A design of cascade control system and adaptive load compensator for battery/ultracapacitor hybrid energy storage-based direct current microgrid D Pavković, M Lobrović, M Hrgetić, A Komljenović
Energy Conversion and Management 114, 154-167, 2016
81 2016 Battery current and voltage control system design with charging application D Pavković, L Mihael, M Hrgetić, A Komljenović, V Smetko
Control Applications (CCA), 2014 IEEE Conference on, 1133-1138, 2014
42 2014 A design of DC bus control system for EVs based on battery/ultracapacitor hybrid energy storage D Pavković, M Lobrović, M Hrgetić, A Komljenović
Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC), 2014 IEEE International, 1-8, 2014
15 2014 A case study in distributed control: Elastically interconnected seesaw-cart systems M Lobrović, A Jokić, V Milić, T Žilić, M Jokić, J Kasać, Z Domitran, ...
Control and Automation (MED), 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on, 1159-1164, 2017
6 2017 Robust decentralized global asymptotic tracking control of a class of nonlinear mechanical systems J Kasac, T Zilic, V Milic, A Jokic, M Lobrovic
American Control Conference (ACC), 2016, 4731-4736, 2016
5 2016 An application of Newton-like algorithm for proportional–integral–derivative controller synthesis of seesaw-cart system V Milic, S Arandia-Kresic, M Lobrovic
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 01423312211063871, 2021
2 2021 Microgrid interfacing power electronics control algorithms for batteries, ultracapacitors and flywheel D Pavković, M Hrgetić, M Lobrović, A Komljenović, H Zvonko, M Hoić, ...
2 2013 PLC/PAC/PC-based control of an electro-hydraulic servo system Ž Šitum, M Lobrović
Ventil 19 (1), 34-40, 2013
2 2013 Distributed active vibration control of elastic beams M Lobrović, A Jokić, M Jokić
Proceedings of International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation …, 2017
2017 Distributed Control of Elastically Interconnected Seesaw-Cart Systems M Lobrović
Third Annual PhD Workshop, 2017
2017 Uncertainty Modeling of Spatially Invariant Distributed Dynamical Systems M Jokić, B Dogančić, A Jokić, M Lobrović
International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation ADMOS 2017, 2017
2017 Stability Analysis of Spatially Distributed Dynamical Systems M Lobrović
Second Annual PhD Workshop, 2016
2016 Control of Spatially Distributed Dynamical Systems M Lobrović
First Annual PhD Workshop, 2015
2015 Robust coordinated control of a battery/ultracapacitor energy storage system M Lobrović
Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 2014
2014 Development of Smart Charging and Energy Management Controls for Batteries and Ultracapacitors M Hrgetić, A Komljenović, M Lobrović, D Pavković
NIDays Croatia 2014-Graphical System Design Conference, 2014