Олена М. Кісельова, Елена М. Киселева, Elena M. Kiseleva, E. M. Kiselyova, O. M. Kiselyova
Олена М. Кісельова, Елена М. Киселева, Elena M. Kiseleva, E. M. Kiselyova, O. M. Kiselyova
ДНУ ім. О.Гончара, факультет прикладної математики, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
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Cited by
Testing breast cancer serum biomarkers for early detection and prognosis in pre-diagnosis samples
A Kazarian, O Blyuss, G Metodieva, A Gentry-Maharaj, A Ryan, ...
British journal of cancer 116 (4), 501-508, 2017
Непрерывные задачи оптимального разбиения множеств
ЕМ Киселева, НЗ Шор
Наукова думка, 2005
Development of PancRISK, a urine biomarker-based risk score for stratified screening of pancreatic cancer patients
O Blyuss, A Zaikin, V Cherepanova, D Munblit, EM Kiseleva, ...
British journal of cancer 122 (5), 692-696, 2020
Theory of continuous optimal set partitioning problems as a universal mathematical formalism for constructing voronoi diagrams and their generalizations. I. Theoretical foundations
EM Kiseleva, LS Koriashkina
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 51, 325-335, 2015
Continuous Problems of Optimal Set Partitioning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
EM Kiseleva, NZ Shor
Kyiv: Naukova Dumka 564, 2005
Модели и методы решения непрерывных задач оптимального разбиения множеств: линейные, нелинейные, динамические задачи
ЕМ Киселева, ЛС Коряшкина
Наукова думка, 2013
Optimal placement of irradiation sources in the planning of radiotherapy: mathematical models and methods of solving
O Blyuss, L Koriashkina, E Kiseleva, R Molchanov
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2015 (1), 142987, 2015
The emergence and formation of the theory of optimal set partitioning for sets of the n dimensional Euclidean space. Theory and application
EM Kiseleva
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 50 (9), 2018
Solution of continuous problems of optimal covering with spheres using optimal set-partition theory.
E Kiseleva, L Lozovskaya, E Timoshenko
Cybernetics & Systems Analysis 45 (3), 2009
On the efficiency of a global non-differentiable optimization algorithm based on the method of optimal set partitioning
E Kiseleva, T Stepanchuk
Journal of Global Optimization 25 (2), 209-235, 2003
Algorithm for solving a continuous problem of optimal partitioning with neurolinguistic identification of functions in target functional
EM Kiseleva, OM Prytomanova, SV Zhuravel
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 50 (3), 2018
Решение непрерывных задач оптимального покрытия шарами с использованием теории оптимального разбиения множеств
ЕМ Киселева, ЛИ Лозовская, ЕВ Тимошенко
Кибернетика и системный анализ, 98-117, 2009
Valuation of startups investment attractiveness based on neuro-fuzzy technologies
EM Kiseleva, OM Prytomanova, SV Zhuravel
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 48 (9), 2016
Solving a continuous single-product problem of optimal partitioning with additional conditions
EM Kiseleva, YE Kadochnikova
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 41 (7), 2009
Теория оптимального разбиения множеств в задачах распознавания образов, анализа и идентификации систем
СА Ус, ОМ Кісельова, ЛС Коряшкіна
НГУ, 2015
An Algorithm to Construct Generalized Voronoi Diagrams with Fuzzy Parameters Based on the Theory of Optimal Partitioning and Neuro-Fuzzy Technologies.
E Kiseleva, L Hart, O Prytomanova, O Kuzenkov
MoMLeT, 148-162, 2019
Математические методы оптимального разбиения множеств и их приложения
ЕМ Киселева
Днепропетровск: ДГУ, 1982
Solving a Two-stage Continuous-discrete Problem of Optimal Partitioning-Allocation with Subsets Centers Placement
E Kiseleva, O Prytomanova, L Hart
Open Computer Science 10 (1), 124-136, 2020
Solving a Two-Stage Continuous-Discrete Problem of Optimal Partition–Allocation with a Given Position of the Centers of Subsets
ΕΜ Kiseleva, OM Prytomanova, SA Us
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 56 (1), 1-12, 2020
Становлення та розвиток теорії оптимального розбиття множин. Теоретичні і практичні застосування
ОМ Кісельова
Ліра, 2018
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Articles 1–20