle M Riabchuk Communist and post-communist studies 49 (1), 75-85, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
Ukraine’s ‘muddling through’: National identity and postcommunist transition M Riabchuk Communist and Post-Communist Studies 45 (3-4), 439-446, 2012 | 71 | 2012 |
Ukraine: One State, Two Countries? M Riabchuk Transit Online 23, 2002 | 58 | 2002 |
Die reale und die imaginierte Ukraine: Essay MJ Rjabčuk (No Title), 2005 | 42 | 2005 |
Morphological analysis of narratives of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in western academia and think-tank community N Koval, V Kulyk, M Riabchuk, K Zarembo, M Fakhurdinova Problems of Post-Communism 69 (2), 166-178, 2022 | 37 | 2022 |
Çîíà âiä÷óæåííÿ: óêðàïíñüêà îëiãàðõiÿ ìiæ Ñõîäîì i Çàõîäîì Ì Ðÿá÷óê Êðèòèêà, 2004 | 37* | 2004 |
Culture and cultural politics in Ukraine: A postcolonial perspective M Riabchuk Dilemmas of state-led nation building in Ukraine, 47-70, 2002 | 34 | 2002 |
Ukraina. Syndrom postkolonialny M Riabczuk Kolegium Europy Wschodniej, 2015 | 33 | 2015 |
Ukraine: Lessons learned from other postcommunist transitions M Riabchuk Orbis 52 (1), 41-64, 2008 | 32 | 2008 |
Civil society and nation building in Ukraine M Riabchouk Contemporary Ukraine: Dynamics of Post-Soviet Transformation, 81-98, 1998 | 32 | 1998 |
Holodomor: The politics of memory and political infighting in contemporary Ukraine M Riabchuk | 31 | 2008 |
Colonialism in another way. On the applicability of postcolonial methodology for the study of postcommunist Europe M Riabczuk Porównania 13, 47-59, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
Äâ³ Óêðà¿íè Ì Ðÿá÷óê Êðèòèêà.–2001.–× 10 (48), 9-14, 2001 | 27 | 2001 |