IAP NASU, Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, ²ÏÔ ÍÀÍ Óêðà¿íè
IAP NASU, Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, ²ÏÔ ÍÀÍ Óêðà¿íè
National Academy Science Of Ukraine
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Determination of the bone mineral crystallite size and lattice strain from diffraction line broadening
SN Danilchenko, OG Kukharenko, C Moseke, IY Protsenko, LF Sukhodub, ...
Crystal Research and Technology: Journal of Experimental and Industrial …, 2002
Zinc oxide–analogue of GaN with new perspective possibilities
VA Karpina, VI Lazorenko, CV Lashkarev, VD Dobrowolski, LI Kopylova, ...
Crystal Research and Technology: Journal of Experimental and Industrial …, 2004
The compact linear collider (CLIC)-2018 summary report
T CLIC, TK Charles, PJ Giansiracusa, TG Lucas, RP Rassool, M Volpi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.06018, 2018
Ñòðóêòóðà è ñâîéñòâà àïàòèòîâ êàëüöèÿ ñ òî÷êè çðåíèÿ áèîìèíåðàëîãèè è áèîìàòåðèàëîâåäåíèÿ (îáçîð)
ÑÍ Äàíèëü÷åíêî
Èçäàòåëüñòâî ÑóìÃÓ, 2007
Updated baseline for a staged Compact Linear Collider
C Balazs, TK Charles
CERN, 2016
Application of micro-and nanoprobes to the analysis of small-sized 3D materials, nanosystems, and nanoobjects
AD Pogrebnjak, AG Ponomarev, AP Shpak, YA Kunitskii
Physics-Uspekhi 55 (3), 270, 2012
Quantum electrodynamics resonances in a pulsed laser field
SP Roshchupkin, AA Lebed', EA Padusenko, AI Voroshilo
Laser Physics 22 (6), 1113-1144, 2012
Characterization and in vivo evaluation of chitosan‐hydroxyapatite bone scaffolds made by one step coprecipitation method
SN Danilchenko, OV Kalinkevich, MV Pogorelov, AN Kalinkevich, ...
Journal of biomedical materials research Part A 96 (4), 639-647, 2011
Chitosan–hydroxyapatite composite biomaterials made by a one step co-precipitation method: preparation, characterization and in vivo tests
SM Danylchenko, OV Kalinkevich, MV Pogorelov
Collegium Basilea & AMSI, 2009
Thermal behavior of biogenic apatite crystals in bone: An X‐ray diffraction study
SN Danilchenko, AV Koropov, IY Protsenko, B Sulkio‐Cleff, LF Sukhodub
Crystal Research and Technology: Journal of Experimental and Industrial …, 2006
Resonant and coherent effects of quantum electrodynamics in the light field
SP Roshchupkin, AI Voroshilo
Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 2008
High quality ZnO films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering using layer by layer growth method
AI Ievtushenko, VA Karpyna, VI Lazorenko, GV Lashkarev, ...
Thin Solid Films 518 (16), 4529-4532, 2010
Is DNA’s rigidity dominated by electrostatic or nonelectrostatic interactions?
A Savelyev, CK Materese, GA Papoian
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (48), 19290-19293, 2011
Silver-doped hydroxyapatite coatings formed on Ti–6Al–4V substrates and their characterization
AA Yanovska, AS Stanislavov, LB Sukhodub, VN Kuznetsov, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 36, 215-220, 2014
Resonant spontaneous bremsstrahlung by an electron scattered by a nucleus in the field of a pulsed light wave
AA Lebed’, SP Roshchupkin
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (3), 033413, 2010
Nonlinear pulsed ultrasound beams radiated by rectangular focused diagnostic transducers
VA Khokhlova, AE Ponomarev, MA Averkiou, LA Crum
Acoustical Physics 52, 481-489, 2006
Self-organized criticality within fractional Lorenz scheme
AI Olemskoi, AV Khomenko, DO Kharchenko
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 323, 263-293, 2003
Effects of quantum electrodynamics in the strong pulsed laser fields
SP Roshchupkin, AA Lebed
Kiev, Ukraine: Naukova Dumka, 2013
The Sumy scanning nuclear microprobe: Design features and first tests
VE Storizhko, AG Ponomarev, VA Rebrov, AI Chemeris, AA Drozdenko, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2007
A synoptic comparison of the Mihalas-Hummer-Däppen and OPAL equations of state
R Trampedach, W Däppen, VA Baturin
The Astrophysical Journal 646 (1), 560, 2006
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Articles 1–20