Surachmi Setiyaningsih
Surachmi Setiyaningsih
Підтверджена електронна адреса в apps.ipb.ac.id
Identification of new sub-genotypes of virulent Newcastle disease virus with potential panzootic features
PJ Miller, R Haddas, L Simanov, A Lublin, SF Rehmani, A Wajid, T Bibi, ...
Infection, genetics and evolution 29, 216-229, 2015
Pathology and immunohistochemistry study of Newcastle disease field case in chicken in Indonesia
D Ratih, E Handharyani, S Setiyaningsih
Veterinary world 10 (9), 1066, 2017
Bioekologi vektor demam berdarah dengue (DBD) serta deteksi virus dengue pada Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) dan Ae. albopictus (Skuse)(Diptera: Culicidae) di kelurahan endemik DBD …
Z Fadilla, UK Hadi, S Setiyaningsih
Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia 12 (1), 31-31, 2015
Recombinant Jembrana disease virus gag proteins identify several different antigenic domains but do not facilitate serological differentiation of JDV and nonpathogenic bovine …
M Desport, ME Stewart, CA Sheridan, WGF Ditcham, S Setiyaningsih, ...
Journal of virological methods 124 (1-2), 135-142, 2005
Isolation of STLV–I from Orangutan, a Great Ape Species in Southeast Asia, and Its Relation to Other HTLV–Is/STLV–Is
K Ibuki, E Ido, S Setiyaningsih, M Yamashita, LRP Agus, J Takehisa, ...
Japanese journal of cancer research 88 (1), 1-4, 1997
Studi histopatologi limpa dan bursa fabricious ayam berpenyakit tetelo (Newcastle Disease) pada kasus lapang
RD Etriwati, E Handharyani, S Setiyaningsih
Jurnal Veteriner 18 (4), 510-515, 2017
Sequence analysis of mRNA transcripts encoding Jembrana disease virus Tat-1 in vivo
S Setiyaningsih, M Desport, ME Stewart, N Hartaningsih, GE Wilcox
Virus research 132 (1-2), 220-225, 2008
Diversity, domination and behavior of mosquitoes in filariasis endemic area of Bogor District, West Java, Indonesia
M Nirwan, UK Hadi, S Soviana, F Satrija, S Setiyaningsih
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (4), 2022
First evidence of Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in Aceh cattle: Pathomorphology and antigenic distribution in the lungs
D Darniati, S Setiyaningsih, DR Agungpriyono, E Handharyani
Veterinary World 14 (4), 1007, 2021
Newcastle Disease Virus infection study on duck and chicken in Subang district.
A Panus, S Setiyaningsih, N Mayasari
Karakterisasi molekuler bovine herpesvirus Type 1 isolat Indonesia
M Saepulloh, IWT Wibawan, D Sajuthi, S Setiyaningsih, B Besar, ...
J Illmu Ternak Vet 14 (1), 66-74, 2009
Analysis of Jembrana disease virus mRNA transcripts produced during acute infection demonstrates a complex transcription pattern
ME Stewart, M Desport, S Setiyaningsih, N Hartaningsih, GE Wilcox
Virus research 135 (2), 336-339, 2008
Detection of tetracycline resistance genes among Escherichia coli isolated from layer and broiler breeders in west java, Indonesia
A Indrawati, K Khoirani, S Setiyaningsih, U Affif, SG Ningrum
Tropical Animal Science Journal 44 (3), 267-272, 2021
Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Biologik Virus Newcastle Disease
A Emilia, S Setiyaningsih, RD Soejoedono
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan-Indonesian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 9 (1), 2015
Safika; Ningrum, SG Detection of Tetracycline Resistance Genes among Escherichia coli Isolated from Layer and Broiler Breeders in West Java, Indonesia
A Indrawati, K Khoirani, S Setiyaningsih, U Affif
Trop. J. Anim. Sci 44, 267-272, 2021
Penentuan Patotipe Molekuler Virus Newcastle Disease: Isolat Lapang di Tiga Wilayah Kabupaten Jawa Timur
E Kurnianingtyas, S Setiyaningsih, A Indrawati
Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana 5 (1), 8-15, 2017
Detection of ampicillin resistance encoding gene of Escherichia coli from chickens in Bandung and Purwakarta
K Khoirani, A Indrawati, S Setiyaningsih
Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research), 2019
Identification and molecular characterization of Newcastle disease virus circulates in some districts in Aceh
MD AK, S Setiyaningsih, I Sudirman
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan-Indonesian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 13 (1), 2019
Molecular Identification and Serogrouping of Pasteurella mutocida Field Isolats
AE Pujiono, IWT Wibawan, U Afiff, S Setiyaningsih
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 197, 012046, 2018
VERIFIKASI UJI CEPAT KOMERSIAL Escherichia coli PADA CONTOH UJI DAGING SAPI BEKU (Verification of Escherichia coli Commercial Rapid Test Kit on Frozen Meat)
YQ Ayunina, T Purnawarman, S Setiyaningsih
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan-Indonesian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 10 (2 …, 2016
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