Lesya Voytenko (Л.В. Войтенко)
Lesya Voytenko (Л.В. Войтенко)
Senior Staft Scientist of the Department of Phytohormonology, N.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS
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Cited by
Cited by
Exogenous phytohormones in the regulation of growth and development of cereals under abiotic stresses
IV Kosakivska, NP Vedenicheva, LM Babenko, LV Voytenko, ...
Molecular Biology Reports 49 (1), 617-628, 2022
Effects of abscisic acid on the contents of polyamines and proline in common bean plants under salt stress
NI Shevyakova, LI Musatenko, LA Stetsenko, NP Vedenicheva, ...
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 60, 200-211, 2013
Effect of temperature on accumulation of abscisic acid and indole-3-acetic acid in Triticum aestivum L. seedlings
IV Kosakivska, LV Voytenko, RV Likhnyovskiy, AY Ustinova
Genetics and Plant Physiology 4 (3-4), 201-208, 2014
Polyfunctional phytohormone abscisic acid
LV Voytenko, IV Kosakivska
Visnyk Kharkiv. nats. ahr. univ. Ser. Biology 1 (37), 27-41, 2016
Accumulation of phytohormones by soil bacteria Azotobacter vinelandii and Bacillus subtilis under the influence of nanomaterials
A Chobotarov, M Volkogon, L Voytenko, I Kurdish
The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences 7 (3), 271, 2017
Phytohormones during growth and development of Polypodiophyta
IV Kosakivska, LM Babenko, MM Shcherbatiuk, NP Vedenicheva, ...
Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences 1 (1), 26-44, 2016
Endogenous Phytohormones of Fern Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth Gametophytes at Different Stages of Morphogenesis in vitro Culture
IV Kosakivska, VA Vasyuk, LV Voytenko, MM Shcherbatiuk, ...
Cytology and Genetics 54, 23-30, 2020
Morphogenesis, pigment content, phytohormones and productivity of eggplants under the action of gibberellin and tebuconazole
VV Rogach, LV Voytenko, MM Shcherbatiuk, IV Kosakivska, TI Rogach
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 11 (1), 116-122, 2020
Влияние засоления на содержание фитогормонов в листьях Мesembryanthemum crystallinum L.
НП Веденичева, ЛВ Войтенко, ЛИ Мусатенко, ЛА Стеценко, ...
Харків: Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. ВВ Докучаєва, 2010
Biometric characteristics and surface microstructure of vegetative and reproductive organs of heterosporous water fern Salvinia natans
L Babenko, O Vasheka, M Shcherbatiuk, P Romanenko, L Voytenko, ...
Flora 252, 44-50, 2019
Effect of exogenous abscisic acid on morphological characteristics of winter wheat and spelt under hyperthermia
IV Kosakivska, VA Vasyuk, LV Voytenko
Plant Physiology and Genetics 51 (4), 324-337, 2019
Effect of temperature on Triticum aestivum L. seedlings growth and phytohormone balance
IV Kosakivska, LV Voytenko, RV Likhnyovskiy
Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry 11 (4), 91-99, 2015
Поліфункціональний фітогормон абсцизова кислота
ЛВ Войтенко, ІВ Косаківська
Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету. Серія: Біологія, 27-41, 2016
Profiling of hormones in plant tissues: history, modern approaches, use in biotechnology
MM Shcherbatiuk, LV Voytenko
Biotechnologia Acta 13 (4), 14-25, 2020
Регуляция абсцизовой кислотой содержания полиаминов и пролина в растениях фасоли при солевом стрессе
ЛП Войтенко, КМ Сытник, ВВ Кузнецов
Физиология растений 60 (1), 1-13, 2013
Влияние засоления на ростовые показатели растений Phaseolus vulgaris L., содержание фитогормонов и полиаминов
НИ Шевякова, ЛИ Мусатенко, ЛА Стеценко, ВЮ Ракитин, ...
Физиология и биохимия культурных растений, 2010
Changes in hormonal status of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) after heat stress and in recovery period
IV Kosakivska, VA Vasyuk, LV Voytenko, MM Shcherbatiuk
Cereal Research Communications 50 (4), 821-830, 2022
Morphogenesis, pigment content, phytohormones and productivity of sweet pepper under the action of gibberellin and tebuconazole
TIR V. V. Rogach*, V. G. Kuryata*, I. V. Kosakivska**, L. V. Voitenko**, M ...
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems. 12 (2), 294-301, 2021
Effect of exogenous abscisic acid on seed germination and growth of winter wheat seedlings under zinc stress
VA Vasyuk, LV Voytenko, MM Shcherbatiuk, IV Kosakivska
Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry 15 (2), 68-78, 2019
Lipoxygenase activity in Equisetum arvense L. ontogenesis
LM Babenko, LV Voytenko, TD Skaterna, LI Musatenko
Phisiologia Rasteniy i Genetika 46 (1), 37-44, 2014
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Articles 1–20