Галина Трипольська Galyna Trypolska
Energy security assessment of emerging economies under global and local challenges
I Sotnyk, T Kurbatova, O Kubatko, O Prokopenko, G Prause, Y Kovalenko, ...
Energies 14 (18), 5860, 2021
Feed-in tariff in Ukraine: The only driver of renewables' industry growth?
G Trypolska
Energy Policy 45, 645-653, 2012
Перехід України на відновлювану енергетику до 2050 року
О Дячук, М Чепелєв, Р Подолець, Г Трипольська, В Венгер, Т Саприкіна, ...
Вид-во ТОВ «АРТ КНИГА, 2017
Transition of Ukraine to the Renewable Energy by 2050
O Diachuk, M Chepeliev, R Podolets, G Trypolska, V Venger, T Saprykina, ...
Transformation of Ukraine towards Renewable Energy in 2050*, 2017
Economic Feasibility of Agricultural Biogas Production by Farms in Ukraine
G Trypolska, S Kyryziuk, V Krupin, A Wa˛s, R Podolets
Energies 15 (87), 2022
The role of bioenergy in Ukraine's climate mitigation policy by 2050
M Chepeliev, O Diachuk, R Podolets, G Trypolska
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 152, 2021
The Use of Solar Energy by Households and Energy Cooperatives in Post-War Ukraine: Lessons Learned from Austria
G Trypolska, A Rosner
Energies 15 (7610), 2022
Енергоефективність як ресурс інноваційного розвитку: Національна доповідь про стан та перспективи реалізації державної політики енергоефективності у 2009 році
СФ Єрмілов, ВМ Геєць, ВЕ Лір
Енергоефективність як ресурс інноваційного розвитку: Національна доповідь …, 2009
Wind and Solar Power Plant End-of-Life Equipment: Prospects for Management in Ukraine.
G Trypolska, T Kurbatova, O Prokopenko, H Howaniec, Y Klapkiv
Energies 15 (1662), 2022
Sustainable Energy Transitions: Overcoming Negative Externalities
UY Pysmenna, GS Trypolska
Energetika. Proceedings of CIS Higher Education Institutions and Power …, 2020
The implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU: Economic Challenges and Opportunities: scientific report
VM Heyets, TO Ostashko, ГС Трипольська, O Diachuk
Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine [in …, 2016
An assessment of the optimal level of feed-in tariffs in Ukraine
G Trypolska
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 178–186, 2014
Research trends on development of energy efficiency and renewable energy in households: A bibliometric analysis
I Sotnyr, T Kurbatova, G Trypolska, I Sokhan, V Koshel
Environmental Economics 14 (2), 13-27, 2023
Maintaining the Sustainable Energy Systems: Turning from Cost to Value
UY Pysmenna, GS Trypolska
Energetika. Proceedings of CIS Higher Education Institutions and Power …, 2020
Prospects for employment in renewable energy in Ukraine, 2014–2035
G Trypolska
International Journal of Global Energy Issues 43 (5/6), 436–457, 2021
Impact of New Renewable Electricity Generating Capacities on Employment in Ukraine in 2021-2030
G Trypolska, O Kryvda, T Kurbatova, O Andrushchenko, C Suleymanov, ...
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 98-105, 2021
Structure design of the drought risk assessment and mapping technology for adaptation of Ukrainian water sector to climate change
S Snizhko, G Trypolska, O Shevchenko, V Grebin, I Kostyrko
Geoiniformatics 2021, 2021
Агробіоенергетичний ринок України: монографія
ГС Трипольська
Київ: НАН України, 2011
Experience and Prospects of Financing Renewable Energy Projects in Ukraine
G Trypolska, O Riabchyn
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 134-143, 2022
Support scheme for electricity output from renewables in Ukraine, starting in 2030
G Trypolska
Economic Analysis and Policy, 227-235, 2019
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