І.М. Кліщ _ Klishch I.M.
І.М. Кліщ _ Klishch I.M.
професор кафедри функціональної і лабораторної діагностики ТНМУ
Підтверджена електронна адреса в tdmu.edu.ua - Домашня сторінка
Selenium: an antioxidant with a critical role in anti-aging
G Bjørklund, M Shanaida, R Lysiuk, H Antonyak, I Klishch, V Shanaida, ...
Molecules 27 (19), 6613, 2022
Роль антиоксидантной системы в патогенезе токсического гепатита
ЯИ Гонский, ММ Корда, ИН Клищ, ЛС Фира
Патологическая физиология и экспериментальная терапия, 43, 1996
Mineral Waters, Metabolism, Neuro-Endocrine-Immune Complex
IL Popovych, AI Gozhenko, MM Korda, IM Klishch, DV Popovych, ...
Odesa. Feniks 252, 2022
Influence of phytocompositions on dynamics of changes in basal glycemia and glycemia in oral glucose tolerance test in rats with streptozotocin-nicotinamide-induced diabetes …
K Kurylo, L Budniak, A Volska, B Zablotskyy, I Klishch
Georgian medical news, 112-116, 2020
The relationship between experimental alimentary obesity and hard tooth tissues mineralization
M Marushchak, I Krynytska, L Mazur, I Klishch, G Gabor, I Antonyshyn
Jordan Medical Journal 51 (1), 2017
The determination of correlation linkages between level of reactive oxygen species, contents of neutrophiles and blood gas composition in experimental acute lung injury
M Marushchak, I Krynytska, N Petrenko, I Klishch
Georgian medical news 4 (253), 98-103, 2016
Comparative study of the effect of various forms of quercetin on experimental diabetes
K Posokhova, I Stechyshyn, I Krynytska, M Marushchak, I Birchenko, ...
Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 25 (4), 383-388, 2018
Шляхи імплементації закону України Про вищу освіту” в Тернопільському державному медичному університеті
ММ Корда, АГ Шульгай, ІМ Кліщ
Медична освіта, 34-38, 2015
Lyme borreliosis
MA Andreychyn, MM Korda, MI Shkilna, OL Ivakhiv, SM Andreychyn, ...
Ternopil: TNMU 376, 2021
Epidemiological situation of Lyme borreliosis and diagnosis standards in Poland and Ukraine
M Andreychyn, A Pańczuk, M Shkilna, M Tokarska-Rodak, M Korda, ...
Health Problems of Civilization 11 (3), 190-194, 2017
Prevalence of in ticks from the Ternopil region in Ukraine
M Weiner, W Żukiewicz-Sobczak, M Tokarska-Rodak, D Plewik, ...
Journal of veterinary research 62 (3), 275-280, 2018
Gender differences in treatment delays, management and mortality among patients with acute coronary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis
T Lunova, R Komorovsky, I Klishch
Current Cardiology Reviews 19 (1), 2023
Морфологічні зміни печінки та їх корекція при змодельованій обтураційній жовтяниці
МС Гнатюк, ІМ Кліщ, ММ Галей
Шпитальна хірургія, 78-82, 2008
General non-specific metabolic, neuroendocrine and immune reactions to various water-salt loads in female rats
YV Zavidnyuk, IR Mysula, IM Klishch, W Zukow, IL Popovych, MM Korda
Journal of Education, Health and Sport 8 (3), 513-524, 2018
Line immunoblot assay for tick-borne relapsing fever and findings in patient sera from Australia, Ukraine and the USA
JS Shah, S Liu, I Du Cruz, A Poruri, R Maynard, M Shkilna, M Korda, ...
Healthcare 7 (4), 121, 2019
Role of organic carbon and nitrogen of mineral waters in their neuro-endocrine effects at female rats
W Zukow, OA Gozhenko, YV Zavidnyuk, MM Korda, IR Mysula, IM Klishch, ...
International J of Applied Exercise Physiology 9 (4), 20-25, 2020
Changes in lipid peroxidation in experimental traumatic muscle injury and their correction with mesenchymal stem cells
VH Dzhyvak, IM Klishch, AI Dovhalyuk, OI Khlibovska, NS Badiuk
Pharmacologyonline 3, 674-679, 2021
Features of neuro-endocrine and immune reactions to various water-salt loads in female rats
OA Gozhenko, YV Zavidnyuk, MM Korda, IR Mysula, IM Klishch, W Zukow, ...
Journal of Education, Health and Sport 8 (9), 11-31, 2018
Антиокислительное действие диметилсульфоксида при остром поражении печени тетрахлорметаном
ЯИ Гонский, ММ Корда, ИН Клищ
Вопросы медицинской химии 38 (2), 43-44, 1992
Influence of PRP on morphological changes in muscle in the early period after traumatic muscle injury in the experiment
V Dzhyvak, O Khlibovska, T Datsko, I Klishch
Journal of Education, Health and Sport 10 (6), 171-178, 2020
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