Березовський Володимир Євгенійович
Березовський Володимир Євгенійович
Уманський національний університет садівництва, завідувач кафедри, професор
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Differential geometry of special mappings
J Mikeš, S Bácsó, V Berezovski, E Chepurna, M Chodorová, H Chudá, ...
Palacky Univ. Press, Olomouc, 2015
On a classification of almost geodesic mappings of affine connection spaces
VE Berezovski, J Mikeˇs
Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. Rerum Nat., Math. 35, 21-26, 1996
Geodesic mappings of affine-connected spaces onto Riemannian spaces
J Mikes, V Berezovski
Differential geometry and its applications (Eger, 1989) 56, 491-494, 1989
Geodesic mappings and their generalizations
J Mikes, VE Berezovski, E Stepanova, H Chuda
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 217 (5), 607-623, 2016
Fundamental PDE’s of the canonical almost geodesic mappings of type π1
VE Berezovski, J Mikeš, A Vanzurová
Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.(2) 37 (3), 647-659, 2014
Almost Geodesic Mappings of Spaces with Affine Connection
VE Berezovskii, J Mikě
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 207 (3), 389-409, 2015
On the classification of almost geodesic mappings of affine-connected spaces
V Berezovski, J Mikeš
Conf. Diff. Geom. and Appl., 1988, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Novi Sad (1989), 41-48, 1989
Almost geodesic mappings of affinely connected spaces that preserve the Riemannian curvature
VE Berezovskii
Líceum University Press, 2015
On canonical almost geodesic mappings which preserve the Weyl projective tensor
VE Berezovskii, J Mikeš, H Chudá, OY Chepurna
Russian Mathematics 61, 1-5, 2017
Almost geodesic mappings onto generalized Ricci-symmetric manifolds
V Berezovsky, J Mikes, A Vanzurová
Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis 26 (2), 221-230, 2010
Canonical almost geodesic mappings of the first type of manifolds with affine connection
VE Berezovskii, J Mikeš
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Matematika, 3-8, 2014
On special almost geodesic mappings of type of spaces with affine connection
V Berezovsky, J Mikeš
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium …, 2004
Geodesic mappings of weakly Berwald spaces and Berwald spaces onto Riemannian spaces
J Mikeš, S Bácsó, V Berezovskii
Int. J. Pure Appl. Math 45 (3), 413-418, 2008
Canonical almost geodesic mappings of the first type of spaces with affine connection onto generalized 2-Ricci-symmetric spaces
V Berezovski, Y Cherevko, S Leshchenko, J Mikeš
Geometry, Integrability and Quantization 22, 78-87, 2021
On special first-type almost geodesic mappings of affine connection spaces preserving a certain tensor.
V Berezovskii, N Guseva, J Mikeš
Mathematical Notes 98, 2015
Almost Geodesic Mappings of Type \pi_1 onto Generalized Ricci-symmetric Spaces
VE Berezovski, J Mikeš
Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya …, 2009, 2009
On almost geodesic mappings of the type π1 of Riemannian spaces preserving a system n-orthogonal hypersurfaces
VE Berezovskii
Palermo: Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 1999
Conformal mappings of Riemannian spaces onto Ricci symmetric spaces
VE Berezovskii, I Hinterleitner, NI Guseva, J Mikeš
Mathematical Notes 103, 304-307, 2018
Canonical almost geodesics mappings of type onto pseudo-Riemannian manifolds
VE Berezovski, J Mikeš, A Vanžurová
Differential Geometry and Its Applications 10, 65-75, 2008
Geodesic mappings of spaces with affine connections onto generalized symmetric and Ricci-symmetric spaces
V Berezovski, Y Cherevko, I Hinterleitner, P Peška
Mathematics 8 (9), 1560, 2020
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