Олександра Бойко
Олександра Бойко
Дніпровський держвний аграрно-економічний університет
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Cited by
Influence of diet on the productivity and characteristics of goat milk
N Zazharska, O Boyko, V Brygadyrenko
Indian Journal of Animal Research 52 (5), 711-717, 2018
Influence of water infusion of medicinal plants on larvae of Strongyloides papillosus (Nematoda, Strongyloididae)
AA Boyko, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems Diversity 24 (2), 519–525-519–525, 2016
Changes in the viability of the eggs of Ascaris suum under the influence of flavourings and source materials approved for use in and on foods
AA Boyko, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems Diversity 25 (2), 162-166, 2017
Nematocidial activity of aqueous solutions of plants of the families Cupressaceae, Rosaceae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Cannabaceae and Apiaceae
OO Boyko, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems Diversity 27 (3), 227-232, 2019
The influence of the extent of infestation by helminths upon changes in body weight of sheep in Ukraine
OO Boyko, NM Zazharska, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems Diversity 24 (1), 3-7, 2016
The impact of acids approved for use in foods on the vitality of and (Nematoda) larvae
OO Boyko, VV Brygadyrenko
Helminthologia 56 (3), 202-210, 2019
Bactericidal, protistocidal, nematodicidal properties and chemical composition of ethanol extract of Punica granatum peel
VA Palchykov, VV Zazharskyi, VV Brygadyrenko, PO Davydenko, ...
Biosystems Diversity 27 (3), 300-306, 2019
Changes in the viability of Strongyloides ransomi larvae (Nematoda, Rhabditida) under the influence of synthetic flavourings
AA Boyko, VV Brygadyrenko
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 1 (8), 36-40, 2017
Nematicidal activity of aqueous tinctures of medicinal plants against larvae of the nematodes Strongyloides papillosus and Haemonchus contortus
OO Boyko, AM Kabar, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems Diversity 28 (1), 119-123, 2020
The impact of certain flavourings and preservatives on the survivability of larvae of nematodes of Ruminantia
OO Boyko, VV Brygadyrenko
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 9 (1), 118-123, 2018
Estimation of the role of antropo-zoonosis invasion agents in the counteraction to bioterrorism
A Boyko, V Brygadyrenko, L Shendryk, I Loza
Counteraction to Chemical and Biological Terrorism in East European …, 2009
Bactericidal, protistocidal and nematodicidal properties of mixtures of alkyldimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride, didecyldimethyl ammonium chloride, glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde
VV Zazharskyi, V.V., Davydenko, P., Kulishenko, O., Chumak, V., Kryvaya, A ...
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 9 (4), 540–545, 2018
Трудові ресурси підприємства: сутність, структура та їх вплив на діяльність підприємства
ОО Бойко, АВ Ксьоншка, ЮІ Перемишленікова
Бібліотечний вісник, 14-19, 2015
Intraspecific morphological variation in free-living stages of Strongyloides papillosus (Nematoda, Strongyloididae) parasitizing various mammal species
OO Boyko, YA Gugosyan, LI Shendryk, VV Brygadyrenko
Vestnik Zoologii 53 (4), 313-324, 2019
The viability of Haemonchus contortus (Nematoda, Strongylida) and Strongyloides papillosus (Nematoda, Rhabditida) larvae exposed to various flavourings and source materials …
OO Boyko, VV Brygadyrenko
Zoodiversity 53 (6), 433-442, 2019
Оптимизация непрямого иммуноферментного анализа для выявления антител к Mycobacterium bovis
ЕВ Маслов, АА Бойко, ИА Хорьков
Ветеринария, 64, 1986
Morphological variation of four species of Strongyloides (Nematoda, Rhabditida) parasitising various mammal species
YA Gugosyan, OO Boyko, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems Diversity 27 (1), 85-98, 2019
Comparative analysis of different methods of staining the larvae Haemonchus contortus, Mullerius sp.(Nematoda, Strongylida) and Strongyloides papillosus (Nematoda, Rhabditida).
OO Boyko, YV Duda, OY Pakhomov, VV Brygadyrenko
Folia Oecologica 43 (2), 2016
Соціальна відповідальність бізнесу у період воєнного стану
О Бойко
URL: https://eba. com. ua/sotsialna-vidpovidalnist-biznesu-u-period …, 2022
Гельмінтофауна овець і кіз Дніпропетровської області
ОО Бойко
Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія: Біологія. Медицина, 87-92, 2015
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