francois henn
francois henn
professeur de chimie-physique, Université de Montpellier
Підтверджена електронна адреса в umontpellier.fr - Домашня сторінка
Electrochemical intercalation of lithium into multiwall carbon nanotubes
G Maurin, C Bousquet, F Henn, P Bernier, R Almairac, B Simon
Chemical physics letters 312 (1), 14-18, 1999
X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy analysis of new nickel hydroxide obtained by electrodialysis
S Deabate, F Fourgeot, F Henn
Journal of power sources 87 (1-2), 125-136, 2000
Characterization of Gd, Yb and Nd doped barium cerates as proton conductors
DA Stevenson, N Jiang, RM Buchanan, FEG Henn
Solid State Ionics 62 (3-4), 279-285, 1993
New insight into the vibrational behavior of nickel hydroxide and oxyhydroxide using inelastic neutron scattering, far/mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopies
JL Bantignies, S Deabate, A Righi, S Rols, P Hermet, JL Sauvajol, F Henn
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (6), 2193-2201, 2008
Dielectric, magnetic, and phonon properties of nickel hydroxide
P Hermet, L Gourrier, JL Bantignies, D Ravot, T Michel, S Deabate, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (23), 235211, 2011
Segmented and opened multi-walled carbon nanotubes
G Maurin, I Stepanek, P Bernier, JF Colomer, JB Nagy, F Henn
Carbon 39 (8), 1273-1278, 2001
Electrochemical lithium intercalation into multiwall carbon nanotubes: a micro-Raman study
G Maurin, C Bousquet, F Henn, P Bernier, R Almairac, B Simon
Solid State Ionics 136, 1295-1299, 2000
Application of the Anderson-Stuart model to the AC conduction of ionically conducting materials
SR Elliott, FEG Henn
Journal of non-crystalline solids 116 (2-3), 179-190, 1990
BSA and lysozyme adsorption on homoionic montmorillonite: Influence of the interlayer cation
M Lepoitevin, M Jaber, R Guégan, JM Janot, P Dejardin, F Henn, S Balme
Applied Clay Science 95, 396-402, 2014
Nickel hydroxide obtained by high-temperature two-step synthesis as an effective material for supercapacitor applications
VL Kovalenko, VA Kotok, AA Sykchin, IA Mudryi, BA Ananchenko, ...
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 21, 683-691, 2017
Modeling the Effect of Hydration in Zeolite Na+−Mordenite
G Maurin, RG Bell, S Devautour, F Henn, JC Giuntini
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (12), 3739-3745, 2004
Structural modifications and electrochemical behaviour of the β (II)-Ni (OH) 2/β (III)-NiOOH redox couple upon galvanostatic charging/discharging cycling
S Deabate, F Henn
Electrochimica acta 50 (14), 2823-2835, 2005
Lithium doping of multiwalled carbon nanotubes produced by catalytic decomposition
G Maurin, F Henn, B Simon, JF Colomer, JB Nagy
Nano Letters 1 (2), 75-79, 2001
New bioinspired membrane made of a biological ion channel confined into the cylindrical nanopore of a solid-state polymer.
S Balme, JM Janot, L Berardo, F Henn, D Bonhenry, S Kraszewski, ...
Nano letters 11 (2), 712-716, 2011
Electrochemical behaviour of the β (II)-Ni (OH) 2/β (III)-NiOOH redox couple upon potentiodynamic cycling conditions
S Deabate, F Fourgeot, F Henn
Electrochimica acta 51 (25), 5430-5437, 2006
Permittivity and AC Conductivity in yttria-stabilized zirconia: Application of a pairs-approximation model and determination of the binding energy of the oxygen vacancies
FEG Henn, RM Buchanan, N Jiang, DA Stevenson
Applied Physics A 60, 515-519, 1995
Conductivity and dielectric relaxation in various Ni (OH) 2 samples
S Deabate, F Henn, S Devautour, JC Giuntini
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 150 (6), J23, 2003
Voltage-activated transport of ions through single-walled carbon nanotubes
K Yazda, S Tahir, T Michel, B Loubet, M Manghi, J Bentin, F Picaud, ...
Nanoscale 9 (33), 11976-11986, 2017
Analysis of thermally stimulated currents measured on ionic conductors
S Devautour, J Vanderschueren, JC Giuntini, F Henn, JV Zanchetta
Journal of applied physics 82 (10), 5057-5062, 1997
Combining the Monte Carlo Technique with 29SI NMR Spectroscopy:  Simulations of Cation Locations in Zeolites with Various Si/Al Ratios
G Maurin, P Senet, S Devautour, P Gaveau, F Henn, VE Van Doren, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105 (38), 9157-9161, 2001
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