Tungstate and molybdate scintillators to search for dark matter and double beta decay LL Nagornaya, FA Danevich, AM Dubovik, BV Grinyov, S Henry, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56 (4), 2513-2518, 2009
122 2009 Performance of ZnMoO4 crystal as cryogenic scintillating bolometer to search for double beta decay of molybdenum L Gironi, C Arnaboldi, JW Beeman, O Cremonesi, FA Danevich, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 5 (11), P11007, 2010
119 2010 High-pressure Raman spectroscopy and lattice-dynamics calculations on scintillating MgWO : Comparison with isomorphic compounds J Ruiz-Fuertes, D Errandonea, S López-Moreno, J González, O Gomis, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (21), 214112, 2011
98 2011 Excitonic and recombination processes in CaWO4 and CdWO4 scintillators under synchrotron irradiation V Nagirnyi, E Feldbach, L Jönsson, M Kirm, A Lushchik, C Lushchik, ...
Radiation measurements 29 (3-4), 247-250, 1998
91 1998 Radioactive contamination of ZnWO4 crystal scintillators P Belli, R Bernabei, F Cappella, R Cerulli, FA Danevich, AM Dubovik, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
88 2011 Production of the high-quality CdWO4 single crystals for application in CT and radiometric monitoring L Nagornaya, G Onyshchenko, E Pirogov, N Starzhinskiy, I Tupitsyna, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2005
73 2005 MgWO4–A new crystal scintillator FA Danevich, DM Chernyak, AM Dubovik, BV Grinyov, S Henry, H Kraus, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2009
59 2009 Optical, luminescence and thermal properties of radiopure ZnMoO4 crystals used in scintillating bolometers for double beta decay search DM Chernyak, FA Danevich, VY Degoda, IM Dmitruk, F Ferri, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2013
58 2013 Search for decay of with an enriched crystal scintillator in coincidence with four HPGe detectors P Belli, R Bernabei, VB Brudanin, F Cappella, V Caracciolo, R Cerulli, ...
Physical Review C 93 (4), 045502, 2016
48 2016 Improvement of radiopurity level of enriched 116CdWO4 and ZnWO4 crystal scintillators by recrystallization AS Barabash, P Belli, R Bernabei, YA Borovlev, F Cappella, V Caracciolo, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
47 2016 Optical and luminescence properties of CdWO4 and CdWO4 :Mo single crystals OV Rzhevskaya, DA Spasskiĭ, VN Kolobanov, VV Mikhaĭlin, ...
Optics and Spectroscopy 104, 366-373, 2008
45 2008 Effect of particle size and morphology on the properties of luminescence in ZnWO4 VM Lisitsyn, DT Valiev, IA Tupitsyna, EF Polisadova, VI Oleshko, ...
Journal of Luminescence 153, 130-135, 2014
43 2014 Growth of Crystal Scintillators for High Sensitivity Experiments LL Nagornaya, AM Dubovik, YY Vostretsov, BV Grinyov, FA Danevich, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 55 (3), 1469-1472, 2008
42 2008 Research and Development of (B = W, Mo) Crystal Scintillators for Dark Matter and Double Beta Decay Searching A Dubovik, YY Vostretsov, B Grinyov, F Danevich, H Kraus, L Nagornaya, ...
Acta Physica Polonica A 117 (1), 15-19, 2010
41 2010 Energy transfer in solid solutions ZnxMg1− xWO4 D Spassky, S Omelkov, H Mägi, V Mikhailin, A Vasil’Ev, N Krutyak, ...
Optical Materials 36 (10), 1660-1664, 2014
40 2014 Large Volume Crystal Scintillators With Excellent Energy Resolution and Low Background LL Nagornaya, BV Grinyov, AM Dubovik, YY Vostretsov, IA Tupitsyna, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56 (3), 994-997, 2009
38 2009 Electron spin resonance study of self-trapped holes in CdWO4 scintillator crystals VV Laguta, M Nikl, J Rosa, BV Grinyov, LL Nagornaya, IA Tupitsina
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (10), 2008
28 2008 The features of energy transfer to the emission centers in ZnWO4 and ZnWO4: Mo NR Krutyak, VV Mikhailin, AN Vasil’ev, DA Spassky, IA Tupitsyna, ...
Journal of luminescence 144, 105-111, 2013
26 2013 Cryogenic detectors for rare alpha decay search: a new approach N Casali, A Dubovik, S Nagorny, S Nisi, F Orio, L Pattavina, S Pirro, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 184, 952-957, 2016
15 2016 Nanocrystalline zinc and cadmium tungstates: morphology, luminescent and scintillation properties AG Yakubovskaya, KA Katrunov, IA Tupitsyna, NG Starzhinskiy, ...
Functional materials, 2011
15 2011