Чумак Володимир
Чумак Володимир
Другие именаChumak Volodymyr
Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене zu.edu.ua
Crystal structure of Ca5TiNb4O17
YA Titov, NM Belyavina, VY Markiv, MS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak
Journal of alloys and compounds 387 (1-2), 82-85, 2005
Mechanisms for the formation of layered A4B3O12 compounds from coprecipitated hydroxocarbonate and hydroxide systems
YA Titov, NS Slobodyanik, VV Polubinskii, VV Chumak
Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry 47 (6), 394-398, 2012
Peculiarities of formation of slab scandates (SrO)(LaScO3) n from the systems of co-precipitated hydroxy-oxalates and crystallized nitrates
YA Titov, MS Slobodyanik, YA Krayevska, VV Chumak
Ukr. Khim. Zhurn 74, 34-39, 2008
Synthesis and determination of the crystal structure of layer scandates SrLn {sub 2} Sc {sub 2} O {sub 7}; Sintez ta viznachennya kristalyichnoyi strukturi sharuvatikh …
YO Tyitov, NM Byilyavyina, VY Markyiv, MS Slobodyanik, YA Krajevs' ka, ...
Dopovyidyi Natsyional'noyi Akademyiyi Nauk Ukrayini, 2009
The crystal structure of Ln5Ti4GaO17 (Ln = Pr, Nd)
YO Tyitov, NM Bjelyavyina, VY Markyiv, MS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak
Dopovyidyi Natsyional'noyi Akademyiyi Nauk Ukrayini, 181-186, 2006
Synthesis and crystal structure of the A6B5O18 perovskite-like compounds
VV Polubinskii, YA Titov, NM Belyavina, VY Markiv, MS Slobodyanik, ...
Solid state sciences 29, 1-5, 2014
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Isovalently Substituted Slab SrLa2-xDyxSc2O7 Scandates
YA Titov, NM Belyavina, MS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak, OI Nakonechna
Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii 6 (127), 228-235, 2019
Synthesis and crystal structure of isovalently substituted slab SrLa2–xDyxSc2O7 scandates. Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii, No. 6
YA Titov, NM Belyavina, MS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak, OI Nakonechna
https://doi. org/10.32434/0321-4095-2019-127-6-228-235, 228-235, 2019
Effect of composition on the SrNdSc1–xInxO4 slab structure. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii, No. 3
YA Titov, NM Belyavina, MS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak, OI Nakonechna
https://doi. org/10.32434/0321-4095-2019-124-3-53-58, 53-58, 2019
Vplyv zamishchenn’ya atomiv lantanu na budovu sharuvatoi struktury indativ SrLa1–xNdxInO4 [Effect of isovalent substitution of lanthanum atoms on the slab structure of indates …
YA Titov, NM Belyavina, MS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak, OI Nakonechna
Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii, 67-72, 2019
Synthesis and structural features of slab structure SrLa1−xSmxInO4
YA Titov, NM Belyavina, MS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak, MV Timoschenko, ...
Effect of isovalent substitution of lanthanum atoms on the slab structure of indates SrLa1–xNdxInO4. Voprosy Khimii i Khi micheskoi Tekhnologii, No. 1
YA Titov, NM Belyavina, MS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak, OI Nakonechna
https://doi. org/10.3 2434, 0321-4095, 2019
Crystal structure of isovalent substituted layered indates Ba1-xSrxLa2In2O7
YA Titov, NM Belyavina, MS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak
Dopov Nac akad Nauk Ukr 6, 95-102, 2016
Crystal structure of La5Ti4GaO17
YA Titov, NM Belyavina, VY Markiv, MS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 430 (1-2), 81-84, 2007
Умови ізовалентного заміщення атомів РЗЕ в п’ятишаровій перовскітоподібній структурі СaLn₄Ti₅O₁₇
ЮО Тітов, МС Слободяник, ВВ Чумак
Украинский химический журнал, 2006
Changes of the slab structure of constitution scandate SrLaScO4 at the isovalent substitution of strontium atoms
YA Titov, NM Belyavina, MS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak
Особливості механізмів утворення шаруватих скандатів SrLnnScnO3n+ 1 із систем суміснозакристалізованих нітратів
ЮО Тітов, МС Слободяник, ЯА Краєвська, ВВ Чумак
Украинский химический журнал, 2010
Characteristics of the structure and crystallochemical criteria for the existence of compounds of the type AnBnO3n+2
YA Titov, NS Slobodyanik, VV Chumak
Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry 42, 102-105, 2006
Electret properties of Са5Nb4TiO17 with five-layered perovskite-like structure
YO Titov, MS Slobodyanik, NM Belyavina, OI Nakonechna, VV Chumak, ...
Functional Materials 24 (4), 559-562, 2017
Isovalent substitution of A-position atoms in layer structure of MeLnnBIII nO3n+ 1 (Me= Ba, Sr, BIII= Sc, In)
YA Titov, NS Slobodyanik, YA Krayevskaya, VV Chumak
Ukr. khim. zhurn 82, 67-70, 2016
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