Mining of Mineral Deposits
Mining of Mineral Deposits
Dnipro University of Technology
Немає підтвердженої електронної адреси - Домашня сторінка
Review of man-made mineral formations accumulation and prospects of their developing in mining industrial regions in Ukraine
M Petlovanyi, O Kuzmenko, V Lozynskyi, V Popovych, K Sai, P Saik
Mining of Mineral Deposits 13 (1), 24-38, 2019
Ecological and technological aspects of iron-ore underground mining
O Khomenko, M Kononenko, I Myronova
Mining of Mineral Deposits 11 (2), 59-67, 2017
Models and methods to make decisions while mining production scheduling
A Khorolskyi, V Hrinov, O Mamaikin, Y Demchenko
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2019
Regularities of hydromechanical amber extraction from sandy deposits
Y Malanchuk, V Korniienko, V Moshynskyi, V Soroka, A Khrystyuk, ...
Mining of Mineral Deposits 13 (1), 49-57, 2019
Review of unconventional hydrocarbon resources: production technologies and opportunities for development
OM Tolmachev, AA Urunov, SN Muminova, GP Dvoichenkova, ...
Mining of Mineral Deposits 14 (4), 113, 2020
Innovative aspects of underground coal gasification technology in mine conditions
V Falshtynskyi, P Saik, V Lozynskyi, R Dychkovskyi, M Petlovanyi
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2018
Research into stress-strain state of the rock mass condition in the process of the operation of double-unit longwalls
R Dychkovskyi, I Shavarskyi, P Saik, V Lozynskyi, V Falshtynskyi, ...
Mining of Mineral Deposits 14 (2), 85-94, 2020
Method for calculation of drilling-and-blasting operations parameters for emulsion explosives
M Kononenko, O Khomenko, M Savchenko, I Kovalenko
Mining of Mineral Deposits 13 (3), 22-30, 2019
Improving the efficiency of blasting operations in mines with the help of emulsion explosives
V Lyashenko, A Vorob'ev, V Nebohin, K Vorob'ev
Mining of Mineral Deposits 12 (1), 95-102, 2018
Industrial research into massif zonal fragmentation around mine workings
О Khomenko, M Kononenko, M Netecha
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2016
Nuclear-and-fuel power industry of Ukraine: production, science, education
O Khomenko, L Tsendjav, M Kononenko, B Janchiv
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2017
Substantiating parameters of stratification cavities formation in the roof rocks during underground coal gasification
V Falshtynskyi, V Lozynskyi, P Saik, R Dychkovskyi, M Tabachenko
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2016
Research into the process of storage and recycling technogenic phosphogypsum placers
V Moshynskyi, Z Malanchuk, V Tsymbaliuk, L Malanchuk, R Zhomyruk, ...
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2020
Choice and substantiation of stable crown shapes in deep-level iron ore mining
M Stupnik, O Kalinichenko, V Kalinichenko, S Pysmennyi, O Morhun
Mining of Mineral Deposits 12 (4), 56-32, 2018
Research into balance of rocks and underground cavities formation in the coal mine flowsheet when mining thin seams
M Petlovanyi, D Malashkevych, K Sai, S Zubko
Mining of mineral deposits, 2020
Numerical modelling of massif zonal structuring around underground working
M Kononenko, O Khomenko, A Sudakov, S Drobot, T Lkhagva
Mining of mineral deposits, 2016
Underground monitoring as the best way of roadways support design validation in a long time period
P Małkowski, Z Niedbalski, T Majcherczyk, Ł Bednarek
Mining of Mineral Deposits 14 (3), 1-14, 2020
Tendencies of coal industry development in Ukraine
V Snihur, D Malashkevych, T Vvedenska
Mining of Mineral Deposits 10 (2), 1-8, 2016
Studying the influence of the carbon dioxide injection period duration on the gas recovery factor during the gas condensate fields development under water drive
S Matkivskyi, O Kondrat
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2021
Implementation of probabilistic approach to rock mass strength estimation while excavating through fault zones
D Babets, O Sdvyzhkova, O Shashenko, K Kravchenko, EC Cabana
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2019
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Статті 1–20