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Interaction of microwave radiation undergoing stochastic phase jumps with plasmas or gases Plasma Physics Reports 31 (9), 748-760, 2005 | 23* | 2005 |
Plasma wake-field excitation by relativistic electron bunches and charged particle acceleration in the presence of external magnetic field LVD Balakirev, Vladimir Artemovich ,Karas Vyacheslav Ignat`evich, Karas ... Laser and Particle Beams 19 (4), 597-604, 2001 | 23 | 2001 |
Nonequilibrium stationary distribution of particles in a solid plasma VI Karas, SS Moiseev, VE Novikov Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 71, 1421-1433, 1976 | 20 | 1976 |
Low-pressure discharge induced by microwave radiation with a stochastically jumping phase Plasma Physics Reports 36 (8), 736-749, 2010 | 19 | 2010 |
Charged particle acceleration by an intense ultrashort electromagnetic pulse excited in a plasma by laser radiation or by relativistic electron bunches KIV Balakirev Vladimir Artemovich, Karas' Vyacheslav Ignat`evich Plasma Physics Reports 28 (2), 125-139, 2002 | 19 | 2002 |
Nonequilibrium Kolmogorov-type particle distributions and their applications VE Zakharov Physics-Uspekhi 56 (1), 49, 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
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Численное моделирование динамики пучков заряженных частиц в аксиально-симметричном неоднородном магнитном поле НГ Белова, ВИ Карась, ЮС Сигов Физика плазмы 16 (2), 209-215, 1990 | 17* | 1990 |
Experimental study of a propagation of microwave with stochastic jumping phase in overdense plasmas AF Alisov, AM Artamoshkin, VI Karas, NM Zemlyanskij Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki. Plazmennaya Ehlektronika i Novye Metody …, 2003 | 16 | 2003 |
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2.5-Dimensional computer simulation of relativistic bunch propagation in tenuous and dense plasmas OV Batishchev, VI Karas, YS Sigov Plasma Physics Reports 20 (7), 1994 | 15 | 1994 |
Theoretical and experimental investigations of a neutralized ion induction linac for inertial confinement fusion FYB Karas` Vyacheslav Ignat`evich, Kiyashko Vasiliy Anatol`evich, Kornilov ... Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research. A 278 (1), 245-246, 1989 | 15* | 1989 |
Dissipation of the Energy of a Fast Charged Particle in a Solid-State Plasma MVI Zhurenko Vitaliy Pavlovich, Karas` Vyacheslav Ignat`evich, Kononenko ... Plasma Physics Reports 29 (2), 130-136, 2003 | 14 | 2003 |
Excitation of wake fields by relativistic electron bunches in a plasma with radial density variation VA Balakirev, VI Karas, AP Tolstoluzhskii, YB Fainberg Plasma physics reports 23 (4), 290-298, 1997 | 14 | 1997 |
Acceleration and stability of a high-current ion beam in induction fields VI Karas’, OV Manuilenko, VP Tarakanov, OV Federovskaya Plasma Physics Reports 39, 209-225, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
Specific features of radiation from a negative air corona operating in the Trichel-pulse mode VI Karas’, VI Golota, OV Bolotov, BB Kadolin, DV Kudin Plasma physics reports 34, 879-884, 2008 | 10 | 2008 |