Kulish Volodymyr Victorovych / Куліш Володимир Вікторович / Кулиш Владимир Викторович
Kulish Volodymyr Victorovych / Куліш Володимир Вікторович / Кулиш Владимир Викторович
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Cited by
Optical properties of metal nanotubes and metal nanoshells
VV Kulish, PM Tomchuk
Surface Science 602 (5), 1045-1052, 2008
Spin waves in a two-sublattice antiferromagnet. A self-similar solution of the Landau-Lifshitz equation
YI Gorobets, Y Gorobets, VV Kulish
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 42, 52-61, 2017
Dipole-exchange spin waves in a ferromagnetic nanotube
YI Gorobets, VV Kulish
Ukrainian journal of physics 59 (5), 541-541, 2014
Dipole-exchange spin waves in a periodically layered ferromagnetic nanotube
YI Gorobets, VV Kulish
2012 IEEE International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic …, 2012
Dipole-exchange spin waves in nanotubes composed of uniaxial ferromagnets with “easy-plane” and “easy-axis” anisotropies
YI Gorobets, VV Kulish
Low Temperature Physics 41 (7), 517-521, 2015
Theory of Dipole-Exchange Spin Excitations in a Spherical Ferromagnetic Nanoshell. Consideration of the Boundary Conditions
VV Kulish
International Journal of Engineering Research and Science 3 (9), 2017
Магнітні спін-хвильові властивості феромагнітних наносистем різної форми. Особливості врахування граничних умов при знаходженні спектра значень хвильового числа
ВВ Куліш
Наукові вісті Національного технічного університету України Київський …, 2017
Composite nanostructures with metal components
VV Kulish
Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics 3 (3), 105, 2011
Spin waves in a ferromagnetic nanotube. Account of dissipation and spin-polarized current
VV Kulish
Ukrainian journal of physics, 59-65, 2016
Optical conductivity of metallic nanotubes
PM Tomchuk, VV Kulish
Ukrayins' kij Fyizichnij Zhurnal (Kiev) 49 (6), 598-606, 2004
Optical conductivity of metal nanoshells
PM Tomchuk, VV Kulish
Journal of Physical Studies 8 (2), 127-136, 2004
Theory of propagation of nonlinear spin wave through an antiferromagnetic magnonic crystal with four-sublattice interfaces
OY Gorobets, VV Kulish, IA Syzon
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 587, 171266, 2023
Spin waves in an arbitrary ferromagnetic nanosystem with a translational symmetry. Nano-tube with a round cross-section. Nanotube with an elliptic cross-section
VV Kulish
Zhurnal Nano-ta Elektronnoyi Fizyky 6, 2014, 2021
A self-similar solution of the Landau-Lifshitz equation for a spin wave in an antiferromagnet.“Relativistic” class of the solutions
YI Gorobets, OY Gorobets, VV Kulish
8th Joint European Magnetics Symposia “JEMS, 2016
Dipole-exchange spin excitations in a thin ferromagnetic nanoshell
YI Gorobets, VV Kulish
Central European Journal of Physics 11 (3), 375-379, 2013
Theory of Dipole-Exchange Spin Waves in a Ferromagnetic Nanotube. Consideration of Volume and Surface Modes
VV Kulish
International Journal of Engineering Research and Science 4 (6), 2018
Spin waves in a ferromagnetic nanotube of an elliptic cross-section in the presence of a spin-polarized current
YI Gorobets, VV Kulish
Open Physics 13 (1), 2015
Energy Method of Finding Distribution Constant of an Antiferromagnetic Vector for an Antidote System in a Two-sublattice Antiferromagnet
VV Кulish, OY Gorobets
Журнал нано-та електронної фізики, 02027-1-02027-9, 2015
Spin waves in a ferromagnetic film with a periodic system of antidots
VV Kulish
Zhurnal Nano-ta Elektronnoyi Fizyky 7, 01020, 2015
Spin excitations in ‘nanorice’-type ferromagnetic nanoshell
YI Gorobets, VV Kulish
Metalofizyka ta Novitni Tekhnologii, 1023-1033, 2014
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Articles 1–20