Михайло Яджак, Mykhailo Yadzhak, Yadzhak M.S., Jadzhak M.S., Iadjak M.
Михайло Яджак, Mykhailo Yadzhak, Yadzhak M.S., Jadzhak M.S., Iadjak M.
Інститут прикладних проблем механіки і математики ім. Я.С. Підстригача НАН України
Підтверджена електронна адреса в iapmm.lviv.ua
Complex deterministic evaluation of hierarchically-network systems. II. Local and forecasting evaluation
DO Polishchuk, OD Polishchuk, MS Yadzhak
System Research and Information Technologies, 26-38, 2015
Network structures and systems: I. Flow characteristics of complex networks
OD Polishchuk, MS Yadzhak
System research and informational technologies, 42-54, 2018
Complex deterministic evaluation of hierarchically-network systems. IV. Interactive evaluation
DO Polishchuk, OD Polishchuk, MS Yadzhak
System Research and Information Technologies, 7-16, 2016
Solution of some problems of evaluation of the complex systems
D Polishchuk, O Polishchuk, M Yadzhak
The 15 th International conference on automatic control, 23-26 September …, 2008
Quality evaluation of complex systems function on the base of parallel calculations
OD Polishchuk, MI Tyutyunnyk, MS Yadzhak
Information Extraction and Processing 26 (102), 121-126, 2007
Complex deterministic evaluation of hierarchically-network systems. I. Methods description
DO Polishchuk, OD Polishchuk, MS Yadzhak
System Research and Information Technologies, 21-31, 2015
An optimal algorithm to solve digital filtering problem with the use of adaptive smoothing
MS Yadzhak, MI Tyutyunnyk
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 49, 449-456, 2013
Construction of optimal algorithms for mass computations in digital filtering problems
AV Anisimov, MS Yadzhak
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 44 (4), 465-476, 2008
Network structures and systems: III. Hierarchies and networks
OD Polishchuk, MS Yadzhak
System research and informational technologies, 82-95, 2018
Issues of Regional Development and Evaluation Problems
O Polishchuk, D Polishchuk, M Tyutyunnyk, M Yadzhak
AASCIT Communications 2 (4), 115-120, 2015
Complex Evaluation of Hierarchically-Network Systems
D Polishchuk, O Polishchuk, M Yadzhak
Automatic Control and Information Sciences 2 (2), 32-44, 2014
Comparison of methods of complex system evaluation
D Polishchuk, O Polishchuk, M Yadzhak
Information Extraction and Processing 32 (108), 110-118, 2010
Network structures and systems: II. Cores of networks and multiplexes
OD Polishchuk, MS Yadzhak
System research and informational technologies, 38-51, 2018
Big Data Processing in Complex Hierarchical Network Systems II: Computer Environments and Parallelization
O Polishchuk, D Polishchuk, M Tyutyunnyk, M Yadzhak
AASCIT Communications 3 (3), 119-124, 2016
Високопаралельні алгоритми та засоби для розв'язання задач масових арифметичних і логічних обчислень
МС Яджак
Автореферат дисертації ... д. ф.-м. н., спеціальність 01.05.03, 33 с., 2009
On optimal in one class algorithm for solving three-dimensional digital filtering problem
MS Yadzhak
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 33 (1), 51-63, 2001
Complex deterministic evaluation of complex hierarchical network systems: III. Aggregate assessment
DO Polishchuk, OD Polishchuk, MS Yajak
System Research and Information Technologies, 20–31, 2015
Network structures and systems: IV. Parallel processing of continuous monitoring results
OD Polishchuk, MS Yadzhak
System Research and Information Technologies, 105-114, 2019
The Optimal Solution Algorithm for the Two-Dimensional Problem of Digital Filtering
VA Valkovskiy, MS Yadzhak
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 31 (12), 72-80, 1999
Використання часових рядів для прогнозування оцінки якості функціонування складних систем
Д Поліщук, М Яджак
Зб. праць Міжн. наук. конф.«Сучасні проблеми механіки і математики».—25–29 …, 2008
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