Nonna Kulishova
Nonna Kulishova
Other namesНонна Кулішова, Н.Є.Кулішова, N.Ye.Kulishova
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
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Cited by
A Multidimentional Extended Neо-Fuzzy Neuron for Facial Expression Recognition
NY Kulishova, Z Hu, YV Bodyanskiy, OK Tyshchenko
Int. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (USA) 9 (9), 29-36, 2017
Поддержка стабильности цвета в открытых полиграфических системах: Монография
НЕ Кулишова, ИБ Чеботарева, ВФ Ткаченко, НС Гурьева
Х.: ООО «Типография МАДРИД, 2013
The Extended Multidimensional Neo-Fuzzy System and its Fast Learning in Pattern Recognition Tasks
Y Bodyanskiy, N Kulishova, O Chala
Data 3 (4), 63, 2018
Emotion Recognition Using Sigma-Pi Neural Network
N Kulishova
Proc. of 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Stream Mining …, 2016
Обобщённый алгоритм обучения формального нейрона
ЕВ Бодянский, НЕ Кулишова, ОГ Руденко
Кибернетика и системный анализ, 176-182, 2002
System analysis of the problem of establishing the authenticity and authority of painting works
AA Martynenko, AD Tevyashev, NY Kulishova, BI Moroz
КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022
Multilayer GMDH-neuro-fuzzy network based on extended neo-fuzzy neurons and its application in online facial expression recognition
YV Bodyanskiy, YP Zaychenko, G Hamidov, NY Kulishova
System research and information technologies, 66-78, 2020
Impact of the Textbooks’ Graphic Design on the Augmented Reality Applications Tracking Ability
N Kulishova, N Suchkova
Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education, 2019
The Extended Neo-Fuzzy System of Computational Intelligence and its Fast Learning for Emotions Online Recognition
Y Bodyanskiy, N Kulishova, D Malysheva
Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining …, 2018
Interpolation of color reflection coefficients with the help of an artificial radial basis neural network
NY Kulishova
Bionika Intellekta 64, 105-109, 2006
Real-Time Automatic Video Inspection System for Piece Products Marking
N Kulishova, A Paramonov, V Tkachenko
2020 IEEE Third International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2020
Spline-Orthogonal Extended Neo-Fuzzy Neuron
Y Bodyanskiy, Y Zaychenko, N Kulishova, G Hamidov
2019 12th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical …, 2019
Feature vector generation for the facial expression recognition using neo-fuzzy system
NY Kulishova, TV Ph
Радіоелектроніка, інформатика, управління, 88-97, 2018
Flexible 2D membership functions for images filtering using fuzzy peer group approach
N Kulishova, Y Bodyanskiy
2015 Xth International Scientific and Technical Conference" Computer …, 2015
Об одной модели формального нейрона
ЕВ Бодянский, ОГ Руденко, НЕ Кулишова
Доповіді Національної Академії наук України, 69-73, 2001
Рекурентна прогнозуюча штучна нейронна мережа: архітектура та алгоритми навчання
ЄВ Бодянський, ОГ Руденко, НЄ Кулішова
Адаптивні системи автоматичного управління, 129-137, 1999
The problem of automatic classification of pictures using an intelligent decision-making system based on the knowledge graph and fine-grained image analysis
AA Martynenko, AD Tevyashev, NY Kulishova, BI Moroz
КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022
The Extended Generalized Neo-Fuzzy Network and Its Online Learning in Image Recognition Problem
N Kulishova, Y Bodyanskiy, I Pliss
2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2019
The multidimensional extended neo-fuzzy system and its fast learning for emotions online recognition
Y Bodyanskiy, N Kulishova, D Malysheva
2018 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2018
Побудова нечітких оцінок спотворених зображень
НЄ Кулішова, АО Попова
ВПІ НТУУ" КПІ", 2014
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Articles 1–20