Michael Myslovych - Михайло Мислович
Michael Myslovych - Михайло Мислович
Институт электродинамики Национальной академии наук Украины, отдел теоретической электротехники
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Methods and models for information data analysis
VP Babak, SV Babak, MV Myslovych, AO Zaporozhets, VM Zvaritch, ...
Diagnostic Systems For Energy Equipments, 23-70, 2020
Technical provision of diagnostic systems
VP Babak, SV Babak, MV Myslovych, AO Zaporozhets, VM Zvaritch, ...
Diagnostic systems for energy equipments, 91-133, 2020
Principles of construction of systems for diagnosing the energy equipment
VP Babak, SV Babak, MV Myslovych, AO Zaporozhets, VM Zvaritch, ...
Diagnostic Systems for Energy Equipments, 1-22, 2020
Simulation and software for diagnostic systems
VP Babak, SV Babak, MV Myslovych, AO Zaporozhets, VM Zvaritch, ...
Diagnostic Systems For Energy Equipments, 71-90, 2020
Models of measuring signals and fields
VP Babak, SV Babak, VS Eremenko, YV Kuts, MV Myslovych, ...
Models and Measures in Measurements and Monitoring, 33-59, 2021
Models and measures for the diagnosis of electric power equipment
VP Babak, SV Babak, VS Eremenko, YV Kuts, MV Myslovych, ...
Models and Measures in Measurements and Monitoring, 99-126, 2021
White Noise in Information Signal Models
VZ M.Mislovitch, B.Martchenko
Appl. Math. Letters 7 (3), 93-95, 1994
Diagnostic Systems For Energy Equipments
VP Babak, SV Babak, MV Myslovych, AO Zaporozhets, VM Zvaritch
Springer International Publishing, 2020
Про деякі особливості побудови інтелектуальних багаторівневих систем технічної діагностики електроенергетичних об’єктів
СРМ Мислович М.В.
Технічна електродинаміка, 78 - 85, 2015
The Models of Random Periodic Information Signals on the White Noise Bases
VZ M.Mislovitch, B.Martchenko
Appl. Math. Letters 8 (3), 87-89, 1995
Models and measures in measurements and monitoring
VP Babak, SV Babak, VS Eremenko, YV Kuts, MV Myslovych, ...
Springer International Publishing, 2021
Monitoring the air pollution with UAVs
VP Babak, SV Babak, VS Eremenko, YV Kuts, MV Myslovych, ...
Models and Measures in Measurements and Monitoring, 191-225, 2021
Елементи теорії та питання практичного застосування систем вібродіагностування рухомих вузлів електричних машин
ГЮІ Мислович М.В.
Технічна електродинаміка, 45 - 56, 2015
Statistical diagnostics of electrical equipment
SV Babak, MV Myslovich, RM Sysak
IED NANU: Kiev, 2015
Statistical diagnostics of electrotechnical equipment
SV Babak, M Myslovych, R Sysak
Kiev: Institute of electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine, 2015
Information provision of diagnostic systems for energy facilities
VP Babak, SV Babak, MV Myslovych, AO Zaporozhets, VM Zvaritch
Akademperiodyka, Kyiv, 2018
Models and characteristics of identification of noise stochastic signals of research objects
V Babak, A Zaporozhets, Y Kuts, M Myslovych, M Fryz, L Scherbak
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3309, 349-362, 2022
Design peculiarities of multi-level systems for technical diagnostics of electrical machines
SRM Myslovich M.V.
Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering 4 (1), 47 - 50, 2014
Models and measures for atmospheric pollution monitoring
VP Babak, SV Babak, VS Eremenko, YV Kuts, MV Myslovych, ...
Models and Measures in Measurements and Monitoring, 227-266, 2021
Module structure of UAV-based computerized systems for remote environment monitoring of energy facilities
S Babak, M Myslovych, R Sysak
2016 17th International Conference Computational Problems of Electrical …, 2016
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