Texture formation of electrodeposited fcc metals VM Kozlov, LP Bicelli Materials chemistry and physics 77 (1), 289-293, 2003 | 64 | 2003 |
Influence of the nature of metals on the formation of the deposit's polycrystalline structure during electrocrystallization VM Kozlov, LP Bicelli Journal of crystal growth 203 (1-2), 255-260, 1999 | 35 | 1999 |
Formation of structural defects during non-coherent nucleation: An atomistic analysis VM Kozlov, LP Bicelli Journal of crystal growth 177 (3-4), 289-295, 1997 | 26 | 1997 |
Influence of noncoherent nucleation on the formation of the polycrystalline structure of metals electrodeposited in the presence of surface-active agents VM Kozlov, LP Bicelli Materials chemistry and physics 62 (2), 158-163, 2000 | 22 | 2000 |
Formation of structural defects during metal electrocrystallization VM Kozlov, LP Bicelli Journal of crystal growth 165 (4), 421-428, 1996 | 22 | 1996 |
Intermetallic compound formed by electrodeposition of indium on antimony VM Kozlov, V Agrigento, D Bontempi, S Canegallo, C Moraitou, ... Journal of alloys and compounds 259 (1-2), 234-240, 1997 | 18 | 1997 |
Preparation of InAs by annealing of two-layer In–As electrodeposits VM Kozlov, B Bozzini, LP Bicelli Journal of alloys and compounds 366 (1-2), 152-160, 2004 | 15 | 2004 |
Influence of foreign particle adsorption on the formation of structural defects during noncoherent nucleation: an atomistic analysis VM Kozlov, LP Bicelli, VN Timoshenko Journal of crystal growth 183 (3), 456-462, 1998 | 14 | 1998 |
Influence of the structure of the electrodeposited antimony substrate on indium diffusion VM Kozlov, V Agrigento, G Mussati, LP Bicelli Journal of alloys and compounds 288 (1-2), 255-261, 1999 | 12 | 1999 |
Formation of GaAs by annealing of two-layer Ga-As electrodeposits VM Kozlov, B Bozzini, LP Bicelli Journal of alloys and compounds 379 (1-2), 209-215, 2004 | 9 | 2004 |
Influence of temperature and of structure of antimony substrate on gallium diffusion into the GaSb semiconductor compound VM Kozlov, LP Bicelli Journal of alloys and compounds 313 (1-2), 161-167, 2000 | 8 | 2000 |
Использование ПЭВМ при изучении курса общей физики ВМ Козлов, ВП Хлынцев, ВВ Калениченко Теорія та методика навчання математики, фізики, інформатики: Збірник …, 2003 | 7 | 2003 |
Влияние адсорбирующих, чужеродных частиц на процесс некогерентного зародышеобразования при электрокристаллизации ВМ Козлов Электрохимия. 23, 853, 1987 | 7 | 1987 |
О связи дислокационной структуры электроосажденных металлов с некогерентным зародышеобразованием ВМ Козлов Электрохимия 17, 1325-1332, 1981 | 7 | 1981 |
О множественном двойниковании при электрокристаллизации меди ЕА Мамонтов, ВМ Козлов, ЛА Курбатова Электрохимия. 12, 602, 1976 | 7 | 1976 |
Preferred growth of molybdenum thin films during magnetron sputtering AM Minkin, VM Kozlov Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Образование структурных дефектов при электрокристаллизации металлов ВМ Козлов, ВП Хлынцев, ВН Тимошенко Вопросы химии и химической технологии, 191-194, 2012 | 6 | 2012 |
Structure formation during electrocrystallization of metal films VM Kozlov, LP Bicelli Handbook of Thin Films, 559-586, 2002 | 5 | 2002 |
Высокотемпературное оксидирование оправок прошивного стана СИ Македонов, РВ Ермакова, ВМ Козлов, ВН Данченко, РЕ Уварова Сталь, 68, 1989 | 5 | 1989 |
Role of Evolving Hydrogen in the Formation of Structural Imperfections in the Electrocrystallization of Nickel VM Kozlov Elektrokhimiya 18 (10), 1353-1358, 1982 | 5 | 1982 |