Valentin Gavriljuk
Valentin Gavriljuk
Department of physical principles for design of steels and alloys, G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics NASU
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Cited by
High nitrogen steels: structure, properties, manufacture, applications
VG Gavriljuk, H Berns
Springer Science & Business Media, 1999
Decomposition of cementite in pearlitic steel due to plastic deformation
VG Gavriljuk
Materials Science and Engineering: A 345 (1-2), 81-89, 2003
Прочность и пластичность холоднодеформированной стали
VN Gridnev, VG Gavrili︠u︡k, IU Meshkov
(No Title), 1974
Распределение углерода в стали
ВГ Гаврилюк
Low-temperature martensitic transformation and deep cryogenic treatment of a tool steel
AI Tyshchenko, W Theisen, A Oppenkowski, S Siebert, ON Razumov, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (26), 7027-7039, 2010
Low-temperature martensitic transformation in tool steels in relation to their deep cryogenic treatment
VG Gavriljuk, W Theisen, VV Sirosh, EV Polshin, A Kortmann, GS Mogilny, ...
Acta Materialia 61 (5), 1705-1715, 2013
Nitrogen in iron and steel
VG Gavriljuk
ISIJ international 36 (7), 738-745, 1996
On the correlation between electron structure and short range atomic order in iron-based alloys
VG Gavriljuk, BD Shanina, H Berns
Acta materialia 48 (15), 3879-3893, 2000
High interstitial stainless austenitic steels
H Berns, V Gavriljuk, S Riedner
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Comment on “Effect of interlamellar spacing on cementite dissolution during wire drawing of pearlitic steel wires”
VG Gavriljuk
Scripta Materialia 45 (12), 1469-1472, 2001
Grain boundary strengthening in austenitic nitrogen steels
VG Gavriljuk, H Berns, C Escher, NI Glavatskaya, A Sozinov, YN Petrov
Materials Science and Engineering: A 271 (1-2), 14-21, 1999
Effect of nitrogen on the electron structure and stacking fault energy in austenitic steels
V Gavriljuk, Y Petrov, B Shanina
Scripta Materialia 55 (6), 537-540, 2006
Change in the electron structure caused by C, N and H atoms in iron and its effect on their interaction with dislocations
VG Gavriljuk, VN Shivanyuk, BD Shanina
Acta materialia 53 (19), 5017-5024, 2005
Diagnostic experimental results on the hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic steels
VG Gavriljuk, VN Shivanyuk, J Foct
Acta materialia 51 (5), 1293-1305, 2003
Cementite Decomposition in Steel During Plastic Deformation.(Review)
VN Gridnev, VG Gavrilyuk
Phys. Met.(USSR) 4 (3), 531-551, 1982
Hydrogen-induced γ→ ɛ transformation and the role of ɛ-martensite in hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic steels
SM Teus, VN Shyvanyuk, VG Gavriljuk
Materials Science and Engineering: A 497 (1-2), 290-294, 2008
Effect of nitrogen on the temperature dependence of the yield strength of austenitic steels
VG Gavriljuk, AL Sozinov, J Foct, JN Petrov, YA Polushkin
Acta Materialia 46 (4), 1157-1163, 1998
A physical concept for alloying steels with carbon+ nitrogen
VG Gavriljuk, BD Shanina, H Berns
Materials Science and Engineering: A 481, 707-712, 2008
Ab initio development of a high-strength corrosion-resistant austenitic steel
VG Gavriljuk, BD Shanina, H Berns
Acta materialia 56 (18), 5071-5082, 2008
Mössbauer effect in deformed Fe–C alloys
VN Gridnev, VV Nemoshkalenko, Y Ya. Meshkov, VG Gavrilyuk, ...
physica status solidi (a) 31 (1), 201-210, 1975
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Articles 1–20