Stanislav Semenov
Stanislav Semenov
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, СНУ ім. В.Даля
Підтверджена електронна адреса в snu.edu.ua
Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles and their infrastructure in a particular European region
J Dižo, M Blatnický, S Semenov, E Mikhailov, M Kostrzewski, P Droździel, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 55, 629-636, 2021
Evaluation of ride comfort in a railway passenger car depending on a change of suspension parameters
J Dižo, M Blatnický, J Gerlici, B Leitner, R Melnik, S Semenov, E Mikhailov, ...
Sensors 21 (23), 8138, 2021
Reduction of kinematic resistance to movement of the railway vehicles
E Mikhailov, S Semenov, V Tkachenko, S Sapronova
MATEC Web of Conferences 235, 00033, 2018
The possibility of reducing kinematic slip with two-point contacting with rail wheel railway vehicle
E Mikhailov, S Semenov, E Panchenko
TEKA Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa 13 (3), 2013
Improved solution of guiding of railway vehicle in curves
E Mikhailov, S Semenov, S Sapronova, V Tkachenko, I Smyrnova, ...
Transport Means-Proceedings of the International Conference, 916-921, 2019
On the issue of wheel flange sliding along the rail
E Mikhailov, S Semenov, S Sapronova, V Tkachenko
International Conference TRANSBALTICA: Transportation Science and Technology …, 2019
Study of rail vehicles movement characteristics improvement in curves using fuzzy logic mechatronic systems
M Kapitsa, E Mikhailov, S Kliuiev, S Semenov, M Kovtanets
MATEC Web of Conferences 294, 03019, 2019
Research of possibilities of reducing the driving resistance of a railway vehicle by means of the wheel construction improvement
E Mikhailov, S Semenov, J Dižo, K Kravchenko
Transportation Research Procedia 40, 831-838, 2019
A study of improving running safety of a railway wagon with an independently rotating wheel’s flange
E Mikhailov, S Semenov, H Shvornikova, J Gerlici, M Kovtanets, J Dižo, ...
Symmetry 13 (10), 1955, 2021
Mechatronic system of control position of wheel pairs by railway vehicles in the rail track
E Mikhailov, J Gerlici, S Kliuiev, S Semenov, T Lack, K Kravchenko
AIP Conference Proceedings 2198 (1), 2019
Clarification of features of the wheel movement with a perspective constructive scheme on a rail
E Mikhailov, S Semenov, S Kliuiev, J Dižo, M Blatnický, J Gerlici, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (19), 6758, 2020
Method for determining the linear velocity of a locomotive development
V Nozhenko, M Kovtanets, O Sergienko, O Prosvirova, T Kovtanets, ...
Transport Means-Proceedings of the International Conference, 994-997, 2021
Математическое моделирование движения колесной пары с подвижными гребнями
ЕВ Михайлов, АГ Рейдемейстер, СА Семенов, КВ Макаров
ВІСНИК, 2014181, 2014
Static analysis of tipping superstructure of single-axle tractor trialer
J Dizo, M Blatnicky, R Melnik, S Semenov, E Mikhailov, J Kurtulik
Proceedings of the 21st International Scientific Conference Engineering for …, 2022
Proposal of a method for detection of a damaged hydraulic shock absorber in a vehicle’s suspension system
M Gorbunov, J Dižo, M Blatnický, K Kravchenko, S Semenov, E Mikhailov
Communications-Scientific letters of the University of Zilina 24 (1), B41-B48, 2022
The research of running resistance of a railway wagon with various wheel designs
S Semenov, E Mikhailov, J Dižo, M Blatnický
International Conference TRANSBALTICA: Transportation Science and Technology …, 2021
Strength analysis of an off-road lorry frame
J Dižo, M Blatnický, P Droździel, S Semenov, E Mikhailov, J Kurtulík
Zeszyty Naukowe. Transport/Politechnika Śląska, 2021
Обоснование рациональных характеристик мехатронных систем управления положением колесных пар
N Gorbunov, S Klyuev, E Mikhailov, S Semenov, M Kovtanets
Transport systems and technologies, 69-79, 2020
Decline of resistance to motion on railway rolling stock due to the use of wheels of perspective structural chart
E Mikhailov, S Semenov, O Reidemeister
Volodymyr Dal East Ukrainian National University, 2016
Static analysis of single-axle tractor trialer frame
J Dizo, M Blatnicky, S Semenov, E Mikhailov, R Melnik, J Kurtulik
Engineering for Rural Development. Proceedings of the International …, 2021
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