Tetiana Prikhna
Tetiana Prikhna
(1) Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; (2) KNUCA
Немає підтвердженої електронної адреси
High-pressure synthesis of MgB2 with addition of Ti
TA Prikhna, W Gawalek, YM Savchuk, VE Moshchil, NV Sergienko, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 402 (3), 223-233, 2004
Research of the treatment of depleted nickel-plating electrolytes by the ferritization method
G Kochetov, T Prikhna, O Kovalchuk, D Samchenko
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 52-60, 2018
Nanostructural inhomogeneities acting as pinning centers in bulk MgB2 with low and enhanced grain connectivity
TA Prikhna, M Eisterer, HW Weber, W Gawalek, VV Kovylaev, MV Karpets, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 27 (4), 044013, 2014
Batch-processed melt-textured YBCO with improved quality for motor and bearing applications
W Gawalek, T Habisreuther, M Zeisberger, D Litzkendorf, O Surzhenko, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 17 (10), 1185, 2004
High-pressure synthesis of a bulk superconductive MgB2-based material
TA Prikhna, W Gawalek, YM Savchuk, VE Moshchil, NV Sergienko, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 386, 565-568, 2003
Mechanical properties of materials based on MAX phases of the Ti-Al-C system
TA Prikhna, SN Dub, AV Starostina, MV Karpets, T Cabiosh, P Chartier
Journal of superhard materials 34, 102-109, 2012
The inclusions of Mg–B (MgB12?) as potential pinning centres in high-pressure–high-temperature-synthesized or sintered magnesium diboride
TA Prikhna, W Gawalek, YM Savchuk, T Habisreuther, M Wendt, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 20 (9), S257, 2007
Chemical interactions in Ti doped MgB2 superconducting bulk samples and wires
S Haigh, P Kovac, TA Prikhna, YM Savchuk, MR Kilburn, C Salter, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 18 (9), 1190, 2005
Temperature dependence of the trapped magnetic field in bulk superconductors
RV Viznichenko, AA Kordyuk, G Fuchs, K Nenkov, KH Müller, TA Prikhna, ...
Applied physics letters 83 (21), 4360-4362, 2003
Synthesis Pressure–Temperature Effect on Pinning in MgB2-Based Superconductors
T Prikhna, M Eisterer, W Gawalek, A Kozyrev, HW Weber, V Sokolovsky, ...
Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 26, 1569-1576, 2013
Structure and thermal expansion of (Crx, V1− x) n+ 1AlCn phases measured by X-ray diffraction
J Halim, P Chartier, T Basyuk, T Prikhna, NC El’ad, MW Barsoum, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37 (1), 15-21, 2017
Characterization of B4C-SiC ceramic composites prepared by ultra-high pressure sintering
B Matović, J Maletaškić, T Prikhna, V Urbanovich, V Girman, M Lisnichuk, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41 (9), 4755-4760, 2021
High-pressure synthesis of MgB2 with and without tantalum additions
TA Prikhna, W Gawalek, AB Surzhenko, VE Moshchil, NV Sergienko, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 372, 1543-1545, 2002
Superconducting joining of melt-textured Y–Ba–Cu–O bulk material
T Prikhna, W Gawalek, V Moshchil, A Surzhenko, A Kordyuk, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 354 (1-4), 333-337, 2001
A new MAX phases-based electroconductive coating for high-temperature oxidizing environment
TA Prikhna, OP Ostash, AS Kuprin, VY Podhurska, TB Serbenyuk, ...
Composite Structures 277, 114649, 2021
Superconducting Wires: Basics and Applications
E R. Fluekiger
World Scientific Series in Applications of Superconductivity and Related …, 2016
Ti and Zr doped MgB2 bulk superconductors
N Hörhager, M Eisterer, HW Weber, T Prikhna, T Tajima, VF Nesterenko
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 43 (1), 500, 2006
Graphene-layer-coated boron carbide nanosheets with efficient electromagnetic wave absorption
B Zhang, T Prikhna, C Hu, Z Wang
Applied Surface Science 560, 150027, 2021
Бориды алюминия
БЮВ Кислый П. С., Неронов В. А., Прихна Т. А.
К.: Наук. Думка, 1990
Effect of the Additive of Y2O3 on the Structure Formation and Properties of Composite Materials Based on AlN–SiC
TB Serbenyuk, TO Prikhna, VB Sverdun, NV Sverdun, VY Moshchil’, ...
Journal of Superhard Materials 40, 8-15, 2018
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