Віталіна Бабенко (Vitalina Babenko)
Віталіна Бабенко (Vitalina Babenko)
д.е.н., к.т.н., професор, зав. каф. компʼютерних систем ХНАДУ
Немає підтвердженої електронної адреси
Factors of the development of international e-commerce under the conditions of globalization
V Babenko, Z Kulczyk, I Perevosova, O Syniavska, O Davydova
SHS Web of Conferences 65, 04016, 2019
Comparative performance of machine learning ensemble algorithms for forecasting cryptocurrency prices
V Derbentsev, V Babenko, K Khrustalev, H Obruch, S Khrustalova
International Journal of Engineering 34 (1), 140-148, 2021
Green tourism business as marketing perspective in environmental management
O Gryshchenko, V Babenko, O Bilovodska, T Voronkova, I Ponomarenko, ...
Этнографическій очеркъ народнаго быта Екатеринославскаго края
ВА Бабенко
Изданіе Екатеринославскаго губернскаго земства къ ХIII Археологическому …, 1905
Aspects of program control over technological innovations with consideration of risks
V Babenko, О Nazarenko, I Nazarenko, О Mandych, M Krutko
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 6-14, 2018
World informatization in conditions of international globalization: Factors of influence
V Babenko, I Perevozova, O Mandych, T Kvyatko, O Maliy, I Mykolenko
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 5 (Special Issue …, 2019
The place and perspectives of Ukraine in international integration space
V Babenko, M Pasmor, J Pankova, M Sidorov
Problems and perspectives in management, 80-92, 2017
Features in scientific and technical cooperation in the field of non-conventional renewable energy
V Babenko, V Sidorov, Y Koniaieva, L Kysliuk
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 5 (Special Issue …, 2019
Financial monitoring in the bank as a market instrument in the conditions of innovative development and digitalization of economy: Management and legal aspects of the risk …
V Vovk, Y Zhezherun, O Bilovodska, V Babenko, A Biriukova
International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 2020
Classical machine learning methods in economics research: Macro and micro level example
V Babenko, A Panchyshyn, L Zomchak, M Nehrey, ...
WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 18 (22), 209-217, 2021
Hiding data in images using a pseudo-random sequence
A Kuznetsov, O Smirnov, L Gorbacheva, V Babenko
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2608, 646-660, 2020
Development of the model of minimax adaptive management of innovative processes at an enterprise with consideration of risks
V Babenko, Y Romanenkov, L Yakymova, O Nakisko
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 49-56, 2017
Features of methods and models in risk management of IT projects
V Babenko, L Lomovskykh, A Oriekhova, L Korchynska, M Krutko, ...
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences 7 (2), 629-636, 2019
Modern processes of regional economic integration of Ukraine in the context of sustainable development
V Babenko, I Perevozova, M Kravchenko, M Krutko, D Babenko
E3S Web of Conferences 166, 12001, 2020
Theory and practice of controlling at enterprises in international business
L Malyarets, M Draskovic, V Babenko, Z Kochuyeva, O Dorokhov
The modeling of multi-criteria assessment activity in enterprise management
LM Malyarets, VO Babenko, OV Nazarenko, NI Ryzhikova
Digitalization of Business Development Marketing Tools in the B2C Market
N Savytska, V Babenko, H Chmil, O Priadko, I Bubenets
University of Tehran, Faculty of Management, 2023
Business restructuring as a method of strengtening company’s financial position
I Mavlutova, V Babenko, V Dykan, N Prokopenko, S Kalinichenko, ...
Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering 14 (1), 129-139, 2021
Performance of hash algorithms on gpus for use in blockchain
A Kuznetsov, K Shekhanin, A Kolhatin, D Kovalchuk, V Babenko, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory …, 2019
Forming of informatization strategic prospects for Ukraine in conditions of world economy globalization
VO Babenko, VO Petuhova, AS Perepelitsia
Науковий вісник Полісся, 24-34, 2017
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Статті 1–20