Тетяна Гончаренко (Tetyana Honcharenko,Татьяна Гончаренко)
Тетяна Гончаренко (Tetyana Honcharenko,Татьяна Гончаренко)
Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, д.т.н., доцент, завідувачка кафедри ІТ
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Cited by
The innovative technology for modeling management business process of the enterprise
G Ryzhakova, D Ryzhakov, S Petrukha, T Ishchenko, T Honcharenko
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 8 (4 …, 2019
Olap-tools for the formation of connected and diversified production and project management systems
P Kulikov, G Ryzhakova, D Ryzhakov, O Malykhina, T Honcharenko
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering …, 2020
Method for representing spatial information of topological relations based on a multidimensional data model
T Honcharenko, Y Borodavka, G Ryzhakova, D Ryzhakov, V Savenko, ...
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 16 (7), 802-809, 2021
Reengineering of the Construction Companies Based on BIM-technology
T Honcharenko, Y Chupryna, I Ivakhnenko, M Zinchenco, T Tsyfra
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 8 (8), 4166 …, 2020
The method for evaluation of educational environment subjects' performance based on the calculation of volumes of M-simplexes
А Kuchansky, Y Andrashko, А Biloshchytskyi, O Danchenko, O Ilarionov, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 15-25, 2018
Integration of Data Flows of the Construction Project Life Cycle to Create a Digital Enterprise Based on Building Information Modeling
SН Akselrod Roman, Shpakov Andrii, Ryzhakova Galyna, Tetyana Honcharenko ...
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 12 (1 …, 2022
Modeling of spatial data on the construction site based on multidimensional information objects
V Mihaylenko, T Honcharenko, K Chupryna, Y Andrashko, S Budnik
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8 (6), 3934-3940, 2019
Multidimensional space structure for adaptable data model
O Terentyev, S Tsiutsiura, T Honcharenko, T Lyashchenko
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8 (3), 7753-7758, 2019
Construction project management with digital twin information system
G Ryzhakova, O Malykhina, V Pokolenko, O Rubtsova, O Homenko, ...
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 12 (10 …, 2022
Integrated processing of spatial information based on multidimensional data models for general planning tasks
V Mihaylenko, T Honcharenko, K Chupryna, T Liazschenko
International Journal of Computing 20 (1), 55-62, 2021
Use of artificial intelligence systems for determining the career guidance of future university student
S Dolhopolov, T Honcharenko, SA Dolhopolova, O Riabchun, ...
2022 International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies …, 2022
BIM-concept for design of engineering networks at the stage of urban planning
T Honcharenko, O Terentyev, O Malykhina, I Druzhynina, I Gorbatyuk
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2021
Fractal time series analysis in non-stationary environment
A Kuchansky, A Biloshchytskyi, Y Andrashko, S Biloshchytska, ...
2019 IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of …, 2019
Methods and means of evaluation and development for prospective students’ spatial awareness
Y Riabchun, T Honcharenko, V Honta, K Chupryna, O Fedusenko
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 8 …, 2019
Digital Transformation of the Construction Design Based on the Building Information Modeling and Internet of Things.
T Honcharenko, K Kyivska, O Serpinska, V Savenko, D Kysliuk, Y Orlyk
ITTAP, 267-279, 2021
Digital administration of the project based on the concept of smart construction
D Chernyshev, G Ryzhakova, T Honcharenko, H Petrenko, I Chupryna, ...
International Conference on Business and Technology, 1316-1331, 2022
Information Tools for Project Management of the Building Territory at the Stage of Urban Planning.
T Honcharenko, V Mihaylenko, Y Borodavka, E Dolya, V Savenko
ITPM, 22-33, 2021
Information system based on multi-value classification of fully connected neural network for construction management
T Honcharenko, R Akselrod, A Shpakov
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 12 (2), 593, 2023
Застосування BIM-технології для створення цифрової моделі території під забудову
ТА Гончаренко
КНУБА, 2018
Oksana Malykhina OLAP-Tools for the Formation of Connected and Diversified Production and Project Management Systems International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer …
P Kulikov, G Ryzhakova, T Honcharenko, D Ryzhakov
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Articles 1–20