Vyacheslav I. Karas
Vyacheslav I. Karas
National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics &Technology
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Penetration of microwave with a stochastic jumping phase (MSJP) into overdense plasmas and electron collisionless heating by it
VI Karas, VD Levchenko
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2003
Interaction of microwave radiation undergoing stochastic phase jumps with plasmas or gases
Plasma Physics Reports 31 (9), 748-760, 2005
Plasma wake-field excitation by relativistic electron bunches and charged particle acceleration in the presence of external magnetic field
LVD Balakirev, Vladimir Artemovich ,Karas Vyacheslav Ignat`evich, Karas ...
Laser and Particle Beams 19 (4), 597-604, 2001
Nonequilibrium stationary distribution of particles in a solid plasma
VI Karas, SS Moiseev, VE Novikov
Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 71, 1421-1433, 1976
Low-pressure discharge induced by microwave radiation with a stochastically jumping phase
Plasma Physics Reports 36 (8), 736-749, 2010
Charged particle acceleration by an intense ultrashort electromagnetic pulse excited in a plasma by laser radiation or by relativistic electron bunches
KIV Balakirev Vladimir Artemovich, Karas' Vyacheslav Ignat`evich
Plasma Physics Reports 28 (2), 125-139, 2002
Nonequilibrium Kolmogorov-type particle distributions and their applications
VE Zakharov
Physics-Uspekhi 56 (1), 49, 2013
Charged particle acceleration by an intense wake-field excited in plasmas by either laser pulse or relativistic electron bunch
VA Balakirev, IV Karas, VI Karas, VD Levchenko, M Bornatici
Laser and Particle beams 22 (4), 383-392, 2004
Focusing of relativistic electron bunches at the wake-field excitation in plasma
YB Fainberg, NI Ayzatsky, VA Balakirev, AK Berezin, AN Dovbnya, ...
Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No. 97CH36167 …, 1997
Kinetic simulation of open beam-plasma systems
OV Batishchev, VI Karas, VD Levchenko
Plasma Physics Reports 20 (7), 1994
Steady-state nonequilibrium electron distributions characterized by a flux in momentum space in a solid-state plasma: Theory and applications
VM Balebanov, SS Moiseev, OY Naguchev, VI Karas, IV Karas, ...
Plasma Physics Reports 24, 1998
Численное моделирование динамики пучков заряженных частиц в аксиально-симметричном неоднородном магнитном поле
НГ Белова, ВИ Карась, ЮС Сигов
Физика плазмы 16 (2), 209-215, 1990
Experimental study of a propagation of microwave with stochastic jumping phase in overdense plasmas
AF Alisov, AM Artamoshkin, VI Karas, NM Zemlyanskij
Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki. Plazmennaya Ehlektronika i Novye Metody …, 2003
Acceleration and stability of high-current ion beams in two accelerating gaps of a linear induction accelerator
K VI, NG Belova
Plasma Phys. Rep 23 (4), 328-331, 1997
2.5-Dimensional computer simulation of relativistic bunch propagation in tenuous and dense plasmas
OV Batishchev, VI Karas, YS Sigov
Plasma Physics Reports 20 (7), 1994
Theoretical and experimental investigations of a neutralized ion induction linac for inertial confinement fusion
FYB Karas` Vyacheslav Ignat`evich, Kiyashko Vasiliy Anatol`evich, Kornilov ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research. A 278 (1), 245-246, 1989
Dissipation of the Energy of a Fast Charged Particle in a Solid-State Plasma
MVI Zhurenko Vitaliy Pavlovich, Karas` Vyacheslav Ignat`evich, Kononenko ...
Plasma Physics Reports 29 (2), 130-136, 2003
Excitation of wake fields by relativistic electron bunches in a plasma with radial density variation
VA Balakirev, VI Karas, AP Tolstoluzhskii, YB Fainberg
Plasma physics reports 23 (4), 290-298, 1997
Acceleration and stability of a high-current ion beam in induction fields
VI Karas’, OV Manuilenko, VP Tarakanov, OV Federovskaya
Plasma Physics Reports 39, 209-225, 2013
Specific features of radiation from a negative air corona operating in the Trichel-pulse mode
VI Karas’, VI Golota, OV Bolotov, BB Kadolin, DV Kudin
Plasma physics reports 34, 879-884, 2008
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