Anke Schaffartzik
Anke Schaffartzik
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University
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A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part II: synthesizing the insights
H Haberl, D Wiedenhofer, D Virág, G Kalt, B Plank, P Brockway, ...
Environmental research letters 15 (6), 065003, 2020
Global material flows and resource productivity: forty years of evidence
H Schandl, M Fischer‐Kowalski, J West, S Giljum, M Dittrich, ...
Journal of Industrial Ecology 22 (4), 827-838, 2018
Global patterns of ecologically unequal exchange: Implications for sustainability in the 21st century
C Dorninger, A Hornborg, DJ Abson, H Von Wehrden, A Schaffartzik, ...
Ecological economics 179, 106824, 2021
The global metabolic transition: Regional patterns and trends of global material flows, 1950–2010
A Schaffartzik, A Mayer, S Gingrich, N Eisenmenger, C Loy, F Krausmann
Global Environmental Change 26, 87-97, 2014
From planetary to societal boundaries: an argument for collectively defined self-limitation
U Brand, B Muraca, É Pineault, M Sahakian, A Schaffartzik, A Novy, ...
Sustainability: science, practice and policy 17 (1), 264-291, 2021
A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part I: bibliometric and conceptual mapping
D Wiedenhofer, D Virág, G Kalt, B Plank, J Streeck, M Pichler, A Mayer, ...
Environmental research letters 15 (6), 063002, 2020
Surge in global metal mining threatens vulnerable ecosystems
S Luckeneder, S Giljum, A Schaffartzik, V Maus, M Tost
Global Environmental Change 69, 102303, 2021
Cropland area embodied in international trade: Contradictory results from different approaches
T Kastner, A Schaffartzik, N Eisenmenger, KH Erb, H Haberl, ...
Ecological Economics 104, 140-144, 2014
Talk renewables, walk coal: The paradox of India's energy transition
B Roy, A Schaffartzik
Ecological Economics 180, 106871, 2021
International trade drives global resource use: a structural decomposition analysis of raw material consumption from 1990–2010
B Plank, N Eisenmenger, A Schaffartzik, D Wiedenhofer
Environmental Science & Technology 52 (7), 4190-4198, 2018
Using embodied HANPP to analyze teleconnections in the global land system: Conceptual considerations
H Haberl, KH Erb, F Krausmann, S Berecz, N Ludwiczek, J Martínez-Alier, ...
Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 109 (2), 119-130, 2009
Contested territorialization and biophysical expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia
A Brad, A Schaffartzik, M Pichler, C Plank
Geoforum 64, 100-111, 2015
Global patterns of metal extractivism, 1950–2010: Providing the bones for the industrial society's skeleton
A Schaffartzik, A Mayer, N Eisenmenger, F Krausmann
Ecological Economics 122, 101-110, 2016
Global material flows and resource productivity: assessment report for the UNEP international resource panel
H Schandl, M Fischer-Kowalski, J West, S Giljum, M Dittrich, ...
United Nations Environment Programme: Paris, France, 2016
Consumption‐based material flow accounting: Austrian trade and consumption in raw material equivalents 1995–2007
A Schaffartzik, N Eisenmenger, F Krausmann, H Weisz
Journal of Industrial Ecology 18 (1), 102-112, 2014
Drivers of society-nature relations in the Anthropocene and their implications for sustainability transformations
M Pichler, A Schaffartzik, H Haberl, C Görg
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 26, 32-36, 2017
Scrutinizing the Great Acceleration: The Anthropocene and its analytic challenges for social-ecological transformations
C Görg, C Plank, D Wiedenhofer, A Mayer, M Pichler, A Schaffartzik, ...
The Anthropocene Review 7 (1), 42-61, 2020
Trading land: a review of approaches to accounting for upstream land requirements of traded products
A Schaffartzik, H Haberl, T Kastner, D Wiedenhofer, N Eisenmenger, ...
Journal of industrial ecology 19 (5), 703-714, 2015
The high ‘price’of dematerialization: A dynamic panel data analysis of material use and economic recession
Q Shao, A Schaffartzik, A Mayer, F Krausmann
Journal of Cleaner Production 167, 120-132, 2017
Consumption-based material flow indicators—Comparing six ways of calculating the Austrian raw material consumption providing six results
N Eisenmenger, D Wiedenhofer, A Schaffartzik, S Giljum, M Bruckner, ...
Ecological Economics 128, 177-186, 2016
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Articles 1–20