Kolisnyk K.V., Колісник Костянтин Васильович (ORCID:0000-0003-1417-6608)
Kolisnyk K.V., Колісник Костянтин Васильович (ORCID:0000-0003-1417-6608)
Другие именаKolesnik K, Колесник к
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Ukraine
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене kpi.kharkov.ua
Application of modern internet technologies in telemedicine screening of patient conditions
K Kolisnyk, D Deineko, T Sokol, S Kutsevlyak, O Avrunin
2019 IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of …, 2019
Improving the methods for visualization of middle ear pathologies based on telemedicine services in remote treatment
O Avrunin, K Kolisnyk, Y Nosova, R Tomashevskyi, N Shushliapina
2020 IEEE KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), 347-350, 2020
Using medical imaging in disaster medicine
Y Sokol, O Avrunin, K Kolisnyk, P Zamiatin
2020 IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2020
Turbine spirometers metrological support
YI Sokol, RS Tomashevsky, KV Kolisnyk
2016 International Conference on Electronics and Information Technology (EIT …, 2016
Actual problems of information technologies use in the telemedicine services provision in special conditions
K Kolisnyk, E Sokol, S Goldobin, V Boyko, P Zamiatin
2018 International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of …, 2018
The model of the glycemic level self-regulation for extracting the information from the glucose tolerance tests data
Y Sokol, O Solovyova, S Koval, K Kolisnyk, S Lapta, O Goncharova, ...
2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …, 2019
Applying discriminant analysis to improve telemedicine diagnostics quality
K Kolisnyk, Y Sokol, O Avrunin, V Kolisnyk, V Klymenko
IEEE EUROCON 2021-19th International Conference on Smart Technologies, 280-283, 2021
The Use of Digital Interferometry Devices to Analyze the State of Red Blood Cell Membranes
Y Sokol, K Kolisnyk, T Bernadskaya, O Vodka, S Panibrattseva, ...
2020 IEEE KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), 373-376, 2020
Improving the method of interference holography to determine the state of plasma membranes
Y Sokol, R Tomashevskyi, K Kolisnyk, T Bernadskaya
2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …, 2019
The use of drones to improve the efficiency of using telemedicine systems in emergencies
K Kolisnyk, V Kartashov, R Tomashevskyi, V Kolisnyk, S Koval, P Zamiatin
2022 IEEE 3rd KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), 1-6, 2022
Reducing the risks of medical diagnosis in an epidemic or pandemic
Y Sokol, S Lapta, K Kolisnyk, S Koval, O Avrunin
2020 IEEE KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), 351-356, 2020
Improving the accuracy of measuring the morphology of red blood cells
Y Sokol, T Bernadskaya, K Kolisnyk, S Panibrattseva
2020 IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2020
Методы статического моделирования радиотехнических систем контроля охранных периметров объектов
КВ Кослесник, ЮП Мачехин, ГИ Чурюмов
Радиотехническая система раннего обнаружения чрезвычайных ситуаций и оповещения людей в случае их возникновения
КВ Колесник, ГЕ Поляков, ГИ Чурюмов, АМ Белотел
Тр. Х Междунар. науч.-практич. конф.«СИЭТ-2009». Г Украина, г. Одесса. Г, 220, 2009
Perfection of methods for constructing remote monitoring systems for patients in emergency situations
K Kolisnyk, P Zamiatin
2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2018
Мобильная радиотехническая система экологического мониторинга чрезвычайных ситуаций
КВ Колесник, МА Шишкин, АВ Кипенский, ЕИ Сокол
Политехпериодика, 2013
Анализ принципов построения и оценка современного технического уровня радиотехнических систем охраны периметров объектов
КВ Колесник, ГЕ Поляков, ГИ Чурюмов
Інститут електродинаміки НАН України, 2009
Methodology and Use of Experimental Techniques in Analyzing Wound Dynamics of Penetrating Injuries
R Tomashevskyi, O Larin, K Kolisnyk, A Zuev, K Gumeniuk, I Lurin, ...
International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, 208-217, 2023
The use radiolocation control methods to protect the perimeters of large objects
KV Kolisnyk, AV Kipensky, EI Sokol
Proceedings the fifth world congress «Aviation in the XXI-st century …, 2012
Методика оценки качества радиотехнических систем охраны периметров территориально-распределенных объектов
КВ Колесник, АВ Кипенский, ЮП Мачехин, ГИ Чурюмов
Политехпериодика, 2012
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