Asymptotic methods in the theory of non-linear oscillations NN Bogoli︠u︡bov, IUA Mitropolʹskiĭ CRC Press, 1961 | 6460 | 1961 |
Introduction to the theory of quantized fields NN Bogoliubov, DV Shirkov, EM Henley Physics Today 13 (7), 40-42, 1960 | 4900 | 1960 |
On the theory of superfluidity N Bogoliubov J. Phys 11 (1), 23, 1947 | 4363 | 1947 |
Асимптотические методы в теории нелинейных колебаний НН Боголюбов, ЮА Митропольский Наука. Гл. ред. физ.-мат. лит., 1974 | 2956 | 1974 |
A new method in the theory of superconductivity NN Bogoljubov, VV Tolmachov, DV Širkov Fortschritte der physik 6 (11‐12), 605-682, 1958 | 2260* | 1958 |
Introduction to non-linear mechanics NM Krylov, NN Bogoliubov Princeton university press, 1949 | 2176 | 1949 |
Problems of a dynamical theory in statistical physics NN Bogolyubov, EK Gora (No Title), 1962 | 1637 | 1962 |
Введение в теорию квантованных полей ШДВ Боголюбов НН Наука, 1984 | 1195 | 1984 |
General principles of quantum field theory NN Bogolûbov, AA Logunov, AI Oksak, I Todorov Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 959 | 2012 |
Introduction to axiomatic field theory NN Bogoliubov, AA Logunov, IT Todorov | 867 | 1976 |
Soviet Phys. JETP 7, 41 (1958) NN Bogolyubov Nuovo cimento 7, 794, 1958 | 827 | 1958 |
Lectures on quantum statistics NN Bogolûbov CRC Press, 1970 | 819* | 1970 |
Проблемы динамической теории в статистической физике НН Боголюбов ОГИЗ. Гостехиздат, 1946 | 775 | 1946 |
Retarded and advanced Green functions in statistical physics NN Bogolyubov, SV Tyablikov Soviet Physics Doklady 4, 589, 1959 | 679* | 1959 |
JETP 34 58 Google Scholar Bogolyubov NN 1958 NN Bogolyubov JETP 34, 73, 1958 | 544 | 1958 |
Introduction to quantum statistical mechanics NN Bogolubov Jr World Scientific, 2010 | 541 | 2010 |
La théorie générale de la mesure dans son application à l'étude des systèmes dynamiques de la mécanique non linéaire N Kryloff, N Bogoliouboff Annals of mathematics 38 (1), 65-113, 1937 | 535 | 1937 |
Teoriya polya (Field theory) LD Landau, EM Lifshitz Theoretical Physics 2, 1973 | 437* | 1973 |
Quantum fields NN Bogoljubov, DV Sirkov | 433 | 1984 |
Nuovo Cimcnto 7, 794 (1958) N Bogoliubov Usp. Fiz. Nauk 67, 549, 1959 | 401* | 1959 |