Гриценко Вікторія (VV Gritsenko; VV Grycenko; VV Hrytsenko)
Гриценко Вікторія (VV Gritsenko; VV Grycenko; VV Hrytsenko)
M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nbg.kiev.ua
Bulbocodium versicolor (Melanthiaceae) - rare species of Europe (geographical distribution, habitats and structure of populations)
VI Melnik, VV Gritsenko, DJ Schevczenko, SY Didenko
Киев: Фитосоциоцентр, 2007
The cultural plants of Ukraine
VA Nechitaylo, VA Badanina, VV Gritsenko
Kyiv, 2005
Introduced cenopopulations of the rare species of plants, brought in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, in steppe culturphytocoenose
VV Gritsenko
Phlorology and phytosozology, 276-281, 2014
Catalog of ornamental herbaceous plants of botanical gardens and arboretums of Ukraine: A reference guide. Kyiv
SP Mashkovska
Retrieved from http://nbg. kiev. ua/upload/biblio/katalog. pdf, 2015
The meadow steppes of the Kyiv plateau: flora, vegetation, population of rare species and protection
VV Gritsenko
Dissertation abstract, 2007
The results of the introduction of rare species of steppe ephemeroids to the National Botanical garden of Ukraine
VV Gritsenko, AN Gnatіuk, NV Kushnir
Role of Botanical Gardens and Arboretums in conservation, investigation and …, 2017
Rare species of plants in steppe culturphytocoenose: the systematic composition, sozological characteristic, the historical aspects of the introduction, the contemporary state
VV Gritsenko
Plant Introduction 54, 13-21, 2012
Судинні рослини Канівського заповідника і околиць
ВА Нечитайло, ВП Погребенник, ВВ Гриценко
Ки¿ в. Фітосоціоцентр, 1-226, 2002
Phytodiversity of the botanical-geographical section “Steppes of Ukraine” in the National Botanical Garden NN Grishko NAS of Ukraine
VV Gritsenko
Forestry and Gardening, 12 9558, 2017
Брандушка різнобарвна Bulbocodium versicolor (Ker.-Gawl.) Spreng.
ВІ Мельник, ВВ Гриценко, ММ Перегрим, ДЮ Шевчнко, СА Приходько, ...
Червона книга України. Рослинний світ., 75, 2009
Лучні степи Київського плато: флора, рослинність, популяції рідкісних видів та охорона
ВВ Гриценко
Дисертація, Національний ботанічний сад імені М.М. Гришка, 2007
Formation of the introduced coenopopulation of Crocus reticulatus on the botanical-geographical plot “Steppes of Ukraine” at the MM Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS …
V Gritsenko
Plant introduction, 65-75, 2020
Coenopopulations of Paeonia tenuifolia L.(Paeoniaceae) in the steppe culturphytocoenoses
VI Melnik, VV Gritsenko, NN Peregrim
Plant Introduction 17 (1-2), 9-14, 2003
Flora of the botanical-geographical plot “Steppes of Ukraine” in the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine
VV Gritsenko, OI Shynder
Plant Introduction 95, 96-129, 2022
Evaluation of success of introduction of rare species of plants in the meadow-steppe culturphytocenosis
VV Gritsenko
Plant Introduction 82, 24-33, 2019
Bulbocodium versicolor (Melanthiaceae) in Ukraine
VI Melnik, VV Gritsenko, DY Shevczenko
Botanicheskii Zhurnal 91 (10), 1528-1537, 2006
Modeling of introduction populations as a method of ex situ protection of rare species of plants
VI Melnyk, VV Gritsenko, NV Kushnir, YM Nehrash
Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 91-97, 2018
Model of the meadow steppe of Ukraine: The plant and animal world. News of the Biosphere Reserve Askania Nova, 21, 308–318
VV Gritsenko
Retrieved from http://askania-nova-zapovidnik. gov. ua/2020/02/21/visti …, 2019
The results of the introduction of plants in the botanical-geographic plot "Steppes of Ukraine" in MM Gryshko National Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Ukraine
VV Gritsenko
Plant Introduction 44 (4), 18-24, 2009
Areal, ecological and coenotical conditions of habitats and structure of populations Bulbocodium versicolor (Ker.-Gawl.) Spreng. (Melanthiaceae)
VI Melnik, VV Gritsenko, DY Shevchenko
Plant Introduction 29 (1), 23-35, 2006
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