Богданов Вячеслав Леонидович
Богданов Вячеслав Леонидович
Президія НАН України
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Fracture under initial stresses acting along cracks: Approach, concept and results
AN Guz, VM Nazarenko, VL Bogdanov
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 48 (3), 285-303, 2007
Spatial Problems of the Fracture of Materials Loaded Along Cracks (Review)
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics 51 (5), 489-560, 2015
Influence of initial stresses on the stressed state of a composite with a periodic system of parallel coaxial normal tensile cracks
VL Bogdanov
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 186 (1), 1-13, 2012
Fracture of a body with a periodic set of coaxial cracks under forces directed along them: An axisymmetric problem
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics, 2009
Definition of rational conditions of materials grinding in energy-saving milling complex
VS Bogdanov, AA Romanovich, ND Vorobyov
World Applied Sciences Journal 25 (2), 214-221, 2013
Nonclassical Problems in the Fracture Mechanics of Composites with Interacting Cracks
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics 51 (1), 64-84, 2015
Influence of initial stress on fracture of a halfspace containing a penny-shaped crack under radical shear
VM Nazarenko, VL Bogdanov, H Altenbach
International Journal of Fracture, 275-289, 2000
Combined analysis of fracture under stresses acting along cracks
AN Guz, VM Nazarenko, VL Bogdanov
Arch. Appl. Mech. 83 (9), 1273-1293, 2013
Nonaxisymmetric compressive failure of a circular crack parallel to a surface of halfspace
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 22 (3), 239-247, 1995
Effect of residual stresses on fracture of semi-infinite composites with cracks
VL Bogdanov
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 15 (6), 453-460, 2008
On a circular shear crack in a semiinfinite composite with initial stresses
VL Bogdanov
Materials Science 43, 321-330, 2007
Stress–strain state of a material under forces acting along a periodic set of coaxial mode II penny-shaped cracks
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics, 2011
Influence of initial stresses on fracture of composite materials containing interacting cracks
VL Bogdanov
Математичні методи та фізико-механічні поля 51 (3), 176-185, 2008
Influence of initial stresses on fracture of composite materials containing interacting cracks
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2010
Fracture of semiinfinite material with a circular surface crack in compression along the crack plane
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics, 1992
Study of the compressive failure of a semi-infinite elastic material with a harmonic potential
VL Bogdanov, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics 30 (10), 760–765, 1994
Linking distributed optimization models for food, water, and energy security nexus management
Y Ermoliev, AG Zagorodny, VL Bogdanov, T Ermolieva, P Havlik, ...
Sustainability 14 (3), 1255, 2022
Fracture of materials under compression along cracks
AN Guz, VL Bogdanov, VM Nazarenko
Springer International Publishing, 2020
От Геродота до Интернета: очерки занимательного источниковедения
В Богданов
ООО Издательство Весь Мир, 2014
Зовнішньоекономічна діяльність: Консультації. Роз'яснення спеціалістів міністерств та відомств. Нормативна база. Первинна документація
Т Абрамцова, Є Авер'янова, В Богданов
Д.: ТОВ" Баланс-Клуб, 2006
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Articles 1–20