Кафедра теорії і методики фізичного виховання
Кафедра теорії і методики фізичного виховання
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Pedagogika, psihologia ta mediko-biologicni problemi fizicnogo vihovanna i sportu
Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and …, 2013
Загальні основи теорії і методики фізичного виховання
ОМ Худолій
Харків: ОВС, 2008, 2008
Psycho-physiological features of sportsmen in impact and throwing martial arts
S Iermakov, L Podrigalo, V Romanenko, Y Tropin, N Boychenko, ...
Journal of physical education and sport 16 (2), 433, 2016
Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov*
S Blazej, C Miroslawa, K Jakub, I Sergii
Hand-grip strength as an indicator for predicting the success in martial arts athletes
S Iermakov, LV Podrigalo, W Jagiełło
Основи методики викладання гімнастики
ОМ Худолій
Харків: ОВС, 2008, 2008
Моделювання процесу навчання та розвитку рухових здібностей у дітей і підлітків: Монографія
ОМ Худолій, ОВ Іващенко
Худолій ОМ, Іващенко ОВ—Харків: ОВС 320, 2014
Special aspects of psycho-physiological reactions of different skillfulness athletes, practicing martial arts
L Podrigalo, S Iermakov, V Potop, V Romanenko, N Boychenko, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 17, 519, 2017
Computer simulation of junior gymnasts’ training process
OM Khudolii, OV Ivashchenko, SS Iermakov, OG Rumba
Science of Gymnastics Journal 8 (3), 215-228, 2016
Classification of motor fitness of 7-9 years old boys
OM Khudolii, SS Iermakov, K Prusik
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 15 (2), 245, 2015
Systemic approach and mathematical modeling in physical education and sports
A Lopatiev, O Ivashchenko, O Khudolii, Y Pjanylo, S Chernenko, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES) 17 (1), 146-155, 2017
Simulation as method of classification of 7-9th form boy pupils' motor fitness
OV Ivashchenko, OM Khudolii, TS Yermakova, P Wieslawa, M Radoslaw, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 15 (1), 142, 2015
The problems of students’ physical training individualization
VA Druz, SS Iermakov, MO Nosko, LY Shesterova, NA Novitskaya
Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and …, 2017
Osobennosti fizicheskogo vospitaniia studentov special'noj medicinskoj gruppy v pedagogicheskom vuze [Peculiarities of physical education of special health group’s students in …
SS Iermakov, IV Krivencova, AA Minenok
Visnik Chernigivs' kogo derzhavnogo pedagogichnogo universitetu imeni TG …, 2013
The use of didactic laws in the teaching of the physical elements involved in judo techniques
G Arziutov, S Iermakov, P Bartik, WJ Cynarski
Factorial model of motor fitness of junior forms' boys
OM Khudolii, SS Iermakov, KV Ananchenko
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 15 (3), 585, 2015
Factorial and discriminant analysis as methodological basis of pedagogic control over motor and functional fitness of 14–16 year old girls
O Ivashchenko, O Khudolii, T Yermakova, S Iermakov
Functional state of martial arts athletes during implementation process of controlled activity–comparative analysis
V Romanenko, L Podrigalo, S Iermakov, O Rovnaya, E Tolstoplet, ...
Physical Activity Review 6, 87-93, 2018
Discriminant analysis in classification of motor fitness of 9-11 forms' juniors.
OV Ivashchenko, TS Yermakova, M Cieślicka, H Żukowska
Journal of Physical Education & Sport 15 (2), 2015
Закономірності процесу навчання юних гімнастів
ОМ Худолій, СС Єрмаков
Теорія та методика фізичного виховання, 3-41, 2011
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Articles 1–20