IK Yanson (ÈÊ ßíñîí, 1938-2011)
IK Yanson (ÈÊ ßíñîí, 1938-2011)
B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
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Cited by
The signature of conductance quantization in metallic point contacts
JM Krans, JM Van Ruitenbeek, VV Fisun, IK Yanson, LJ De Jongh
Nature 375 (6534), 767-769, 1995
One-atom point contacts
JM Krans, CJ Muller, IK Yanson, TCM Govaert, R Hesper, ...
Physical Review B 48 (19), 14721, 1993
Point-contact spectroscopy
YG Naidyuk, IK Yanson
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Experimental studies of molecular interactions between nitrogen bases of nucleic acids
IK Yanson, AB Teplitsky, LF Sukhodub
Biopolymers: Original Research on Biomolecules 18 (5), 1149-1170, 1979
The Josephson effect in superconductive tunneling structures
IO Kulik, IK Yanson, DN Langenberg
American Journal of Physics 42 (9), 799-800, 1974
Nonlinear effects in the electric conductivity of point junctions and electron-phonon interaction in normal metals
IK Yanson
Zhurnal Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki 66 (3), 1035-1050, 1974
Observation of shell structure in sodium nanowires
AI Yanson, IK Yanson, JM van Ruitenbeek
Nature 400 (6740), 144-146, 1999
Experimental observation of the tunnel effect for Cooper pairs with the emission of photons
IK Yanson, VM Svistunov, IM Dmitrenko
Sov. Phys. JETP 21, 650, 1965
Point-contact spectroscopy of the electron-phonon interaction in pure metals
IK Yanson
Soviet Journal of Low Temperature Physics 9 (7), 343-360, 1983
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(No Title), 1970
Atlas of point contact spectra of electron-phonon interactions in metals
AV Khotkevich, IK Yanson
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Subgap structure as function of the barrier in atom-size superconducting tunnel junctions
N Van der Post, ET Peters, IK Yanson, JM Van Ruitenbeek
Physical review letters 73 (19), 2611, 1994
Supershell structure in alkali metal nanowires
AI Yanson, IK Yanson, JM Van Ruitenbeek
Physical review letters 84 (25), 5832, 2000
Anisotropy of point-contact spectra in the heavy-fermion superconductor
G Goll, H Löhneysen, IK Yanson, L Taillefer
Physical review letters 70 (13), 2008, 1993
Point-contact spectroscopy of metallic alloys and compounds
IK Yanson, OI Shklyarevskij
Fiz. Nizki. Temp.;(USSR) 12 (9), 1986
Size dependence of Kondo scattering in point contacts
IK Yanson, VV Fisun, R Hesper, AV Khotkevich, JM Krans, JA Mydosh, ...
Physical review letters 74 (2), 302, 1995
Singularities in d2V/dI2 dependences of point contacts between ferromagnetic metals
BI Verkin, IK Yanson, IO Kulik, OI Shklyarevski, AA Lysykh, YG Naydyuk
Solid State Communications 30 (4), 215-218, 1979
Atomic-Size Oscillations in Conductance Histograms for Gold Nanowires and the Influence<? format?> of Work Hardening
IK Yanson, OI Shklyarevskii, S Csonka, H Van Kempen, S Speller, ...
Physical review letters 95 (25), 256806, 2005
Point-contact spectroscopy of heavy-fermion systems
YG Naidyuk, IK Yanson
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (40), 8905, 1998
Crossover from electronic to atomic shell structure in alkali metal nanowires
AI Yanson, IK Yanson, JM van Ruitenbeek
Physical review letters 87 (21), 216805, 2001
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Articles 1–20