Yurii Kuts/Юрий Васильевич Куц/Юрій Васильович Куц/Iuriy Kuts/Uriy Kuts/Yuriy Kuts/U.V. Kuts
Yurii Kuts/Юрий Васильевич Куц/Юрій Васильович Куц/Iuriy Kuts/Uriy Kuts/Yuriy Kuts/U.V. Kuts
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, professor
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Статистична фазометрія [наукова монографія]
ЮВ Куц
Тернопіль: Тернопільський державний технічний університет, 2009р.–383 с, 2009
Основи ультразвукового неруйнівного контролю
ВК Цапенко, ЮВ Куц
Models of measuring signals and fields
VP Babak, SV Babak, VS Eremenko, YV Kuts, MV Myslovych, ...
Models and Measures in Measurements and Monitoring, 33-59, 2021
Models and measures for the diagnosis of electric power equipment
VP Babak, SV Babak, VS Eremenko, YV Kuts, MV Myslovych, ...
Models and Measures in Measurements and Monitoring, 99-126, 2021
Application of material measure in measurements: theoretical aspects
V Babak, A Zaporozhets, Y Kuts, L Scherbak, V Eremenko
Systems, Decision and Control in Energy II, 261-269, 2021
Статистичний аналіз даних вимірювань
ВС Єременко, ЮВ Куц, ВМ Мокійчук, СО Вікторівна
К.: НАУ, 2015
Information and measurement technologies for solving problems of energy informatics
V Babak, L Scherbak, Y Kuts, A Zaporozhets
The 1st International Workshop on Information Technologies: Theoretical and …, 2021
Применение методов фазометрии для прецизионного измерения расстояний
СМ Маевский, ВГ Баженов, ЕК Батуревич, ЮВ Куц
К.: Вища шк 83, 1983
Advanced signal processing methods for inspection of aircraft structural materials
I Lysenko, V Eremenko, Y Kuts, A Protasov, V Uchanin
Transactions on Aerospace research 2020 (2), 27-35, 2020
Problems and features of measurements
VP Babak, SV Babak, VS Eremenko, YV Kuts, MV Myslovych, ...
Models and Measures in Measurements and Monitoring, 1-31, 2021
Теоретические основы информационно-измерительных систем
ВП Бабак, СВ Бабак, ВС Єременко, ЮВ Куц, НБ Марченко, ...
Models and characteristics of identification of noise stochastic signals of research objects
V Babak, A Zaporozhets, Y Kuts, M Myslovych, M Fryz, L Scherbak
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3309, 349-362, 2022
Monitoring the air pollution with UAVs
VP Babak, SV Babak, VS Eremenko, YV Kuts, MV Myslovych, ...
Models and Measures in Measurements and Monitoring, 191-225, 2021
Using multidifferential transducer for pulsed eddy current object inspection
Y Kuts, A Protasov, I Lysenko, O Dugin, O Bliznuk, V Uchanin
2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2017
Models and measures for atmospheric pollution monitoring
VP Babak, SV Babak, VS Eremenko, YV Kuts, MV Myslovych, ...
Models and Measures in Measurements and Monitoring, 227-266, 2021
Models and measures in measurements and monitoring
VP Babak, SV Babak, VS Eremenko, YV Kuts, MV Myslovych, ...
Springer International Publishing, 2021
Study of parametric transducer operation in pulsed eddy current non-destructive testing
Y Kuts, S Maievskyi, A Protasov, I Lysenko, O Dugin
2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …, 2018
Analysis of an Eddy-Current Transducer with Impulsive Excitation in the Nondestructive Testing of Cylindrical Objects
YV Kuts, YY Lysenko, AL Dugin, AF Zakrevskii
Materials Science 52 (3), 431–437, 2016
Застосування перетворення Гільберта у фазометрії
ЮВ Куц, ЛМ Щербак
Технологические системы 2, 50-55, 2004
Using signal phase in computerized systems of non-destructive testing
Z Mei, Y Kuts, O Kochan, I Lysenko, O Levchenko, H Vlakh-Vyhrynovska
Measurement science review 22 (1), 32-43, 2022
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Articles 1–20