Богданов Вячеслав Леонидович
Богданов Вячеслав Леонидович
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Fracture under initial stresses acting along cracks: Approach, concept and results
AN Guz, VM Nazarenko, VL Bogdanov
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 48 (3), 285-303, 2007
Spatial Problems of the Fracture of Materials Loaded Along Cracks (Review)
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics 51 (5), 489-560, 2015
Influence of initial stresses on the stressed state of a composite with a periodic system of parallel coaxial normal tensile cracks
VL Bogdanov
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 186 (1), 1-13, 2012
Definition of rational conditions of materials grinding in energy-saving milling complex
VS Bogdanov, AA Romanovich, ND Vorobyov
World Applied Sciences Journal 25 (2), 214-221, 2013
Fracture of a body with a periodic set of coaxial cracks under forces directed along them: An axisymmetric problem
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics, 2009
Nonclassical Problems in the Fracture Mechanics of Composites with Interacting Cracks
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics 51 (1), 64-84, 2015
Influence of initial stress on fracture of a halfspace containing a penny-shaped crack under radical shear
VM Nazarenko, VL Bogdanov, H Altenbach
International Journal of Fracture, 275-289, 2000
Combined analysis of fracture under stresses acting along cracks
AN Guz, VM Nazarenko, VL Bogdanov
Arch. Appl. Mech. 83 (9), 1273-1293, 2013
Nonaxisymmetric compressive failure of a circular crack parallel to a surface of halfspace
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 22 (3), 239-247, 1995
Effect of residual stresses on fracture of semi-infinite composites with cracks
VL Bogdanov
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 15 (6), 453-460, 2008
Stress–strain state of a material under forces acting along a periodic set of coaxial mode II penny-shaped cracks
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics, 2011
Influence of initial stresses on fracture of composite materials containing interacting cracks
VL Bogdanov
Математичні методи та фізико-механічні поля 51 (3), 176-185, 2008
On a circular shear crack in a semiinfinite composite with initial stresses
VL Bogdanov
Materials Science 43, 321-330, 2007
Influence of initial stresses on fracture of composite materials containing interacting cracks
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2010
Fracture of semiinfinite material with a circular surface crack in compression along the crack plane
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics, 1992
Study of the compressive failure of a semi-infinite elastic material with a harmonic potential
VL Bogdanov, VM Nazarenko
International Applied Mechanics 30 (10), 760–765, 1994
Fracture of materials under compression along cracks
AN Guz, VL Bogdanov, VM Nazarenko
Springer International Publishing, 2020
От Геродота до Интернета: очерки занимательного источниковедения
В Богданов
ООО Издательство Весь Мир, 2014
Linking distributed optimization models for food, water, and energy security nexus management
Y Ermoliev, AG Zagorodny, VL Bogdanov, T Ermolieva, P Havlik, ...
Sustainability 14 (3), 1255, 2022
Unified approach in non-classical problems of fracture mechanics
VL Bogdanov, AN Guz, VM Nazarenko
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken [in Russian], 2017
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Articles 1–20