Ivan Syniavskyi
Ivan Syniavskyi
Main Astronomical Observatory NAS ofUkraine
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Cited by
New satellite project Aerosol-UA: Remote sensing of aerosols in the terrestrial atmosphere
G Milinevsky, Y Yatskiv, O Degtyaryov, I Syniavskyi, M Mishchenko, ...
Acta Astronautica 123, 292-300, 2016
Îñîáëèâîñò³ âèãîòîâëåííÿ åë³ïñî¿äàëüíèõ ðåôëåêòîð³â ôîòîìåòð³â
ÌÎ Áåçóãëèé, ²² Ñèíÿâñüêèé, ÍÂ Áåçóãëà, ÀÃ Êîçëîâñüêèé, ...
Êϲ ³ì. ²ãîðÿ ѳêîðñüêîãî, 2016
Calibration model of polarimeters on board the Aerosol-UA space mission
G Milinevsky, Y Oberemok, I Syniavskyi, A Bovchaliuk, I Kolomiets, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 229, 92-105, 2019
Concept of the construction of the optical setup of a panoramic Stokes polarimeter for small telescopes
II Sinyavskiĭ, YS Ivanov, AP Vil’machenko
Journal of Optical Technology 80 (9), 545-548, 2013
Remote sensing of aerosol in the terrestrial atmosphere from space: new missions
G Milinevsky, Y Yatskiv, O Degtyaryov, I Syniavskyi, Y Ivanov, ...
Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics, 2015
Middle-infrared echelle cross-dispersion spectrometer ACS-MIR for the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter
A Trokhimovskiy, O Korablev, YS Ivanov, II Siniyavsky, A Fedorova, ...
Proc. SPIE, Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXIII 9608, 2015
Methodology, hardware implementation, and validation of satellite remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols: first results of the Aerosol-UA space experiment development
II Syniavskyi, GP Milinevsky, YS Ivanov, MG Sosonkin, VO Danylevsky, ...
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 21 (3), 2015
The development of the imaging polarimeter's polarizer on the basis of the polarizing film
AP Vidmachenko, YS Ivanov, II Syniavskyi
Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya 21 (4), 19-23, 2015
Ozone columns obtained by ground‐based remote sensing in Kiev for Aura Ozone Measuring Instrument validation
AV Shavrina, YV Pavlenko, A Veles, I Syniavskyi, M Kroon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D24), 2007
Acousto-optic spectrometer ISEM for ExoMars-2020 space mission: ground measurements and calibrations
Y Dobrolenskiy, S Mantsevich, N Evdokimova, O Korablev, A Fedorova, ...
Fourteenth School on Acousto-Optics and Applications 11210, 94-104, 2019
Multispectral imager-polarimeter of the" AEROSOL-UA" space project
II Syniavskyi, YS Ivanov, MG Sosonkin, GP Milinevsky, G Koshman
Space Science and Technology 24 (3), 2018
Aerosol-UA satellite mission for the polarimetric study of aerosols in the atmosphere
I Syniavskyi, Y Oberemok, V Danylevsky, A Bovchaliuk, I Fesianov, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 267, 107601, 2021
Multispectral polarization state analyzer of scanning polarimeter ScanPol
I Syniavskyi, Y Oberemok, Y Ivanov, M Sosonkin
International Journal of Optics 2020 (1), 1695658, 2020
Tropospheric ozone columns and ozone profiles for Kiev in 2007
AV Shavrina, YV Pavlenko, AA Veles, VA Sheminova, II Synyavski, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.1211, 2010
Spring 2020 atmospheric aerosol contamination over Kyiv City
C Zhang, V Shulga, G Milinevsky, V Danylevsky, Y Yukhymchuk, V Kyslyi, ...
Atmosphere 13 (5), 687, 2022
Panoramic Stokes-polarimeter
II Syniavskyi, YS Ivanov, AP Vidmachenko, NV Karpov
Ecological bulettin of research centers of the Black Sea Economic …, 2013
High resolution middle infrared spectrometer, a part of atmospheric chemistry suite (ACS) for EXOMARS 2016 trace gas orbiter
A Trokhimovskiy, O Korablev, Y Ivanov, I Syniavskyi, F Montmessin, ...
International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2014 10563, 1328-1335, 2017
Using a polarizing film in the manufacture of panoramic Stokes polarimeters at the Main Astronomical Observatory of NAS of Ukraine
I Syniavskyi, Y Ivanov, AP Vidmachenko, A Sergeev
Near-Earth Astronomy-2015. Proceedings of the International conference. 31 …, 2015
Astrospectropolarimeters for weak objects
YS Ivanov, II Sinyavskiĭ, MG Sosonkin
Journal of Optical Technology 73 (12), 879-882, 2006
The Ukrainian Youth Satellite: investigation of the Earth's aerosol stratum with the use of UV-polarimeter
YP Nevodovskyi, AP Vid'Machenko, OV Morozhenko, PV Nevodovskyi, ...
Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya 10, 27-32, 2004
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Articles 1–20