Testing breast cancer serum biomarkers for early detection and prognosis in pre-diagnosis samples A Kazarian, O Blyuss, G Metodieva, A Gentry-Maharaj, A Ryan, ... British journal of cancer 116 (4), 501-508, 2017 | 129 | 2017 |
Непрерывные задачи оптимального разбиения множеств ЕМ Киселева, НЗ Шор Наукова думка, 2005 | 109* | 2005 |
Development of PancRISK, a urine biomarker-based risk score for stratified screening of pancreatic cancer patients O Blyuss, A Zaikin, V Cherepanova, D Munblit, EM Kiseleva, ... British journal of cancer 122 (5), 692-696, 2020 | 61 | 2020 |
Theory of continuous optimal set partitioning problems as a universal mathematical formalism for constructing voronoi diagrams and their generalizations. I. Theoretical foundations EM Kiseleva, LS Koriashkina Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 51, 325-335, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
Continuous Problems of Optimal Set Partitioning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications EM Kiseleva, NZ Shor Kyiv: Naukova Dumka 564, 2005 | 38 | 2005 |
Модели и методы решения непрерывных задач оптимального разбиения множеств: линейные, нелинейные, динамические задачи ЕМ Киселева, ЛС Коряшкина Наукова думка, 2013 | 33 | 2013 |
Optimal placement of irradiation sources in the planning of radiotherapy: mathematical models and methods of solving O Blyuss, L Koriashkina, E Kiseleva, R Molchanov Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2015 (1), 142987, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
The emergence and formation of the theory of optimal set partitioning for sets of the n dimensional Euclidean space. Theory and application EM Kiseleva Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 50 (9), 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Solution of continuous problems of optimal covering with spheres using optimal set-partition theory. E Kiseleva, L Lozovskaya, E Timoshenko Cybernetics & Systems Analysis 45 (3), 2009 | 25 | 2009 |
On the efficiency of a global non-differentiable optimization algorithm based on the method of optimal set partitioning E Kiseleva, T Stepanchuk Journal of Global Optimization 25 (2), 209-235, 2003 | 25 | 2003 |
Algorithm for solving a continuous problem of optimal partitioning with neurolinguistic identification of functions in target functional EM Kiseleva, OM Prytomanova, SV Zhuravel Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 50 (3), 2018 | 22 | 2018 |
Решение непрерывных задач оптимального покрытия шарами с использованием теории оптимального разбиения множеств ЕМ Киселева, ЛИ Лозовская, ЕВ Тимошенко Кибернетика и системный анализ, 98-117, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
Valuation of startups investment attractiveness based on neuro-fuzzy technologies EM Kiseleva, OM Prytomanova, SV Zhuravel Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 48 (9), 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
Solving a continuous single-product problem of optimal partitioning with additional conditions EM Kiseleva, YE Kadochnikova Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 41 (7), 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
Теория оптимального разбиения множеств в задачах распознавания образов, анализа и идентификации систем СА Ус, ОМ Кісельова, ЛС Коряшкіна НГУ, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
An Algorithm to Construct Generalized Voronoi Diagrams with Fuzzy Parameters Based on the Theory of Optimal Partitioning and Neuro-Fuzzy Technologies. E Kiseleva, L Hart, O Prytomanova, O Kuzenkov MoMLeT, 148-162, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Математические методы оптимального разбиения множеств и их приложения ЕМ Киселева Днепропетровск: ДГУ, 1982 | 12 | 1982 |
Solving a Two-stage Continuous-discrete Problem of Optimal Partitioning-Allocation with Subsets Centers Placement E Kiseleva, O Prytomanova, L Hart Open Computer Science 10 (1), 124-136, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
Solving a Two-Stage Continuous-Discrete Problem of Optimal Partition–Allocation with a Given Position of the Centers of Subsets ΕΜ Kiseleva, OM Prytomanova, SA Us Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 56 (1), 1-12, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Становлення та розвиток теорії оптимального розбиття множин. Теоретичні і практичні застосування ОМ Кісельова Ліра, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |