Olena E. Sych  / Е.Е. Сыч / О.Є. Сич
Olena E. Sych / Е.Е. Сыч / О.Є. Сич
I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences (IPMS NASU)
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Effect of Fe3O4, Fe and Cu doping on magnetic properties and behaviour in physiological solution of biological hydroxyapatite/glass composites
O Kuda, N Pinchuk, L Ivanchenko, O Parkhomey, O Sych, M Leonowicz, ...
Journal of materials processing technology 209 (4), 1960-1964, 2009
Effect of sintering temperature on structure and properties of highly porous glass-ceramics
A Iatsenko, O Sych, T Tomila
Processing and Application of Ceramics 9 (2), 99-105, 2015
Morphology and properties of new porous biocomposites based on biogenic hydroxyapatite and synthetic calcium phosphates
O Sych, N Pinchuk, A Parkhomey, A Kuda, L Ivanchenko, V Skorokhod, ...
Functional Materials 14 (4), 430-435, 2007
Effect of type of calcium phosphate on microstructure and properties of glass reinforced biocomposites
O Sych, N Pinchuk
Processing and Application of Ceramics 1 (1-2), 1-4, 2007
Effect of particle size of starting materials on the structure and properties of biogenic hydroxyapatite/glass composites
O Parkhomey, N Pinchuk, O Sych, T Tomila, O Kuda, H Tovstonoh, ...
Processing and Application of Ceramics 10 (1), 1-8, 2016
Tissue engineering scaffolds from La2O3-hydroxyapatite/boron glass composites
O Sych, O Gunduz, N Pinchuk, GE Stan, FN Oktar
J Aust Ceram Soc 52 (2), 103-110, 2016
In vitro investigation of bioactive glass-ceramic composites based on biogenic hydroxyapatite or synthetic calcium phosphates
N Pinchuk, O Parkhomey, O Sych
Nanoscale Research Letters 12, 1-8, 2017
The Structure and properties of biogenic hydroxyapatite ceramics: microwave and conventional sintering
GB Tovstonog, OE Sych, VV Skorokhod
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 53, 566-573, 2015
The structure and properties of calcium phosphate ceramics produced from monetite and biogenic hydroxyapatite
EE Sych, ND Pinchuk, AB Tovstonog, ME Golovkova, AV Kotlyarchuk, ...
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 53, 423-430, 2014
Microwave sintering of biogenic hydroxyapatite ceramics for reconstructive surgery
H Tovstonoh, O Sych, V Skorokhod
Processing and Application of Ceramics 8 (1), 1-5, 2014
Effect of sintering temperature on the properties of biogenic hydroxyapatite–glass composites
EE Sych, ND Pinchuk, LA Ivanchenko
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 49, 153-158, 2010
Effect of pyrogenic silicon dioxide on the structure and properties of hydroxyapatite based bioceramics
EE Sych
Glass and Ceramics 72, 107-110, 2015
Structure and properties of biogenic hydroxyapatite bioceramics modified by graphene-like structures
A Iatsenko, O Sych, A Synytsia, P Zaremba, S Zahorodnia, A Nikolenko, ...
Applied Nanoscience 13 (12), 7477-7483, 2023
Structure and properties of permeable highly porous glass-ceramics for orthopedics and traumatic surgery
EE Sych, AP Yatsenko, TV Tomila, AB Tovstonog, YI Yevych
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 55, 319-327, 2016
The efficiency of cloning stem stromal cells of the human bone marrow in the presence of highly porous glass-ceramics and its solubility ex vivo
LM Panchenko, EE Sych, AP Yatsenko
Vist. Ortoped. Travmatol. Profitez 4, 50-55, 2014
Effect of type and parameters of synthesis on the properties of magnetite nanoparticles
A Synytsia, O Sych, A Iatsenko, T Babutina, T Tomila, O Bykov, O Olifan, ...
Applied Nanoscience 12 (4), 929-937, 2022
Si-modified highly-porous ceramics based on nanostructured biogenic hydroxyapatite for medical use
O Sych, A Iatsenko, T Tomila, O Otychenko, O Bykov, Y Yevych
Advanced Nano-Bio-Materials and Devices 2 (1), 223-229, 2018
Effect of microwave sintering temperature on structure and properties of bioceramics based on biogenic hydroxyapatite
H Tovstonoh, O Sych, V Skorokhod
Functional materials 21 (4), 487-491, 2014
Structural and mechanical properties of bioactive glass–ceramic composites
OR Parkhomei, ND Pinchuk, OE Sych, TV Tomila, GB Tovstonog, ...
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 55, 172-184, 2016
Synthesis and properties of Si-modified biogenic hydroxyapatite ceramics
EE Sych, ND Pinchuk, VP Klimenko, IV Uvarova, AB Tovstonog, ...
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 54, 67-73, 2015
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