Іван Кирчей (Ivan Kyrchei,  Ivan I. Kyrchei, I. I. Kirchei, I. I. Kirche, I.I. Kyrchey
Іван Кирчей (Ivan Kyrchei, Ivan I. Kyrchei, I. I. Kirchei, I. I. Kirche, I.I. Kyrchey
пр.н.с., Інститут прикладних проблем механіки і математики ім. Я. С.
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Cited by
Explicit representation formulas for the minimum norm least squares solutions of some quaternion matrix equations
I Kyrchei
Linear Algebra and its Applications 438 (1), 136-152, 2013
Cramer's rule for quaternionic systems of linear equations
II Kyrchei
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 155 (6), 839-858, 2008
Determinantal representations of the Drazin inverse over the quaternion skew field with applications to some matrix equations
I Kyrchei
Applied Mathematics and Computation 238, 193–207, 2014
Determinantal representations of the Moore–Penrose inverse over the quaternion skew field and corresponding Cramer's rules
II Kyrchei
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 59 (4), 413-431, 2011
The Theory of the Column and Row Determinants in a Quaternion Linear Algebra
II Kyrchei
Advances in Mathematics Research 15, 301-358, 2012
Cramer’s rules for Sylvester quaternion matrix equation and its special cases
I Kyrchei
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 28, 1-26, 2018
Determinantal representations of the W-weighted Drazin inverse over the quaternion skew field
I Kyrchei
Applied Mathematics and Computation 264 (1), 453-465, 2015
Cramer’s rule for some quaternion matrix equations
II Kyrchei
Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (5), 2024-2030, 2010
Weighted singular value decomposition and determinantal representations of the quaternion weighted Moore–Penrose inverse
I Kyrchei
Applied Mathematics and Computation 309, 1-16, 2017
Analogs of the adjoint matrix for generalized inverses and corresponding Cramer rules
II Kyrchei
Linear and Multilinear algebra 56 (4), 453-469, 2008
Determinantal Representations of Solutions to Systems of Quaternion Matrix Equations
I Kyrchei
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2018
Determinantal Representations of the Drazin and W-Weighted Drazin Inverses Over the Quaternion Skew Field with Applications
I Kyrchei
Quaternions: Theory and Applications, 201-276, 2017
Explicit formulas for determinantal representations of the Drazin inverse solutions of some matrix and differential matrix equations
I Kyrchei
Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (14), 7632-7644, 2013
Cramer's Rule for Generalized Inverse Solutions
II Kyrchei
Advances in Linear Algebra Research (Mathematics Research Developments), 2015
Analogs of Cramer’s rule for the minimum norm least squares solutions of some matrix equations
I Kyrchei
Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (11), 6375-6384, 2012
Determinantal representations of the quaternion weighted Moore-Penrose inverse and its applications
II Kyrchei
Advances in mathematics research, 35-96, 2017
Determinantal representations of the core inverse and its generalizations with applications
II Kyrchei
Journal of Mathematics 2019 (1), 1631979, 2019
Explicit determinantal representation formulas of W-weighted Drazin inverse solutions of some matrix equations over the quaternion skew field
I Kyrchei
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2016, 2016
Explicit determinantal representation formulas for the solution of the two-sided restricted quaternionic matrix equation
I Kyrchei
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2017
Cramer’s Rules of η η-(skew-) Hermitian solutions to the quaternion Sylvester-type matrix equations
I Kyrchei
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 29, 1-31, 2019
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Articles 1–20