Олена Рогачова (ORCID: 0000-0001-7584-656X)
Олена Рогачова (ORCID: 0000-0001-7584-656X)
Другие именаOlena Rogachova, Rogacheva E.I., Elena Rogacheva
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (grid.18192.33/ROR 00yp5c433). UKRAINE
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Phase Diagrams and Structure of Some Semiconductor A2ICVI-B2IIICVI Alloys
LS Palatnik, EI Rogacheva
Soviet Physics Doklady 12, 503, 1967
Quantum size effects in PbSe quantum wells
EI Rogacheva, TV Tavrina, ON Nashchekina, SN Grigorov, KA Nasedkin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 80 (15), 2690-2692, 2002
Oscillatory behaviour of the transport properties in PbTe quantum wells
EI Rogacheva, ON Nashchekina, SN Grigorov, MA Us, MS Dresselhaus, ...
Nanotechnology 14 (1), 53, 2002
Quantum size effects in n-PbTe∕ p-SnTe∕ n-PbTe heterostructures
EI Rogacheva, ON Nashchekina, AV Meriuts, SG Lyubchenko, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (6), 2005
Quantum-size effects in n-type bismuth thin films
EI Rogacheva, SN Grigorov, ON Nashchekina, S Lyubchenko, ...
Applied physics letters 82 (16), 2628-2630, 2003
Effect of thickness on the thermoelectric properties of PbS thin films
EI Rogacheva, ON Nashchekina, YO Vekhov, MS Dresselhaus, ...
Thin solid films 423 (1), 115-118, 2003
Effect of oxidation on the thermoelectric properties of PbTe and PbS epitaxial films
EI Rogacheva, IM Krivulkin, ON Nashchekina, AY Sipatov, VV Volobuev, ...
Applied Physics Letters 78 (12), 1661-1663, 2001
Critical phenomena in heavily-doped semiconducting compounds
EI Rogacheva
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 32 (S3), 775-777, 1993
Equilibrium Phase Diagrams and Structure of a A 2 1 C VI–B 2 III C 3 VI Semiconductor Alloys
LS Palatnik, EI Rogacheva
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 174 (1), 80-83, 1967
On concentration-dependent microhardness in semiconductor solid solutions
EI Rogacheva
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy 25 (5), 754-757, 1989
Percolation transition of thermoelectric properties in PbTe thin films
EI Rogacheva, IM Krivulkin, ON Nashchekina, AY Sipatov, VA Volobuev, ...
Applied Physics Letters 78 (21), 3238-3240, 2001
Semimetal–semiconductor transition in thin Bi films
EI Rogacheva, SG Lyubchenko, MS Dresselhaus
Thin Solid Films 516 (10), 3411-3415, 2008
Quantum size effects in IV–VI quantum wells
EI Rogacheva, ON Nashchekina, TV Tavrina, M Us, MS Dresselhaus, ...
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 17, 313-315, 2003
Concentration Anomalies of Properties in PbGeTe Solid Solutions
EI Rogacheva, NA Sinelnik, ON Nashchekina
Acta Physica Polonica A 84 (4), 729-732, 1993
Concentration dependences of properties in Pb1−xMnxTe solid solutions
EI Rogacheva, IM Krivulkin, VP Popov, TA Lobkovskaya
physica status solidi (a) 148 (2), K65-K67, 1995
Growth mechanism and thermoelectric properties of PbTe/SnTe/PbTe heterostructures
EI Rogacheva, SN Grigorov, ON Nashchekina, TV Tavrina, ...
Thin Solid Films 493 (1-2), 41-48, 2005
Concentration anomalies of properties in Bi–Sb semimetallic solid solutions
EI Rogacheva, AA Yakovleva, VI Pinegin, MS Dresselhaus
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 69 (2-3), 580-584, 2008
Oscillations in the thickness dependences of the room-temperature Seebeck coefficient in SnTe thin films
EI Rogacheva, ON Nashchekina, YO Vekhov, MS Dresselhaus, ...
Thin Solid Films 484 (1-2), 433-437, 2005
Self-organization processes in impurity subsystem of solid solutions
EI Rogacheva
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64 (9-10), 1579-1583, 2003
Microhardness of Pb1-xMnxTe Semimagnetic Solid Solutions
EI Rogacheva, AS Sologubenko, IM Krivul'kin
Inorganic materials 34 (6), 545-549, 1998
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